Why there are no ovaries on cauliflower

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Cauliflower is difficult to grow. With the development of new varieties and hybrids by modern breeders, it has become easier to grow a crop, but one of the few problems remains the phenomenon when there are no ovaries on cauliflower.

Reasons for the absence of ovaries on cauliflower

Reasons for the absence of ovaries on cauliflower

The benefits of growing a crop

This vegetable came to domestic markets from the hot fields of Syria. Growing in hot climates, the culture was poorly accepted in temperate latitudes. But with the work of domestic breeders, the cultivation of these useful vegetables has become available to everyone.

The benefits of growing this vegetable crop are related to the benefits of the fruit. They contain more vitamin C than their white counterpart. And there is more iron and vitamins A and P in it than in lettuce leaves. This product is dietary, easy to digest and even introduced into the first complementary foods for newborns.

Also, the vegetable is rich in fiber (3 g per 100 g of product), which is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. It also contains cholein, which is useful for the central nervous system. It is also important that the composition contains carotenoid and flavonoid antioxidants, known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

The main reasons for the absence of ovaries

When growing, there may be problems with cauliflower tying. The most common causes are:

  • wrong choice of variety;
  • poor quality of planting material;
  • unsuccessful landing site, as well as timing errors.

It is important to understand all the possible reasons in order to prevent a lack of harvest or to prevent the recurrence of the same problems in the next year. The sooner the mistakes made are identified and determined, the less effort the gardener will spend on caring for the crop in vain.

Wrong choice of variety

When the vegetable is not tied, the cauliflower may not be suitable for growing conditions. Often, the products available on the shelves of domestic stores are impressive with a large assortment. But only a few varieties remain really suitable for the climate of a certain area.

The culture itself may be unsuitable for sudden changes in air temperature, or for a constant low such indicator. Does not tie (cauliflower) at temperatures below 19-20 ° C. Some varieties are also intolerant of heat, and planting times are also dependent on the variety.

In order to avoid such problems, it is important to pay attention to cold-tolerant varieties when purchasing seeds. And in order to protect yourself from crop loss, you can purchase several varieties of crops with different ripening periods.

The quality of the planting material

It is impossible to determine the quality of the seeds when buying. The only thing that can be done is to choose a suitable variety according to the ripening period, focusing on the range of products that is on the store counter.

There will be more chances of tying cabbages if you choose seeds for planting from reputable producers. The quality of such products is always higher than that of cheap competitors.

Place and timing of boarding

Keep a distance when landing

Keep a distance when landing

A favorable time for planting early varieties of culture is the last decade of April - early May. Late varieties are suitable for planting only from the second half of May. All these terms are indicated for growing vegetables in the open field.

The crop can also be grown in a greenhouse. In greenhouse conditions, the crop is planted in April, adhering to the seating plan. Young plants are planted in rows with a distance of 55-60 cm from each other.A distance of 35-40 cm is maintained between the bushes.

The soil should be fertile with a pH level of 7. If the indicators do not match, the soil is fertilized. Cauliflower is not tied in acidic and alkaline soil. Planting of seedlings begins only at a soil temperature of at least 10 ° C. When planting in open ground, sheathing with a film may be required to create a greenhouse effect.

Errors in crop care

Poorly organized crop care can also cause setting problems. In order to prevent possible problems, you should pay attention to:

  1. Watering. It should be abundant. It is especially important to pay attention to this process during the period of leaf formation. In order for moisture to evaporate more slowly, you should mulch the soil with straw.
  2. Top dressing. Fertilizer problems often result in cauliflower not setting. Top dressing should be balanced. When planting, mineral compounds are introduced, and during the growing season, 3 procedures are required using humus or liquid mullein.
  3. Temperature control organization. Cauliflower is tied at a temperature of 18-30 ° C. At lower or higher rates, problems with the development of culture are possible.

In regions with hot climates, shading of the head of cabbage will be necessary. To form the ovary, you should cover the head from the sun by any means at hand. You can also break one sheet or tie several into a bundle.

Danger of diseases and pests

Among the possible reasons for the absence of ovaries may be cultural diseases. Yields can be threatened by both bacterial and viral and fungal diseases. The greatest danger is posed by:

  1. Keela. The defeat of the plant at the beginning of the growing season often leads to problems with the formation of ovaries. The main signs of infection are growths that form on the roots of seedlings. In summer, they rot, contaminating the soil. The only way out is to remove the affected parts of the plant and dig up the infected area of ​​the soil. Additionally, the soil should be fertilized with lime fertilizers.
  2. Vascular bacteriosis. It affects more often the leaves of the plant. They quickly turn black and rot. Often, the plant dies without having time to tie.
  3. Mosaic. Observed in case of violations of the temperature regime. The veins of the leaves are affected. They brighten. Tying does not happen for the same reason.

Pests such as aphids, fleas and caterpillars are rarely problematic. Any risk to the crop can be prevented by preventive insecticide spraying.


Tying is a complex process that depends on both the quality of the seeds and the growing conditions of the crop. Heads of cabbage are formed at an air temperature of at least 19 ° C and grow only in fertile soil. Errors in care can also affect the fact that cauliflower did not start. Do not forget about plant nutrition, temperature conditions, watering and preventive spraying from diseases and pests.

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