Characteristics of a cucumber variety Far East 27

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cucumber Far East 27, despite its respectful age, remains one of the favorite varieties of knowledgeable gardeners. The reason for this is simple: they brought him out in a natural way, under the careful supervision of the workers of the research institute. The variety turned out to be quite stable and versatile, and therefore attracted many lovers of natural products.

Characteristics of a cucumber variety Far East 27

Characteristics of a cucumber variety Far East 27

Features of the variety

The ripening time of the Far Eastern 27 cucumber, in contrast to its predecessor at number 6, can ripen a little longer, about 40-55 days. This puts it among mid-season varieties. The size of the fruit ready for harvest will reach 11-15 cm, and the weight is 100-200 g. The shoots are formed well, the leaves are small, which makes harvesting easier. The number of tubercles on cucumbers is average, the skin is thick and green.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Far Eastern variety compares favorably with its exceptional unpretentiousness, and this simplifies growing and caring for it. But he also has disadvantages. The characteristics of the Far East 27 cucumber, described below, will help you navigate:

  1. They tolerate drought well, which is good news for regions that cannot boast of regular rainfall. For the same reason, the hills will not become a tangible hindrance to a good harvest;
  2. Has good resistance to fungal diseases, for example, powdery mildew or its false variety;
  3. Grade 27 will show itself great in open ground, but it also gets along with pleasure in greenhouses.
  4. The fruits are appreciated for their good fresh taste, however, they are even more wonderfully suitable for pickling.

Of the shortcomings, we can emphasize: the abundance of shoots is not the strongest side, it creates certain inconveniences. In addition, the success of the crop depends on the activity of pollinating insects, if it is low, a large number of barren flowers can be expected. An apiary nearby will have a good effect on the yield. Visual appeal can suffer, as the fruits are often hollow. And cucumbers not harvested on time quickly begin to turn yellow, but this will not affect their taste.

Growing seeds

Seeds are grown for seedlings in early April. They place it by the window, combining sunlight with fluorescent lamps when the sun sets over the horizon. And after 25-35 days the Far Eastern cucumber is ready to take its place in the garden.

You can use top dressing to make the plant easier to survive the transplant.

As a fertilizer, complex compounds are suitable, which include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and other elements. In this case, the shoots of culture 27 are strong, without signs of stuntedness and unhealthy color. Shoots sprout together, after 4-5 days.

Soil preparation

Summer residents sometimes talk about the Far Eastern cucumber 27: describing the required soil is superfluous, this culture is ready for rather harsh conditions and any soils. However, in order to achieve the best harvest, you can prepare.Good aeration ("airiness") will have a beneficial effect on the growth of cucumbers, it is enhanced by adding sawdust or leaves to the soil. Then planting one hundred percent will give a good yield level.

Determination of acidity

The plant grows well in soil with neutral acidity.

The plant grows well in soil with neutral acidity.

The Far Eastern vegetable prefers soil with neutral acidity.

It is very simple to determine it, just buy a litmus test at a gardening store and do an analysis, as written in the instructions. But there is a simpler way, these are plants that will help determine excessive acidity:

  • Wild mint;
  • Horse sorrel;
  • Moss;
  • Buttercup creeping;
  • Horsetail;
  • Plantain;
  • Ivan da Marya;

If these plants are present in abundance in your area, or near it, it is worth taking care of reducing the acidity. Wood ash will help us with this. It can be sprinkled before watering, or infused with water for a week, stirring from time to time, proportion: 2 tbsp. l. ash per 1 liter. water.


When the ground warms up to 15 degrees, you can already think about transplanting into open soil. But night frosts should not threaten to ruin your seedlings, you need to be more careful with them: if the risk of their appearance remains, the transplant must be postponed. Observe the weather: if in the evening the temperature approaches 1 ... 2 degrees, then frost is possible at night, which means that it is too early to plant.

Seedling bushes are placed at a depth of 4-5 seedlings per m2, if you do not use perches. But with support, the planting is not so dense - 3-4 plants per m2. Cucumber of any kind does not really like drafts, for this they choose a more favorable place, sometimes they use the cultivation of corn along the edge of the land plot, as a kind of shield.

Bush care

The best care is regular weeding and loosening of the soil. Watering every day will be good for growth, or every 2-3 days if the climate is humid enough. You need to water in the evening, the Far Eastern vegetable, like any other, loves warm water, preferably rainwater.

The next item is top dressing, which is made from 1 liter. manure or 10 g of urea, diluted in 10 liters. water.

Urea helps the nitrogen metabolism of the vegetable, this has a good effect on the productivity of the plant. As with watering, feed the plant in the evening. And if the region allows, marine fertilizers can show themselves well.

Pest control

Spraying the leaves with 1% urea with micronutrient fertilizers will relieve the Far Eastern vegetable from diseases, and will also become a good top dressing. They are processed immediately after the first signs of the disease. Then repeat a couple of times, to consolidate the result, the interval between spraying should be 8 days.

The composition is prepared as follows: 50-100 g of carbamide, 3-4 g of potassium permanganate, 2 g of boric acid and 2 g of copper sulfate are dissolved in a bucket of water. Copper and manganese provide protection against diseases, while carbamide and boron play the role of foliar feeding. By fertilizing cucumbers in this way, we will not oversaturate the fruits with nitrates.


Culture from the Far East won its popularity for a reason. Good climate resistance, unpretentiousness and at the same time high taste, which even the best varieties cannot always boast of, do him a great honor. Pest resistance, in turn, makes life easier for gardeners.

But despite its vitality, it is by no means worth neglecting care and fertilizers. Without a sensitive, human hand, only weeds can flourish. No matter how resistant the culture is, it will always be glad to be cared for and will pay back with good yields.

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