Characteristics of Snow White cabbage

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Cabbage Snow White is a late-ripening medicinal vegetable crop. During storage, it does not lose its presentation for a long time. The variety is highly transportable.

Characteristics of Snow White cabbage

Characteristics of Snow White cabbage

Characteristics of the variety

Snow White cabbage actively ripens in early September. The seeds are usually planted for seedlings. Planting dates - March-April according to the scheme 60 x 50 cm. Seedlings are transplanted at the age of 35-40 days 1.5-2 cm deep.

The period from germination to the onset of technical maturity is 127-150 days. Marketable yield of vegetables - 4.7-7.5 kg / sq. m.

Description of the head

Heads of cabbage of late-ripening varieties are the most productive, retain useful properties for many months. According to the description, the leaves are large, their diameter is 80-160 cm. The color of the leaves is pale green, the edges are smooth.

Characteristics of the fruit surface:

  • the surface is dense, with a waxy coating;
  • external medium-sized stump of a round shape.

The weight of the heads of the Snow White variety varies from 3 to 5 kg. When cross-sectioned, the flesh is white. Fruits are resistant to cracking.

The main advantageous characteristic of the fruit of a late-ripening vegetable culture is as follows: with a round-flat shape, the dry matter content is 7.2%. The density of the heads of cabbage is average. The petiole is short.

Application and harvesting of vegetables

The variety is versatile in use. Most often, the fruits are consumed fresh, for fermentation or winter storage. A medium-sized vegetable crop is kept fresh for up to 7 months at a temperature of 0 ° C.

The late-ripening variety is harvested when the fruit becomes dense, heavy. Too large heads of cabbage spoil quickly. Medium-sized - the optimal solution for preservation and use. Harvesting takes place from November to December 1. A prematurely harvested vegetable withers quickly, and late harvested heads of cabbage crack.

Vegetables harvested in damp weather are dried. You can store fruits:

  • on the street under a canopy;
  • in the cellar;
  • in the barn.

The humidity of the storage place should not exceed 90%, the temperature should be about 0 ° С. Fruits are cut together with roots or stumps not shorter than 3 cm. Different varieties cannot be kept together.


When growing cabbage, it is important to adhere to the rules.

When growing cabbage, it is important to adhere to the rules

To get strong fruits, strong and healthy shoots are planted. To do this, adhere to the rules of cultivation:

  • The soil for sowing is prepared in the fall. To do this, mix 5 kg of sod land, 5 kg of humus, 10 tbsp. l. ash.
  • Before sowing, the treated seeds are warmed up. Them for 15 minutes. immersed in water at a temperature of 45 ° C. After that, the seeds are kept in cool water for 6 minutes. This increases the resistance of cabbage to fungal diseases.
  • Seedlings are grown in early April.
  • In order for the seedlings to be strong, a pick is carried out 7-14 days after the emergence of shoots.
  • The capacity is chosen 5 x 5 cm. Such dimensions allow not to injure the young root when planting.
  • The first feeding with the solution is carried out 8 days after the pick. To do this, mix 2 g of potassium fertilizers and ammonium nitrate, 4 g of superphosphate and 1 liter of water. 1 liter of the mixture is enough to fertilize 50-60 plants.

In order not to burn before feeding, the seedlings are watered.For the growth of seedlings, it is recommended to use a fluorescent lamp. The seedlings are illuminated with it for about 10-14 hours a day.

For the soil, they do not use the land from the garden, on which cruciferous crops grew, in order to protect the cabbage from infections and bacteria. The best precursors for Snow White cabbage are cucumbers, potatoes, and beans.


To obtain a good harvest and strong fruits, a number of agrotechnical measures are carried out

roomAgrotechnical eventApplication methods
1WateringAfter planting seedlings in open ground, watering is carried out every 2 days. To do this, take about 8 liters per 1 sq. m. Abundant watering is required in August. Before harvesting, watered 2 times a week.
2LooseningIt is carried out as the earth's crust appears until the formation of a head of cabbage. Hoes, flat cutters, hand cultivators are used for loosening.
3FertilizersThe first feeding is applied 10-15 days after planting. The following mixture is suitable for this: 25 g of ammonia, 40 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium chloride and a bucket of water.

After 2 weeks, a second feeding is carried out with a solution of ammonium nitrate. For a mixture, 40 g of the substance are dissolved in 10 l of water.

The third feeding is carried out at the time of active growth of the head of cabbage. Use the following solution: 10 l of water is mixed with 0.5 l of mullein or chicken droppings and 15 g of potassium monophosphate. For 1 plant, 1 liter of the mixture is used.

In addition to home-made fertilizers, the plant is also fed with Agricola and Hera preparations.

4HillingHilling is carried out every week during the growth period, after - every 14 days. The plant is showered with wood ash.

When leaving, take into account the soil on which the vegetable crop grows. If the soil has high acidity, there will be no big harvest. To reduce acidity, the soil is fertilized with dolomite flour or wood ash. For 1 sq. m requires 500 g of flour or 1 kg of ash.

Watering the cabbage is stopped 14 days before harvest, and the roots are exposed. This measure also aims to prevent the head from cracking. You cannot plant cabbage for 2-3 years in one place.

Pests and diseases

If all agrotechnical requirements have been met, the plant resists diseases and harmful insects. For the prevention of keela, black leg and peronosporosis, fertilizers "Fitosporin", "Baktofit", "Fundazol" and "Planriz" are used. Diseased plants are removed, and the crop is treated with a copper solution. For this, 4 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 10 l of water.

The main pests of the Snow White variety:

  • aphid;
  • cruciferous bugs;
  • stem hidden proboscis;
  • caterpillars of cabbage whites.

Pollination with ash or tobacco dust is used to control insects. Spraying is also carried out with the preparations "Confidor", "Bankol", "Prestige". Add 1 tsp to sprayers for 10 liters of water. liquid soap so that the solution does not run off the leaves.


The Snow White variety has gained popularity among gardeners due to its resistance to diseases, long-term storage, and the possibility of using mechanized harvesting methods.

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