Chinese technology of growing potatoes

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When cultivating vegetables, special attention is paid to the methods of carrying out this process. An interesting Chinese way of growing potatoes in various regions of the country. Only in the regions of Siberia and the North, this method may not bring the desired results.

Chinese technology of growing potatoes

Chinese technology of growing potatoes

Growing features

With the Chinese method of plant cultivation, attention is paid to its advantages, disadvantages and the conditions of the cultivation technology. The abundance of physical labor at the beginning of growing scares some people, but the end result leads to a desire to try their hand at a new field.

The Chinese method of growing potatoes is based on planting only high-yielding varieties. Medium yielding plants will not yield much production. You also need a special soil, light and airy, because on clay and heavy soil, it is difficult for plants to develop and form fruit. The biological feature of potatoes is that stolons are formed only on the white areas of the stems. The thickened stolons are our potato tubers.

To increase the yield, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation of stolons along the entire height of the tops. To do this, it is important not to miss the moment of sprinkling the overgrown with soil, when potatoes are grown in Chinese, preventing the stems from turning green. It is best to sprinkle it when the leaves appear and the stem does not appear above the surface.

Advantages of the method

The positive aspects include several conditions for obtaining a bountiful harvest.

  • One medium-sized tuber can give about 10 kg of production.
  • A large number of fruits are grown on a small area.
  • The method completely eliminates weeding.
  • Watering is carried out less often, but more is required.
  • Landings are practically not affected by the Colorado potato beetle.

When planting potatoes in the usual way, few can boast that they do not have to fight insects. Growing potatoes according to the new Chinese method does not require weeding, which greatly simplifies planting maintenance.

Wireworms, nematodes, cicadas and beetles are very capable of destroying the plant or partially damaging the fruit tubers. The use of poisons and other chemical protection takes time, physical labor and money, as well as getting rid of weeds. Chinese agronomists have learned to do without pesticides and hoes.

Disadvantages of the method

There are also disadvantages of the Chinese method of growing potatoes:

  • The method does not provide any guarantee of obtaining high yields.
  • Digging huge holes or trenches is sometimes beyond the power of many people.
  • Even experienced gardeners do not always succeed in creating the necessary soil correctly.
  • A large amount of organic fertilizers and special varieties of potatoes are required.

Potato growers often doubt that growing potatoes in the Chinese way is suitable for personal backyard plots in different regions of the country. It is noted that it is necessary to create a special soil rich in humus with a loose structure.

Site preparation for planting

Potatoes are planted deep

Potatoes are planted deep

There are several methods for preparing the land when using the Chinese method of planting potatoes.

  • With a small number of tubers, planting pits are prepared.
  • Ridges are manually dug into which plantings are formed.
  • Trenches can be of different widths: for one row or several rows.

Each method involves the creation of a landing site up to 1 m deep. All the excavated earth is placed along a trench or pit. According to Chinese technology, the soil needs to be improved to the state of the earth, like fluff.

In autumn, pits are prepared and organic fertilizers are placed on the bottom with a layer of about 10 cm. 3 glasses of wood ash are added to 1 m².

When spring comes, the temperature of the soil is monitored. When it reaches 12 ° C, they begin to plant the planting material. Before this, a soil is created for filling the tubers. The soil, which was taken out of the planting pits, is mixed with rotted manure, sand and ash. Sometimes rotted straw is added to make the soil looser and lighter.

Tuber preparation

Planting material can be prepared using traditional technology with a slight deviation from the norm.

  • Tuber size should not exceed the size of a chicken egg.
  • Germinate in the light and warm.
  • The potatoes, ready for planting, are cut into 2 parts.

Planting material is selected without visible damage and only super-yielding varieties. If the room temperature is about 18 ° C, then germination will take place quickly and simultaneously on all tubers.

The potatoes are laid out in boxes in 1 layer. To save more space, sprout the tubers in glass jars. At the same time, there is enough lighting for them, and a stable microclimate is created inside the container, contributing to the rapid formation of sprouts. Tubers germinate and green in about 2-3 weeks.

When the sprouts are 4 cm high, the tubers are carefully removed and cut in half. The lower part of the fruit, which does not have sprouts, according to the cultivation technology, is removed. The cut is pollinated with wood ash and dried.

Planting tubers

Each half is laid with a cut down on a pillow of fertilizers and ash, 30 cm sprinkled with a layer of prepared soil. The emerging seedlings are treated with a solution of potassium salts and again covered with soil. New seedlings are sprayed with magnesium fertilizers, the leaves are allowed to dry out, and covered with straw mulch and earth. When the pits or trenches are completely filled, to the level of the ground at the site, proceed to the next procedure for caring for the potatoes.

Cultivation of the crop

The Chinese way of planting seed potatoes requires a lot of fertilizer.

Organic matter is added with each addition of soil to the trenches, and minerals are applied by spraying the leaves. This allows the plant to form more than 10 full-fledged lashes.

When the height of the bush reaches 30 cm, each lash is bent to the soil, the leaves are removed and partially sprinkled with soil. They continue to spray with mineral fertilizers every 5 days and add organic matter to the soil in the area of ​​the base of the bush.

Planting after the soil has dried out at a depth of 10 cm. Up to 12 liters of water are added under each plant. The crusts formed after watering are removed by loosening, providing air access to the lower tiers of plantings.

Leaves and tops are often pollinated with ash. This procedure not only fertilizes the soil, but also protects plants from diseases and insects. 2 weeks after the flowering of the bushes, the tops are removed to a height of 15 cm. Harvesting is carried out when the tops are completely dry. To do this, using a shovel, carefully remove the tubers to the level of planting the seed.


Those wishing to start growing potatoes using the Chinese method must adhere to all the rules and recommendations, only in this case it will be possible to get quality products from their garden.

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