Landings in April 2019 according to the lunar calendar

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April is a busy month for any gardener. In order for the personal plot to please in the future with strong and healthy plants and a high yield, you need to work a lot during this period: prepare the soil, plant and transplant crops, feed them, treat them from insects, etc. Let's see what days the Lunar Seed Calendar for April 2019 advises to choose.

Landings in April 2019 according to the lunar calendar

Landings in April 2019 according to the lunar calendar

Moon phases

In April 2019, the Earth satellite will be in the following phases:

  • the waning moon (phase 4) - from April 1 to April 4. These are 25-29 lunar days, respectively.
  • New Moon - 5th (29th, 30th and 1st lunar days). Starts at 11 h 50 min 21 sec.
  • Growing: the first phase - from 6 to 11 (1-7 lunar days). First quarter - April 12, 7-8 lunar days. The second phase is from 13 to 18 (8-14 lunar days).
  • Full Moon - 19th (14-15th lunar days). Start: at 2:12 pm
  • Decreasing: the third phase - from 20 to 26 (15-22 lunar days); the fourth phase - from April 27 to 30 (21-25 lunar days).

Depending on what phase the Earth's satellite is in and in what zodiac sign it is currently located, the day can be favorable or unfavorable for planting vegetables, flowers, seedlings, and carrying out certain types of work.

Planting days in April 2019

In the table below, you can find out which crops are best planted in April, when to plant seedlings and plant vegetables, and on which days the planting will not bring positive results.

Day in April 2019Zodiac sign, favorable or unfavorable period for disembarkationRecommended culture for planting (eating seeds, planting seedlings, planting)

It is considered an infertile zodiac sign.

Sowing, planting is desirable not to produce.
2 and 3Fish.

Fertile, favorable period.

Radishes, radishes, beets, onions, early varieties of carrots, cabbage - cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli. The greens are different.

Planting potatoes, horseradish.

Solanaceous seedlings can be planted in greenhouse buildings.

4, 5, 6Aries.

An extremely unfavorable time for horticultural crops.

Plants on the indicated dates are very sensitive to any impact, therefore it is not recommended to carry out any work with them on these days.

Favorable period.

Cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pumpkin, squash, squash, radish, bell pepper, corn, legumes, carrots, onions, herbs, potatoes.

Cabbage: white cabbage of late varieties, cauliflower, Peking cabbage.

Spring garlic is planted with cloves.

9, 10Twins.

The days are not very productive.

It is recommended to engage in sowing activities for planting melons, legumes, leeks, cabbage: Peking cabbage, cauliflower, greens: parsley, watercress, spices: coriander.

According to the lunar calendar, this is the right moment for planting work.

Outdoors: cabbage (seeds and seedlings), onions (sets, nigella, skoroda (chives)), legumes (beans, beans), spices (mustard), herbs (watercress, dill).

To the greenhouse: cucumbers (seeds and seedlings).Planting seeds: pumpkin, zucchini, beans (not for the purpose of obtaining seeds), seedlings: early varieties of tomatoes, eggplants, leeks.

13, 14, 15A lion.

It is considered an infertile sign.

Beans, asparagus, lettuce, Spanish goat, spices: fennel, basil.
16, 17Virgo.

Average fertility.

Lawn grass.

Average fertility.

In the ground: onions, early varieties of peas, beets and their subspecies - chard, greens, lawn grass, seedlings of various varieties of cabbage (Peking cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, kohlrabi) are planted, potatoes are planted.

In greenhouse buildings: seedlings of bell peppers, beans, melons (zucchini, pumpkin, vegetable marrow).


Unfavorable period for the gardener.

Sowing, planting and planting of any plants is not recommended on the Full Moon.
20, 21Scorpio.

Auspicious time.

In the ground: onions, parsley, carrots, radishes, cabbage seedlings (broccoli, cauliflower), celery. Planting early varieties of potatoes, garlic.

To the greenhouse: cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplants (both seeds and seedlings).

22, 23Sagittarius.

It is considered an unproductive sign.

Sowing radishes, cyclic salad, planting onions of various varieties (chives, onions, sets, seedlings - leeks), potatoes.
24, 25, 26Capricorn.

Average fertility.

Sowing material for open ground - melons (pumpkin, zucchini), legumes (peas), onions, radishes, carrots, herbs (parsley).

Potatoes, beet seedlings, cabbage (cauliflower, kohlrabi) are planted.

You can plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse.

27, 28Aquarius.

Infertile period of time.

Sowing, replanting and planting of plants is not recommended.
29, 30Fish.

It is considered to be an auspicious sign.

On the site: early varieties of radish, radish, pumpkin, zucchini, celery are sown.

Seedlings of cauliflower and head lettuce are planted.

Potatoes of early varieties, carrots, beets, legumes (beans, peanuts, peas) are planted.

To the greenhouse: tomato seedlings, cucumber (seeds and seedlings).


Tubers need to be prepared for planting

Tubers need to be prepared for planting

Some crops need to be prepared before planting.

  1. Potatoes. Warm the tubers at room temperature about 30 days before planting. Treat them with special stimulants and fertilizers. Place in a lighted place until sprouts appear. A plant prepared in this way will give the best yield.
  2. Watermelon melon. Seedlings of melons and gourds before planting should be at least 25 days.
  3. Beet. The seeds are sown in preheated soil. Otherwise, she can shoot arrows.
  4. Tomatoes. Tomatoes need a picking procedure. This will make the sprouts stronger.

Reference: if you decide to plant vegetables in a greenhouse in the first days of April, then polycarbonate is the most optimal material.

Planting flowers

The choice of the day for planting depends on the duration of the life of flowers and their type.

FlowersAuspicious daysUnfavorable days




29-30.04.19 g.





Biennial, perennial07-08.04.19;





Bulbous, tuberous02-03.04.19;






Curly, ampelous02-03.04.19;




28-30.04.19 g.

The most favorable day for planting flowers of all kinds and varieties is April 18th.

Planting seedlings

The lunar calendar will help determine the landing time

The lunar calendar will help determine the landing time

Consider what period in April 2019 is suitable for planting seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes and when, according to the lunar calendar, it is better to plant trees.

CulturesFavorable days for plantingRecommended days for rooting, droppingVaccinationsUnfavorable days
Fruit tree seedlings02-03.04.19;






















Currant, gooseberry02-03.04.19;





29-30.04.19 g.







It is advisable to plant seedlings of fruit trees in rainy, cloudy weather. If transplanting is carried out in dry, sunny weather, cover up so that the tree stands in the shade and does not get burned.

The distance from the seedlings to the buildings on the site should be at least 5 m. On average, the survival period is 2-2.5 months.

Tip: plant berry bushes immediately in the place of their further permanent location. This will allow the plants to take root before the onset of the growing season.

Gardening for April

It is desirable to form bushes on April 7

It is desirable to form bushes on April 7

The gardener, in addition to sowing, transplanting and planting, will have a lot of other work on the site. The table below will help you know which days it is best to do and when you should not.

Day in April 2019Recommended types of workNot recommended works
1Loosening the soil, mulching. Fight against harmful insects and diseases. Pruning dry branches, spraying fruit trees.Fertilization, watering.
2, 3Fertilizing seedlings, watering them, loosening the soil under them. Cleaning strawberries from dried leaves, removing weeds.Treatment of plants with agents against harmful insects and diseases.
4, 5, 6It is not recommended to perform any work during the specified period.
7, 8Pick sprouts. Top dressing with mineral fertilizers, watering. Formative pruning of seedlings and bushes. Preparation of cuttings, grafting. Digging, loosening, mulch covering the soil around the trees.
9, 10Weeding flowers, loosening the soil. Cutting cuttings for subsequent grafting. Treatment of tree seedlings and berry bushes with insect and disease control agents.Watering flowers (can provoke rotting of the root system),

picking, transplanting.

11, 12Seedling picking. Application of mineral and organic root fertilizers.

Cutting cuttings, grafting. Mowing lawn grass.

Adding pesticides to flowers, planting tuberous and ampelous species.
13, 14, 15Weeding seedlings, loosening the soil. Formation of beds. Cutting cuttings, grafting. Pruning trees for shaping and sanitizing. Spraying trees with products from harmful insects and diseases.Watering, feeding, germinating seeds.

Pinching, removing excess shoots (stepchildren).

16, 17Soil loosening, weeding. Application of mulch, mineral fertilizers to seedlings, its moderate watering, hilling, spraying. Thinning of seedlings, their picking.

Formative tree pruning, grafting, mineral dressing. Cutting bushes.

Seed soaking.
18Spreading the layers with earth. Formative pruning of shrubs.Vaccination, treatment with agents against pests and diseases.
19Any kind of work.
20, 21Thinning of seedlings. Watering, fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizing.

Processing of trees, shrubs, seedlings from insects. Removal of weeds, overgrowth.

Powder of individual branches of bushes, grafting. Soil processing.

For flowers - pruning, separation of corms, rhizomes due to an increased risk of decay.
22, 23At the gardener: thinning the seedlings. Loosening of soil, treatment of seedlings from insects, diseases.

From the gardener: reproduction of bushes with the help of layering, cuttings.

Pruning, over-watering.
24, 25, 26Seed soaking.

In greenhouses: removing weeds, fertilizing organic root crops. Loosening the soil, thinning the shoots.

On the site: weeding, grafting, pruning dry, damaged branches. Taking measures to eliminate pests living underground. Treatment for diseases.

Excessive watering, any actions with plant rhizomes.
27, 28Digging, loosening the soil, surface cultivation with a cultivator. Hilling, thinning of plants, weed control.

Pruning of dry and diseased fragments of bushes, trees, treatment with insects, diseases. Cuttings of sprouts, strawberry whiskers.

Germination of seeds. Watering, feeding seedlings.
29, 30Strawberry mustache cutting. Grafting trees.Pruning, treatment with products from harmful insects and diseases. Diving, over-watering.

Summing up

Performing work on the lunar calendar compiled for January - December 2019 in your household farm, you will strengthen your plants, achieve their better development, increase the quantity and quality of the crop.

The April troubles, carried out in accordance with the advice given in it, can make a considerable positive contribution to this issue.

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