Characteristics of Molly potatoes

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This vegetable was bred by German breeders, but now it is successfully grown in many other countries. Due to its attractive presentation and excellent taste, Molly's potatoes are very popular among gardeners and professional farmers.

Characteristics of Molly potatoes

Characteristics of Molly potatoes

It is interesting that this root vegetable until the 16th century was considered poisonous and was not eaten. An agronomist from France Antoine Parmantier discovered its taste to the world, who managed to prove that not only many different, but also, most importantly, delicious dishes can be prepared from this vegetable.

Variety characteristic

According to its characteristics, the Molly potato is an early ripening table variety. After sprouting and until the tubers are fully ripe, at least 70 days pass. But you can start digging them already 50 days after the end of the vegetative period. On these days, up to 17 tons of fruits are harvested from 1 hectare of land, and after full ripening - from 18 to 22 tons. At the same time, the amount of the crop can reach up to 36 tons per hectare.

Giving a description of the Molly potato variety, vegetable growers note a number of its undeniable advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • resistance to various diseases;
  • excellent marketable appearance.

In addition, the plant is unpretentious: it perfectly tolerates dry weather and does not need additional watering. It can be grown both outdoors and under plastic in a greenhouse. The plant also has no special requirements for soil.

Description of the plant

Gardeners are looking for any information that will help them grow a vegetable and reap an excellent harvest. These root vegetables have a number of advantages that distinguish it favorably from other species.

The plants look very beautiful. Firstly, this variety is characterized by tall bushes (practically reaching 1 meter in height), and secondly, the leaves of a young seedling are large and saturated with light green color. During the growing season, the tops grow in breadth, which is why the bush takes on even larger forms. The tubers are distinguished by a neat oval shape and medium size.

Description of the fetus

The weight of the fruits does not exceed 170 g. They contain the optimal amount of starch, which gives the vegetable a pleasant and delicate taste. In terms of its taste, it corresponds to mark 4 on a five-point scale developed by farmers.

The fruits are used to prepare various dishes that are crumbly and not boiled.

Planting tubers

Follow the rules when planting

Follow the rules when planting

To grow a good harvest of Molly potatoes, the description of the variety, reviews suggest that you need to follow a number of simple, but very important rules.

  1. Before planting tubers, be sure to keep in mind that this species will grow best in those parts of the garden where perennial grasses, legumes and winter crops were previously planted.
  2. Do not plant them in the place where plants from the Solanaceae family were grown before.
  3. The most suitable mode for landing is stable and warm weather, somewhere between 18 and 23 °.
  4. Sprouted tubers should be planted in rows at least 70 cm apart.
  5. It is important that all fruits that are used for planting are healthy and not very large in size.
  6. Before planting, they should be treated with a special solution of an immunomodulator, which will accelerate the germination process of sprouts.
  7. Make sure that the tubers prepared for planting are not buried very deeply. The optimum depth of the fossa is 5 cm. This will allow the fruits not to freeze and germinate well.

Please note that in different regions of the country, the timing of planting a vegetable depends on weather conditions and may vary significantly. By the way, this type of root crop can also be grown by seed.

Care features

The Molly potato variety, as described by experts, does not need complex care methods. Follow a number of recommendations, and the plant will surely delight you with an excellent harvest.

  1. The first harrowing should be carried out seven days after planting the tubers.
  2. To protect them from possible frost, make a high hilling or use a greenhouse film.
  3. To protect the plant from pests and diseases, it is necessary to spray it with Fitosporin-M twice during the season.
  4. Proper watering is equally important. This type of root crop does not need frequent watering. On average, this should be done once every ten days, but very abundantly. If the weather is hot and sunny outside, do not water the potatoes during the day, wait until late evening or early morning, as the tubers will simply bake and disappear.
  5. The first feeding with organic fertilizers should be carried out one month after planting.
  6. Do not forget to also fight the weeds, at the same time loosen the soil and huddle the plant. If necessary, herbicides can be applied to defeat particularly harmful plants. But it’s better to try not to use this last resort.

When growing a plant, special attention must be paid to hilling seedlings. Before starting this process, keep in mind that hilling can both help you grow a good crop, and lead to completely opposite results. You should not huddle the tubers when it is hot, and vice versa, in case of heavy rains, make sure to set aside time to carry out this procedure. Water the plant well before hilling.

Disease resistance of culture

Molly is a type of root vegetable that is not susceptible to many diseases that often affect this vegetable. Thanks to the grafted immunity, he is not afraid of such diseases as late blight, scab, golden nematode.

When caring for a plant, remember that it is not always the reason that spots appear on the leaves or that rot is an infection caused by a disease. Sometimes everything is simple, the root crop suffers from an overabundance of minerals, which the vegetable is fertilized with, or non-compliance with watering and temperature regimes.

Consumer reviews

Molly potato variety characteristic reviews are only positive. Gardeners and farmers appreciate it for such advantages as simplicity in cultivation, resistance to diseases and pests, and good yields. Due to its virtues, this vegetable is grown in many countries. It is especially popular on the territory of the post-Soviet space.

Consumers also like the fact that this is an early ripening variety, thus, young potatoes will appear on the tables of summer residents early enough. Its attractive presentation is in demand among housewives, who also note the excellent taste of root crops.

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