Description of burgundy rabbits

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Burgundy rabbit is a miracle of European selection. It was bred in France, in the province of Burgundy, from where it got its name.

Burgundy rabbit

Burgundy rabbit

In the West, rabbits of this breed are still raised in their original form, but most breeders prefer to breed improved Burgundians. Due to its pedigree qualities, this breed of rabbits is gaining popularity among livestock breeders and has good reviews.

Description Burgundy rabbit breed

Rabbits of the Burgundy breed are immediately noticeable among the rest of the herd, thanks to their bright and unusual color.

Rabbits of the Burgundy breed in the photo have a bright red coat with a red tint, and this is the standard for their color. Sometimes there are lighter individuals, but this is considered a marriage. Such animals do not go into breeding and are fattened for slaughter. If the choice fell on a variety of Burgundy farm rabbits, the description of the breed will help you find out more about them.

Burgundy Rabbit Breed Standards:

  • the body is compact;
  • the head is wide, there is a hump on the nose;
  • ears are short recumbent, their length is no more than 14 cm;
  • the neck is short;
  • body length - up to 50 cm;
  • the back is straight and powerful;
  • chest girth 35-38 cm;
  • the belly is tucked up;
  • the croup is wide, slightly rounded;
  • the tail is short, trimmed with light wool;
  • weight - 4.5-6 kg.

The rabbit from France also has another great feature: females can produce up to 12 cubs at a time.

This is a record number of babies in one birth. This fertility makes the breed unusually lucrative. So for a year, one female can bring about 50 cubs, and this is at least 250 kg of meat. It is also important that Burgundy rabbits are able to feed their offspring themselves. The female has enough milk for the whole litter, and they are also excellent mothers. Young burgundy rabbits in the video look like little hamsters. They are plump and round.

The external characteristics of the breed are as follows:

  • the body is elongated, graceful;
  • ears of medium length, erect;
  • strongly developed hind legs and sacrum;
  • the fur is bright red with a red tint, lighter on the belly;
  • thick hair on the paws;
  • eyes and claws are brown.

Breed direction

In Europe, Burgundy rabbits are widespread and are bred on many farms and subsidiary plots. In the CIS countries, the breed is only conquering the market, but it does it quite quickly. And all thanks to its breed characteristics.

The Burgundy rabbit is mainly raised for meat, as it has well-formed muscles, especially on the hind legs and rump. Young individuals quickly gain weight within 7-8 months, and then stop growing, so keeping rabbits longer than this time is unprofitable. Their meat is tender, soft and does not have a specific herbaceous aftertaste.

Considering how highly valued the Burgundian rabbit is in the farm animal market, it is possible to breed young animals for sale.Burgundy young rabbit, the price of which can vary from 300 to 700 rubles, is growing rapidly and gaining weight. Only one female is able to bring about 50 young rabbits a year, and if there are several dozen such females, then the benefits of the economy are obvious.

Burgundy rabbit breed has beautiful fur. Although it is not the most wear-resistant and does not have a thick undercoat (only a centimeter), the fur of these animals is in demand because of its bright red color. Outerwear made of such fur is quite suitable for warm winters and is able to warm its owner at air temperatures down to -15 ° C.

Rabbits of this breed have a universal focus. It is profitable to grow them both on an industrial scale on farms and on private subsidiary plots.


Despite the fact that the breed is quite strong, like all members of the family, Burgundians are susceptible to drafts, temperature changes and high humidity, therefore it is important to maintain a stable temperature in the place where animals are kept. The optimal indicator will be 18-19 ° С.

Well-pubescent paws allow keeping the animals in cages with a mesh floor, this greatly facilitates cleaning, since the feces fall through the holes. But they are also prone to pododermatitis, which can lead to the death of the pet. Most often, the disease develops in large individuals, but cases of damage to the legs of young rabbits up to 3 months old are known. The disease develops gradually:

  • wounds appear on the sole;
  • an abscess and tissue inflammation begins;
  • suppuration extends to the bone;
  • the animal dies.

The more pubescent the paws of animals, the less chance of developing the disease. Sick animals are prescribed a course of antibiotics intramuscularly, and the affected skin is treated with antiseptics and wound-healing ointments.

Burgundy rabbits do not tolerate heat and direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to sunstroke. The cages should be placed in a shaded area so that sunlight only gets in the morning hours.

The diet

Unlike other relatives, Burgundy rabbits are picky about food and have a strong digestive system. You need to be careful with cabbage, because it causes fermentation in the intestines of the animal.

The diet should be varied and contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Burgundians are fed:

  • withered grass in the summer;
  • hay in winter;
  • boiled and fresh vegetables: beets, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots;
  • cereals: wheat, barley, oats, corn;
  • concentrated feed.

An individual raised for slaughter must eat at least 90 g of grain and the same amount of concentrates per day. Animals should have 24/7 access to hay or wild withered grass. The presence of clean water in the cells is imperative.

It is necessary to maintain cleanliness of feeders and drinkers. From time to time they are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate, after which they are thoroughly washed under running water.


Females of the Burgundian breed are very fertile, and they reach sexual maturity early enough. The rabbit is ready for breeding already at 5-6 months of life, but during the first hunt, it is not recommended to bring animals together. This can harm the young rabbit's body.

The female brings up to 12 rabbits in one litter, and she has enough milk to feed all the cubs. Rabbits of this breed are good mothers, they rarely harm their offspring, but if there is no or little water in the queen cell where the female is placed for childbirth and raising the cubs, the animal replenishes the missing liquid by eating its children. This is a common mistake breeders make.

Pregnant and lactating females need peace and good nutrition. Proper care guarantees the survival of the offspring and the health of the rabbit herself.

In winter, the rabbits are recommended to be transferred to a warm heated room: this way the females can reproduce all year round, regardless of the season.

How to choose breeding rabbits

The main question is how and where to obtain breeding Burgundy rabbits for breeding. It is necessary to choose animals with pronounced breed qualities.

You cannot buy animals blindly or over the Internet. Burgundy rabbit in the photo may differ significantly from the received copy. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing rabbits. You can find many videos on this topic on the net. The main thing to know when buying a rabbit is:

  • The animal must be active and have a good appetite.
  • The eyes, nose and ears of the animal should not be dirty or have any discharge. Mucous discharge indicates the presence of infectious viral diseases or helminthic invasion.
  • The coat should be shiny and healthy looking. Bald spots or sores on the skin are symptoms of many diseases.
  • Feet should be well shaped and have healthy nails.
  • Upon purchase, the breeder must provide a registration card with date of birth and vaccinations.

It is necessary to find out the reviews about the breeder. Often mixed individuals that do not have the necessary breed characteristics are given for Burgundy rabbits.

Also, when choosing animals, you should give preference to animals born in February: they are stronger and healthier than the rest.


Breeding Burgundy rabbits is quite a lucrative business. With good care and good nutrition, the animal gives 4-6 kg of quality meat, as well as excellent quality skins.

Since the breed is not very common in Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe, the sales market for skins is not overcrowded, it will be easy to find those who want to buy bright red fur.

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