Planting cucumbers next to other vegetables

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The quality of the cucumber crop is influenced by many factors. The development of lashes and the palatability of the fruit are directly dependent on neighboring crops. Planting cucumbers with other vegetables together can significantly improve the fruitfulness of the bushes. At the same time, some plants can harm each other if they are planted nearby.

Planting cucumbers next to other vegetables

Planting cucumbers next to other vegetables

Landing features

Cucumbers grow well after the following predecessors:

  • zucchini;
  • potatoes;
  • pepper;
  • tomato;
  • beans.

Such crops enrich the soil with potassium, which is necessary for the proper development of cucumber lashes.

The following predecessors negatively affect the growth of bushes:

  • greens;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • garlic.

Vegetables dry out the soil, so cucumbers can be misshapen or small. Also, the planting scheme depends on agricultural technology. It is best to plant seedlings without tying up from north to south. When using trellises, planting is carried out from west to east. In this case, the lashes receive the maximum amount of sunlight.

Depending on the location of the cucumbers and the previous plants, neighbors are chosen for the cucumbers. Proper placement of vegetable crops contributes to good fruiting.

What to plant on open ground

Good vegetation and quality of the harvest directly depends on what to plant a particular crop with. Most often, vegetables are planted together, which consume different mineral components.

In this case, you need to monitor the conditions of care. Moisture-loving cucumber lashes have low compatibility with vegetables that do not tolerate frequent watering.

Corn and sunflower

Corn ranks first among the vegetables that are compatible with homemade cucumbers. The crops, due to the enrichment of the soil, increase each other's yield by 20%. Also, corn stalks create a microclimate necessary for greenhouses with a greenhouse effect.

For planting in the same area with cucumber bushes, you should choose tall types of corn. In this case, the stems will act as natural tapestries for the lashes. As a rule, the shoots twine around the corn on their own, you should direct the plant a little.

Sunflowers are also a natural support for bushes. The culture also contributes to an increase in the number of greens. In turn, cucumbers enrich the soil with elements necessary for the formation of high quality seeds. These two cultures side by side represent a good symbiosis.


Such a tandem also has a good effect on the yield of cucumbers. Beans or peas are sown along the rows or along the perimeter of the plot. Legumes are high in nitrogen, enriching the soil as they grow.

After collecting the pods, the stems are not uprooted, but cut off. The root system of beans and peas is a natural fertilizer. Legumes should be sown around the perimeter if a mole has started up on the site: pests will not touch such a bed. If there is no such threat, it is better to sow beans and peas in lines.

Onion and garlic

The proximity of cucumbers with these plants is ambiguous. Bushes do not experience discomfort next to onions or garlic, but onions themselves do not tolerate such a neighbor well. However, onions and garlic are often planted alongside other vegetables. These plants are a good defense against harmful insects. You should not expect a good harvest from them next to cucumbers, but 1-2 strips should be planted to save zelents.

Other vegetables and herbs

Cucumbers and tomatoes get along well side by side

Cucumbers and tomatoes get along well side by side

Zelentsa has no changes on the same bed with cabbage. This crop does not affect the bushes. Many farmers argue over radish and radish. Some varieties are indifferent to such neighbors, while others significantly reduce fertility.

Lettuce and spinach also have twofold results from being adjacent to cucumbers. These plants stimulate root growth and protect the soil from overheating. However, they consume a large amount of water and minerals necessary for the formation of greens. Because of this, the fruits themselves often have low palatability.

Planting cucumbers and tomatoes on the same bed will not affect the yield of vegetable crops. It should only be remembered that tomatoes prefer the sunny side, while cucumber lashes value shade. Also, nightshades do not tolerate excess moisture, so watering the whips should be done carefully so as not to pour over the tomatoes.

Among the herbs, calendula can be distinguished. The flowering of this crop occurs simultaneously with cucumbers, attracting the sweet smell of pollinating bees. For non-partenocarpic varieties, additional pollination will guarantee a large harvest.

What to plant in a greenhouse

Greenhouse conditions differ significantly from the site. Planting domestic cucumbers and tomatoes together in the same greenhouse is a bad idea. Such neighbors get along together, but less humid places should be chosen for tomatoes. Frequent ventilation and dry air reduce the quality of the plants.

If it is not possible to organize 2 greenhouses, the whips should be placed in the corner farthest from the exit. Tomatoes can tolerate high humidity if they are located in places with good air circulation.

The size of the greenhouse, as a rule, does not allow planting corn or sunflowers, therefore, the following vegetables are most often planted along with cucumbers:

  • turnips;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • greens;
  • mustard;
  • beans.

The best greenhouse neighbors for cucumber bushes are bell peppers or eggplant. However, it is not recommended to plant all 3 plants together: pepper and eggplant do not get along well with each other.

Bell peppers love stuffy and warm places and do not tolerate drafts, however, unlike cucumbers, peppers need more light.

You can also plant melons and watermelons, but these crops are more thermophilic than cucumbers, so they should be planted in the farthest corner from the entrance.

What cucumbers should not be planted with

Zucchini can be distinguished among the unfavorable neighbors. Planting this vegetable close to a cucumber will lead to over-pollination, since these plants are of the same species. This will not worsen the taste of the greens, however, the seed material will become unsuitable for the subsequent cultivation of the variety.

Also, the low compatibility of domestic cucumbers and zucchini is due to the strong weaving of the zucchini, with which he clogs cucumber bushes. As a result, the plants do not receive enough light and die.

Fragrant herbs are incompatible with cucumbers. Basil, cilantro and oregano do not grow well near bushes. Also, the zelents themselves acquire a specific taste and smell.

It is especially not recommended to plant scented herbs in the same greenhouse with other crops. In a confined space, such a neighborhood can ruin the harvest.

Cucumbers also have poor compatibility with potatoes. This vegetable uses a lot of nitrogen, which is why cucumber bushes grow slowly and produce a small harvest.


The compatibility of cucumbers with other vegetables is primarily related to the growing conditions of crops. Plants that do not like moisture will not get along well next to such a neighbor.

You also need to monitor the types of vegetables, since a similar structure leads to over-pollination and degeneration of fruits. Maize and sunflower are best compatible with cucumber. Fragrant herbs and zucchini will become bad neighbors.

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