Characteristics of white cabbage

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Many people know how useful white cabbage is. But it can also harm the body for those who have possible allergic reactions, have problems with the thyroid gland and the gastrointestinal tract. Consider what benefits of white cabbage are observed in medicine and what harm the culture can bring.

Characteristics of white cabbage

Characteristics of white cabbage

General information

Cabbage is a sweet vegetable that can be eaten fresh or processed. Has a spherical shape. Now the vegetable has become one of the most popular among people looking after their health and figure.

Belongs to the Cruciferous family, the Angiosperms division. Basically it has a strong root system, good branching. Consider the benefits of white cabbage observed in medicine and the harm of the culture.

Other information:

  • the glycemic index (GI) of fresh and processed vegetables - 15;
  • OKPD of mid- and late-ripening vegetables -;
  • 2 commodity varieties - perfect and ordinary;
  • Latin (scientific name in Latin) name - Brassica oleracea.

To sell this vegetable crop, a certificate of compliance of the vegetable with Russian standards is required. It is made in public and private companies. White cabbage can be both beneficial and harmful. Its chemical composition directly depends on the characteristics of the cultivation of this vegetable.

Cabbage composition

The chemical composition of white cabbage allows it to be a complete food product. 100 g of a vegetable contains 90 g of water, 1 g of ash, 1 g of fiber. But this is not all that the consumer needs to know about green cabbage.

The composition of white cabbage looks like this:

ComponentSubspeciesQuantity, mg
VitaminsVitamin B1 (thiamin)0.03
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.04
Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP)0.7
Folic acid (vitamin B9)10 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)45
Vitamin E (tocopherol)0.06
Trace elementsIron0.6
Iodine3 μg
Cobalt3 μg
Manganese170 mcg
Copper70 mcg
Molybdenum10 mcg
Fluorine10 mcg

Useful properties of white cabbage depend on the conditions of its cultivation, storage and heat treatment. The most useful for health is fresh homemade white cabbage, it is most often used as the main ingredient in salads.

Calorie content of cabbage

Cabbage is low in calories

Cabbage is low in calories

The calorie content of white cabbage is quite low - 25 kcal per 100 g. It contains only 0.1 mg of fat, 18 mg of nitrates, 170 mg of potassium. In 6 g of carbohydrates, the largest part is sugar - 3.2 g, the smaller - dietary fiber (2.8 g). The low calorie content of white cabbage is also due to the content of only 1.3 g of proteins.

It is also necessary to know KBZHU not only of white cabbage, but also of other types of this vegetable crop:

Cabbage variety nameCalorie content, kcal.Fat, gProteins, gCarbohydrates, g
Chinese (chamcha, chimcha)140,151,212,25

If we compare different methods of cooking white cabbage, then ordinary cooking in chunks will be the best, so the beneficial properties of homemade white cabbage will be maximally preserved. The calorie content of boiled white cabbage is 26 g. Fats are only 0.1 g, proteins - 1.6 g, carbohydrates - 6.7 g. In the process of cooking, sugar comes out of cabbage, therefore, in this form it is recommended to be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus. It is also eaten by people who monitor their diet.

Sauerkraut also has a low energy value - 20 kcal. It is especially rich in carbohydrates - 54.2 g. A fried vegetable is harmless. Its caloric content is 40 kcal, protein concentration - 1.8 g, carbohydrates - 4.2 g, fat - 2.8 g.

The nutritional value of stewed white cabbage is very small. She has such a BJU for 100 g:

  • calorie content - 76 kcal;
  • fats - 2.9 g;
  • proteins - 1.98 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10 g.

The calorie content of pickled cabbage reaches 90 calories. In comparison with other types of vegetables, it has an increased capacity of fats (5.4 g) and carbohydrates (9.5 g). It is not particularly rich in proteins, the amount of which is equal to the average value - 1.45 g. Therefore, pickled cabbage is not recommended to eat at night.

Beneficial features

The vegetable is healthy fresh

The vegetable is healthy fresh

White cabbage is a fairly healthy product if consumed in an amount of 200 grams per day. The vegetable is most beneficial when fresh.

A table describing the beneficial properties of white cabbage:

Useful substanceHis description
Folic acidImproves blood circulation and metabolism. It is the prevention of atherosclerosis. For women, it is useful for a normal, easy pregnancy.
Tartonic acidSlows down the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Thins, thickens the blood.
PotassiumPromotes the elimination of excess fluid from the body. Helps to improve the digestive process, especially in men.
CelluloseRemoves excess cholesterol. Prevents the development of dysbiosis, that is, normalizes the microflora in the stomach. It has a diuretic effect. Helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Application in traditional medicine

White cabbage is often used for medicinal purposes. It is usually prescribed for gout. This is due to the fact that there are no purines in the vegetable, due to which gouty deposits are usually formed and this disease develops. The beneficial properties of white cabbage extend to the choleretic system. White cabbage leaves are composed of dietary fiber that prevents the absorption of bile acids and the development of gallstone disease.

The benefits of white cabbage are used in the treatment of other diseases:

  • kidney failure;
  • ulcers (mild stage);
  • gastritis (initial stage);
  • hemorrhoids (especially in men);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

The cabbage leaf will help with thrombophlebitis (varicose veins). In order for such beneficial properties of white cabbage to help in treatment, it is necessary to roll the leaf with a rolling pin, grease it with oil (preferably olive oil) and apply it to the place where varicose veins are most often formed. The leaves must be strengthened with a bandage and left for a day. The duration of such treatment is a month.

White cabbage, and especially its leaves, perfectly help relieve pain and cramps. To do this, you need to attach any part of the vegetable to the inflamed area. White cabbage effectively helps if you have a headache. To do this, the vegetable must be slightly beaten off (so that the leaves let the juice out) and applied to the temples or other part of the head for 30 minutes. Another option is to drink 300 ml of cabbage juice a day.

Fresh white cabbage is useful for atherosclerosis. You need only 15 minutes before a meal to drink 200 ml of freshly squeezed juice.

For angina, such juice should be mixed with warm, boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio.The solution is used to rinse the throat and mouth.

With low acidity, you should drink 50-100 ml of juice on an empty stomach. The same remedy will help with an ulcer, if it is at its initial stage. Gradually, the dose should be increased to 1 glass per day. The duration of such treatment is 2-3 months.

Cooking applications

White cabbage contains many nutrients, but improper cooking can destroy them and make the vegetable unhealthy. Remember, people with exacerbated stomach diseases should not eat fresh vegetables.

White cabbage or other types of vegetables like to eat boiled. They can also be added to baked goods.

You can cook many dishes from cabbage

You can cook many dishes from cabbage

Low-calorie cream soups are often made from the vegetable. Often, dishes from this product are included on fasting days due to the high content of fiber (dietary fiber).

Healthy white cabbage dishes:

  • pancakes;
  • cold vegetable salads;
  • pancakes;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • borscht;
  • chimcha;
  • chamcha;
  • homemade shawarma;
  • casseroles, etc.

For people with gout, stewed cabbage dishes will be useful, because during the extinguishing process, all harmful components are eliminated, and only useful minerals remain. You can also ferment white cabbage. In the process of processing, it is saturated with useful mineral components and can even be used by children.


In certain situations, white cabbage can be harmful to the body. It is harmful to the thyroid gland. It should not be used by those with gastrointestinal problems, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome. People with liver disease should also limit their intake of this type of vegetable.

White cabbage is a taboo product for those who are allergic to it. In adults, it rarely manifests itself, but babies experience extremely unpleasant sensations. If the first signs of allergy have been identified, an urgent need to give the child medicine, because the consequences of individual intolerance can be dangerous.


The harm of white cabbage mainly lies in the presence of goitrogens. Only fresh cabbage contains these trace elements. These substances are formed in the stomach during the process of food pickling. Their harm is as follows:

  1. Iodine deficiency. This is dangerous for people with thyroid problems. after consuming fresh cabbage, it starts to function even worse.
  2. The concentration of iodine in breast milk increases. This can cause the formation of cretinism and hypothyroidism. there will be a deficiency of the necessary hormones.
  3. Thyroid cancer is actively developing. Initially, excessive amounts of goitrogens lead to iodine deficiency and later to cancer.

It is important to keep in mind that goitrogens are only found in fresh cabbage. In fermented and stewed them, they are not due to heat treatment.

The harm of cabbage juice

If the juice was made from cabbage with a high content of nitrates, then it can be very dangerous for human health and life.

People with gastritis should carefully drink freeze-dried cabbage juice. It is better to dilute it with other juices or plain water to reduce the acidity of the product.

People with the following diseases need to stop drinking such juice at all:

  • pancreatitis;
  • an acute form of an ulcer;
  • various liver diseases.

White cabbage is harmful to nursing mothers. On HB, you should drink cabbage juice very carefully, because it causes increased gas production, which will negatively affect the quality of milk. As a result, babies may experience flatulence, colic.

Useful and harmful properties of different varieties of white cabbage

Different types and varieties of cabbage differ in their properties. Today, the following classification of white cabbage is distinguished:

Name of variety, hybridUsefulness and dignityHarm and disadvantages
Mother-in-lawVery useful if eaten dried. It is not bitter, so it tastes good.It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.Mother-in-law is not subject to long-term storage. As a result, it loses its useful properties and cracks. If you use it 2-3 weeks after collection, there is a risk of poisoning.
SkorospelkaIt can be stored in an apartment in a dark place, but it is better to use it fresh. So it goes well with rice, therefore it is used to make stuffed cabbage.Early maturation is demanding in care. If consumed pickled, it can harm the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

If planted early, it will bloom and will not yield a high-quality harvest.

Menza F1Belongs to the Dutch selection. Rich in calcium and fiber. It is quickly digested and does not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.Pickled or fried may cause vomiting or severe burning.
F1 swanGreat for freezing. It can be consumed by young children of all ages due to its high fiber content.The weight of this white cabbage is small - up to 1 kg, which is why it is suitable only for making salads. The juice from it will be bitter, which can provoke heartburn.
Creumont F1Sweet cabbage, no bitterness. Suitable for storage in the cellar, basement. It can be frozen and stored for 2-3 months.There is a contraindication - Menza is not allowed for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes or an acute form of an ulcer.
Magnus f1It can be stored in a cool place in the apartment (even a refrigerator will do). Helps in the treatment of gallstone disease.Due to its high nitrate content, it should be introduced into the diet gradually.
Kolya f1A variety bred by Russian breeders. Suitable for home storage at -1 to 2 ° C. Kolya is an excellent base for a headache compress. Can be processed into juice.The cost of the variety starts from 1,700 rubles for 2,000 seeds. A high concentration of freshly squeezed juice can significantly increase the acidity in the stomach.
Number one Gribovsky 147Such frozen cabbage has a beneficial effect on reproductive function in men.

This is the best variety for growing in Siberia. Resistant to typical Russian winter.

Unlike other varieties, it has a storage contraindication. This variety is best consumed fresh, because when processed, this white cabbage loses its useful qualities.
Dietmarscher FruerHer homeland is Holland. It is very crunchy when eaten fresh, which is why it is often an ingredient in cold salads.It has a small head size - about 800 g.

When consumed stewed, provokes iodine deficiency

Snowflake f1Origin - Russia. This hybrid variety is valued for its high yield level - up to 90 tons per hectare. Used for fermentation.Requires careful head formation and abundant watering. It has weak and short roots. If added fresh to meals, it can cause heartburn.
VictoryThe main feature of the variety is the rich red color of the leaves.

The variety is productive. From 1 hectare, you can collect 100-120 tons. It also has a pleasant crunch when consumed fresh.

Victory is cultivated regularly in order to obtain an excellent harvest. They are grown only by seeds. otherwise it will yield a poor harvest.
Copenhagen MarketIts distinguishing characteristic is that it is part of the hamster's diet. It will help to remove digestive problems in dogs. Human benefit - high fiber content.It needs to be hilled during the growing process. If it is consumed by people with gout not stewed, but fresh, it contributes to the progression of the disease.
Malachite F1Recommended to be eaten raw, natural. If you want, you can stew it or cook it.Not suitable for frying, because then it will be high in calories. She has a poorly developed root system, so various feeding should be done.


White cabbage is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains vitamins, macro- and microelements.It is valued for its ability to prevent the development of gout, ulcers, gastritis, if you know. But besides the benefits, white cabbage is harmful. Among the harmful properties of the vegetable is the cause of an allergic reaction, aggravation of liver diseases, the formation of swelling in babies from mother's milk.

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