Why pears don't bloom

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A common problem among gardeners is when the pear does not bloom. The flowering of a pear depends on many factors and characteristics, their study helps to eliminate all the causes and get fruits from fruit trees.

Reasons for the lack of flowering in pears

The reasons for the lack of flowering in pears

Conditions for flowering

A pear is an unpretentious plant, for flowering and fruiting it needs to create:

  • good soil composition;
  • lighting;
  • looseness of the soil.

The main reasons for the lack of flowering

If a fruit tree grows in the first or second year and does not bloom, do not worry. Provided that the pear does not bloom and has been growing for a long time, they find out the reasons why this happens.

The following factors and reasons affect the flowering of trees:

  • cross-pollination;
  • frost;
  • lack of lighting.

Cross pollination

Pears are self-fertile plants, they are not able to form ovaries on their own. It is important to grow several varieties in the garden and maintain the coincidence of their ripening dates. For pollination, a method of grafting one variety to another is also possible.


Frost affects different parts of the plant:

  • in early spring, flowers, buds and ovaries do not tolerate frost - varieties that love warmth are covered with plastic wrap;
  • at the beginning of winter, with a lack of snow, they think about warming the roots of plants: they are covered with leaves, needles and branches around the perimeter;
  • in winter, the bark bursts from frost - the damaged places are covered with clay, garden pitch and wrapped with cloth;
  • when planting, they choose a protected place: the cold north wind negatively affects flowering.

Lack of lighting

Create favorable conditions for the tree

Create favorable conditions for the tree

A flowering pear and its first harvest will delight the gardener, while maintaining a good level of light. When preparing favorable conditions for the seedling, this factor is also studied.

Factors affecting flowering

If the pear does not bloom for a long time, this is due to the fact that its requirements are not met. Factors affecting flowering and fruiting development are taken into account:

  • Feature of the variety: trees begin to bear fruit not in the first year of life, but in the 3rd-15th year, depending on the variety. Sometimes, by mistake, instead of a pear, they buy a wild game: it blooms after 15-20 years. It is safer and more reliable to purchase fruit trees from nurseries.
  • Lack of sunlight: the tree is capricious, it is demanding regarding the choice of location on the site. If it does not grow in sunny areas, then it does not bloom, the fruits are not tied. Improper planting affects the condition of the tree.
  • Lack of nutrients in the soil: flower buds form in the summer, when the spring feeding has already been used up. On poor soils, the problem develops due to a lack of nutrients in the soil, the tree does not bloom. It is regularly fed both in autumn and spring with organic fertilizers and mineral complexes.
  • Winter freezing of trees: winter-hardy varieties are susceptible to bad weather conditions, fruit branches freeze from temperature changes, as a result, the plant does not bloom next spring.Ice rains have a negative effect: thin branches crack, buds die. Young and old pears are especially influenced.
  • Root soaking: the tree does not tolerate waterlogging, thin roots get wet and are prone to decay with excess water. Groundwater is washing away more nutrients from the soil, the tree suffers from a lack of minerals. To avoid such a problem, it is planted in loose soil, on drained areas, and moderate watering is provided all the time.
  • Pests: apple blossom beetle, coppertail, goldtail have a bad effect on young trees. If a pear has bloomed, and its flowers wither and fall, it must be carefully examined. Annual treatments help get rid of pests.
  • Incorrect crown formation. Many pears quickly grow the crown, turning into a dense ball in a few years. If the crown is not trimmed, it harms flowering and fruiting. It is cut annually and shaped correctly. Pear branches often grow upwards - they must be forcibly bent, using special weights or loops.


The pear blooms under favorable conditions, the flowering time depends on their observance and the fulfillment of all the requirements of the given fruit tree. Having identified the reason why the plant does not bloom, it is eliminated. If the pear has bloomed, a good harvest is expected.

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