Why is turkey meat useful?

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The health trend has put an end to many animal products. To prolong youth and preserve your figure, you need to be attentive to the food you eat. Why is turkey meat useful, whose appearance revolutionized cooking? Let's take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of popular food.

Why is turkey meat useful?

Why is turkey meat useful?


The homeland of turkeys is America, and the first individuals were brought to Europe on the ships of the Spanish conquerors at the beginning of the 16th century. The tasty and low-fat product came to my liking, so the bird became grow at home... With skillful grooming, males reach 20 kg, and females - 15.

There is practically no cholesterol in fibers, but a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. In terms of the speed of assimilation, the protein exceeds the indices of rabbit meat and chickens. Saturation comes with a smaller portion eaten, which is why it has begun to be recommended in many diets.

In America and Western Europe, turkey meat has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity. It has firmly taken center stage in national cuisines or replaced the fatty components. The domestic consumer looks with apprehension at the supermarket shelves, not knowing where and how the product can be used.

In terms of taste, tender meat is between chicken and pork... It does not have the specific aroma of a bird, which is so annoying with regular use. The minimum amount of fat is absorbed very quickly and does not leave extra centimeters on the waist, hips.

What does turkey meat look like? The breast is white and the legs have a pleasant pink tint. The view in the photo shows a gradual transition from lighter parts to darker ones. Fillet is not as dry as chicken. There is practically no fatty layer under the skin.

Content of substances

The benefits of turkey meat in its amazing composition. If you are anxious to monitor your own health, then this is the perfect food for every day. Delicious food contains many beneficial trace elements.

  1. Vitamins. Includes all the components necessary for the development of the body. Group B, A, E and PP are responsible for many functions within the body.
  2. Protein. The substance is involved in DNA synthesis, muscle building. Responsible for the correct functioning of organs, metabolic processes.
  3. Phosphorus. Prevents joint diseases, "builds" bones. By the amount of the component, the product is not inferior to fish.
  4. Tryptophan. Improves the functions of the central nervous system, and also makes the emotional background stable.
  5. Microelements. Iron, potassium, calcium are involved in the creation of blood, and copper, chromium, zinc and cobalt stabilize the work of all internal organs.
  6. Folic acid. Needed for the healthy formation and development of the child in the womb.

An amazing product contains components that are important for humans. They direct all functions of the structure of internal organs and are responsible for strong immunity. When used wisely, the product can cure many problems, including insomnia and manager syndrome.

The nutritional value of the popular protein is 270 kcal per 100 grams. In addition, poultry contains the daily intake of unsaturated Omega-3 acids, which increase brain activity. The benefits and harms depend on the correct preparation of the dish.

Beneficial features

Diet meat

Diet meat

Food of animal origin has long been present in the human diet. But the content of cholesterol in pork and beef made the losing weight population of the planet refuse tasty food. The main benefit of turkey meat is that lean fiber does not include a dangerous component and will be a good addition to the diet menu.

The huge content of easily digestible protein helps in the recovery processes after operations and serious illnesses. The product is used for increased physical exertion, as well as for building muscle mass. The amazing composition makes it possible to cope with any problems without complications.

What are the health benefits of turkey meat? The unique concentration of potassium and unsaturated fats can have a positive effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels. The product is an indispensable element of a therapeutic diet for cardiac diseases.

Low fat content and an abundance of phosphorus makes it possible to absorb calcium as much as possible. Such food will be a good addition to the diet during the recovery stages after fractures or joint diseases. By the way, there is a lot of sodium in the composition, which improves metabolic processes in the body.

Turkey meat increases immunity and strengthens human reproductive capacity. Does not cause allergies in babies and helps the correct development of the fetus in pregnant women. Men are recommended to solve problems with potency. Scientists have noticed that regular use of the product prevents the development of oncology.


Even the healthiest food is harmful when abused. The constant gluttony of protein foods negatively affects the digestive system and can provoke various deviations. The predominance of any product in the diet disrupts metabolism.

Turkey meat does not contain cholesterol, but due to the increased concentration of animal protein, it can be dangerous for people with kidney disease and gout. it is worth remembering that for any disease, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Self-change in diet leads to disastrous results.

The substance sodium normalizes metabolic processes and restores blood. Excess consumption builds up in the body, causing high blood pressure in hypertensive patients. To avoid aggravation, experts recommend salt poultry dishes less salt.

The composition and calorie content of turkey meat cannot be used as a medicine. A large amount of protein contributes to the occurrence of intestinal colic and flatulence. The lack of plant fiber in such a diet leads to constipation.

Vitamins and other important substances will be useless when eating a spoiled product. Remember that only fresh food is used in the diet. Stay away from turkey meat with rotten or unpleasant odor.

How to choose

The meat should not be light

The meat should not be light

According to GOST, in retail chains and on the market, buyers are offered both whole carcasses and individual parts. On store shelves you can find offal (liver, heart) and minced meat. Red meat is virtually indistinguishable from veal, and dietary breast smells better than chicken fillet.

Experts recommend buying chilled raw materials, although unique products retain their useful properties even after two months of deep freezing. Remember that turkey meat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator has a limited period of use. If not used for the intended purpose within 24 hours, putrefactive bacteria begin to multiply in the tissues.

No matter how much they talk about the beneficial characteristics of food, you should not buy a fresh product in unverified places. In this case, there is no guarantee that the poultry was raised in accordance with all the requirements and there will be no antibiotics or hormones in animal fibers. Don't experiment with health.

How to choose the right turkey meat? The skin on the carcass should be smooth, without stains and stickiness. If you press your finger anywhere, then the fossa is quickly restored. In appearance, the breast is light, and the legs are pink. The smell of a fresh bird without chemical aromas, and an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of putrefactive processes.

Frozen fillets should not be cloudy or dark on the surface. If the cost of the product is much cheaper than that of fresh options, then it is better to refuse to purchase. Often, retail chains do not comply with technical requirements, as a result of which the content of bacteria inside increases.

How to cook

Hypoallergenic turkey meat is used in the production of semi-finished products and homemade food. Unlike chicken, it does not have a specific flavor, so it can be given to both a child and an adult. Cooking does not violate the value of the product, while maintaining a sufficient amount of iron, potassium and other elements.

Turkey meat with boiled vegetables can be used in diets when a person counts the number of calories eaten. In dietary nutrition, the bird has found itself a lot of fans, therefore it is allowed in all popular weight loss systems. The vitamin content does not decrease with this treatment.

Modern technologies make it possible to use delicious poultry in the preparation of sausages and sausages. Low calorie content and excellent taste are complemented by natural food flavors. Semi-finished products are most often produced from the breast.

If the weight allows, then the whole carcass can be baked in the oven with potatoes or fried on a spit. Shish kebabs are often made from turkey meat, which are not inferior to pork in terms of taste. Any part of the bird's body does not lose its positive properties during cooking.

It is very useful to eat steamed minced turkey cutlets - they are suitable even for those who are forced to adhere to a therapeutic diet.

Breast and liver can be used to make a delicious pate that contains a minimum of calories. Cooking does not require a lengthy heat treatment from the cook. This dish does not have the aroma of chicken or pork, and the unique concentration of substances is not destroyed by temperature.

Things to remember

If you are health conscious, then valuable turkey meat should not be roasted. The appetizing color of the crust is achieved due to the oxidation of fats, and this negatively affects the digestive system. Eating such food is dangerous for both children and adults.

The time spent on cooking also affects the usefulness of food. The longer the fibers were subjected to heat treatment, the less elements remained at the output. Frequent consumption of smoked meats is not recommended. Manipulating smoke not only increases the content of carcinogens, but also increases the amount of kcal.

The quality of turkey meat depends on how it was grown. Unlike chickens, breeding large birds requires more time and cost. To reduce the cost of live weight, some farmers use antibiotics and hormonal agents. Such additives accumulate in tissues and can harm the consumer.

The type of low-quality meat practically does not differ from the usual one, but it is not advisable for babies and sick people to eat it. To avoid risky shopping, we advise you to purchase food from reputable retailers. Reputable stores will not risk untested goods.

Turkey meat has long been a favorite of foreign and domestic cuisine. The low calorie content and excellent flavor profile will replace fatty pork.Our recommendations will help you determine the health and safety aspects of popular foods.

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