Reasons why turkeys fight among themselves and methods of solving the problem

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Turkeys are one of the most interesting and unpredictable pets, often their behavior is difficult to explain and argue. Turkeys fight among themselves for various reasons, often one of these situations is the division of territory.

Causes of turkey fights and methods of solving the problem

Causes of turkey fights and methods of solving the problem

Why turkeys fight among themselves: what to do

Almost all owners of such animals complain about the problem with regard to behavior and fights between some species, or even similar animals. Recently, it has become more and more popular to breed turkey poults not only for their own purposes, but also with the prospect of making a profit from the sale. gourmet meat.

It is very important to follow all the tips and tricks. on keeping your own birds, then the whole brood will be healthy and there will be no problems in the process of their growth. Often the impetus for this behavior can be several factors, which is especially important, because the definition of one of them will tell you how to proceed and what methods to solve the trouble.

  1. Character traits, individual specific nuances and characteristics of the species itself.
  2. Mating and maturation period of representatives of this family. One of the main reasons, the most basic and generally solvable.
  3. This behavior can be caused by the fact that the conditions of detention are at a poor level and the cattle begins to aggressively signal about it.
  4. The most elementary and naive situation can be when they simply spend the night in a very cramped room, and all that needs to be done is simply to expand the place where they are kept.
  5. Poor diet, lack of vitamins and all the substances necessary for the body also affect the fact that the bird begins to behave strangely and destroys smaller and weakened individuals.

Behavior and main causes of fights in turkey poults

Regardless of the reason, a solution must be found in order to preserve the livestock and prevent losses. If you let everything take its course, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the Turkeys can peck each other not only feathers and tails, but how awful it may sound, gnaw out eyes and beaks, create large and very deep wounds, which as a result may be accompanied diseases and infections... The fact is that such an inflammatory process and a wound are easily exposed to diseases, therefore it can be dangerous not only for the affected chicks, but also for the entire livestock.

One of the noble goals that paternal instincts play is to protect their offspring. That is why adults and the largest Turkeys stray into groups and attack those who, in their opinion, pose a threat to the babies.

It is worth noting that moral traits and principles exist and are embedded even in the most primitive animals, Turkeys, on the contrary, are intelligent and fairly conscious individuals.In each flock, a leader eats, the right to be called such, according to observations and experiments, can be gained with the help of showdowns. As a result of such hostilities, the weakest or the smallest and most frail representatives die, some consider such actions cannibalism. By the way, an interesting factor can be considered the fact that same-sex relationships are common among turkeys. This occurs as a result of the fact that the stronger individuals do not allow others to approach the females.

It is worth saying that often fights and fights are started not only between several flocks, even within the livestock, females can divide territories and rights, or share feeders and nests. In this case, it will be a little difficult to fix this behavior, but it is possible.

In order to understand the true cause and root of the problem, you need to figure out why it appeared. First you need to understand which of the representatives is starting such actions.

Why males fight and how to tell them apart from females

Sex differences and characteristics play an important role, because turkeys mature much earlier, so their needs are much higher than for turkeys. Sometimes aggression can be confused with the unusual behavior of the female when she expresses her desire and activity. At the same time, it gives out loud and sharp sounds, begins to go around the males in circles and carefully examine the target. Sometimes she begins to peck and fight with strong representatives in order to get his attention. Such behavior is justified and it will not bring much harm to any of the participants. The only danger that lies in wait for them in the process of mating is their sharp claws, but if they are cut and looked after from time to time, they will not create any difficulties.

Fights will not harm birds

Fights will not harm birds

to be dominant in the flock, males have to constantly prove their right to do so, to demonstrate all the aggression, anger and strength. Experts recommend, in order to avoid such situations, to remove separately 1 turkey per five to seven females, a few weeks before the start of egg laying.

It is also worth noting here that in order to avoid a showdown, mating should be carried out either before 10 in the morning, or after 17, this will ensure greater productivity and protect them from jealousy within the pack.

Tips for organizing a turkey house as prevention of fights

It also happens that Turkeys fight exactly when they are in a room or a chicken coop. what to do in this case?

The pecking of eggs and the young itself signals that the real square of the room is not spacious enough for such a number of animals. The worse equipped turkey poultry, the more conflicts and fights will arise.

The first thing to understand is the consequences, because it is easier to prevent the causes than the consequences. Young and not yet fully emboldened individuals will suffer, you can learn about this from bruises, abrasions, hemorrhages and multiple hematomas on the bird's body. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but frequent such fights can affect the growth and quality of the animal's meat.

  1. A maximum of 2-3 females, 1-2 males and no more than 5-6 small growing turkey poults can be placed per 1 square meter.
  2. Perches and various perches will help place the maximum number of birds in a small but tall barn. The best option would be to calculate the number of logs and consumables within 30 centimeters per adult.
  3. For transportation or temporary housing, cages and metal sieve boxes can be used. The smallest size is considered to be 40x60x50, the larger and more spacious the cage, the more comfortable the Turkeys will feel.

How to avoid fights between turkeys

Angry, hungry and dissatisfied domestic animals will, first of all, lose weight and lose weight before our eyes, which is unacceptable in agriculture or in breeding livestock. what to do to avoid fights as a result of improper housekeeping and care?

Turkeys fight more often if:

  1. They do not receive enough light, heat and nutrients for the normal functioning and maintenance of all life processes. so that they receive in full all the substances they need, use when feeding (cereals, concentrated feed and additives, impurities, fresh grass and greens, needles, hay, chalk, sand and crushed screenings or stone)
  2. Do not overdo it with lighting, since when laying eggs, they strain their vessels and venous canals, acquire bright and rich red hues, which attracts the attention of other birds.


If you carefully monitor the humidity of the air, animals will not feel irritated, their skin will no longer dry out, and they will not peck at each other's bodies, because blood and open untreated wounds heal very badly.

If the problem could not be solved, or you still found a method to deal with it, do not forget to treat the sore spots, disinfect the rooms where they are kept and, in order to prevent, monitor the condition of the beak.

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