How to feed cucumbers with potassium

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Feeding cucumbers with potassium is an integral part of crop care. Even the slightest deficiency in this element can lead to crop loss.

Feeding cucumbers with potassium

Feeding cucumbers with potassium

Most of the fruits of this plant are water. Lack of nutrients leads to drying out weaving, which negatively affects the yield.

Description of feeding

Potassium monophosphate is a concentrated fertilizer in the form of white granules. This preparation contains elements that are responsible for the saturation and development of plants. The percentage of potassium humate and phosphate is 30 to 50.

Unlike nitrogen, magnesium and calcium, potassium is not an organic part of substances. It belongs to the soluble salts from which the cucumber weave cells are formed. As a result, organic fertilization can lead to a lack of this element.


Potassium monophosphate is most commonly used in small to medium sized areas. In these conditions, the high cost of feeding is compensated by a large yield of high quality cucumbers. The positive characteristics include the following fertilizer qualities:

  1. A sustained balance between potassium and phosphorus, which allows you to maximize the yield of the crop.
  2. Development of immunity to diseases and pests.
  3. Frost resistance.
  4. No toxicity to humans.

Monophosphate does not affect the acidity of the soil. Its ability to preserve natural microflora has a beneficial effect on plants.


Despite the advantages, this dressing also has negative properties. These include:

  1. Monophosphate is fed only as a solution. The solid form will not harm the plant, however, it will not give the desired effect. Because of this, this mineral complex is not suitable for autumn soil preparation.
  2. Monophosphate is absorbed only at temperatures from 2 to 18 ° C. Cold or heat slows down the breakdown of the agrochemical, due to which some of the nutrients are lost.
  3. When using this mineral complex, the amount of weeds on the site increases. At the same time, cucumbers do not tolerate weeds well, because because of them, the vegetable crop lacks moisture.

Also, this type of agrochemical quickly loses its qualities when in contact with water. It must be stored in an airtight container.

The working solution should be used immediately after preparation. In addition, it is not recommended to leave the mixture or pure agrochemical in direct sunlight.

Compatibility with other agrochemicals

Potassium monophosphate is most often used as an additional fertilizer. This is due to the rapid degradation of the agrochemical. The main mineral complexes are nitrogen substances, such as ammonium nitrate or organic fertilizers.

Monophosphate also interacts well with pesticides. It can be added to a single compound spray solution.

This type of nutrients is not recommended for use together with calcium and magnesium agrochemicals.This can lead to a chemical reaction that will reduce the quality of the crop.


When fertilizing, it is important to observe the proportions

When fertilizing, it is important to observe the proportions

Monopotassium phosphate is rarely introduced into the soil during autumn and spring preparation due to the rapid decay of chemical elements. This agrochemical is used directly to enrich the formed weave.

  1. In the greenhouse, feeding should be carried out three times during the growth period; in an open area, the bush can be fed five to six times. The same interval should be maintained between dressings.
  2. If the soil is rich in mineral components, then only two dressings with monophosphate can be carried out.
  3. The concentration of the solution should not exceed 0.2%. For cucumbers, dilute 15 g per 10 liters of water. This amount is enough for about 3-5 bushes.
  4. With foliar enrichment, the foliage and lashes of plants are sprayed with a solution. Root dressing is applied along with watering.

Before starting feeding, you should check the effect of the drug on one bush. After a couple of days, pay attention to this plant. If it began to grow actively, then the proportions are maintained correctly. Remember that an excess of minerals leads to the formation of barren flowers and a deterioration in the palatability of the fruit.

Potassium and phosphorus deficiency

Despite the agrochemical application regime, sometimes vegetables require additional feeding. This is due to the variety and climatic conditions for the growth of cucumbers.

Lack of potassium

Potassium plays an important role for cucumbers. Its lack has the following consequences for fruits:

  • the foliage of the plant loses its green color and withers;
  • the whips begin to fade;
  • bad ovary;
  • the crop is stained and brown;
  • the shape of the fruit becomes pear-shaped.

Potassium in homemade cucumbers is responsible for the amount of moisture. Its lack leads to drying out of the whips and the death of the crop.

If similar symptoms are observed, then a weak solution of potassium monophosphate must be included in watering. For 10 liters of water, 7-8 g of fertilizer should be diluted.

Lack of phosphorus

This element is involved in the life growth of the weave. If the plants lack phosphorus, then this is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • leaves closer to the roots acquire a yellowish color;
  • foliage growing over diseased shoots has a green tint with a gray tint;
  • the formation of fruits stops.

Phosphorus is a catalyst for the growing season of the crop. Its excess leads to premature aging, and a lack of it leads to a stop in development.

At the first signs of a lack of phosphorus, it is necessary to carry out foliar treatment with monophosphate. Superphosphate also helps in this situation, since it has a higher phosphorus content.

Alternative fertilizers

During the general growing season, potassium monophosphate is a universal fertilizer. However, closer to the formation of cucumbers, it is recommended to fertilize plants with potassium nitrate. This solution increases the amount of moisture in the weave, improving the palatability of the fruit. Care should be taken when using saltpeter, as cucumbers quickly outgrow standard sizes.

Potassium sulfate can also be used in the greenhouse and outdoors.

This sulfuric acid fertilizer supplies cucumbers well with phosphorus and potassium. If it contains chlorine, then top dressing can be used during autumn soil preparation. Chlorine slows down the breakdown of nutrients. However, in this case, sulfate feeding should not be carried out during active growth, as this can lead to toxicity of the fruit.


Potash fertilizers for home cucumbers play an important role during the active growing season. The main representatives of these agrochemicals are potassium monophosphate and potassium sulfate.

With the help of these fertilizers, you can significantly increase the quantity and quality of fruits. They are also safe for humans, so you can fertilize the soil right up to harvest.

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