Pear variety Otradnenskaya

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Pear of Otradnenskaya was obtained from two species - Forest Beauty and Tyoma, it was entered in the state register in 2000. Has gained popularity in the Moscow region.

Pear variety Otradnenskaya

Pear variety Otradnenskaya

Pear characteristics

The pear variety Otradnenskaya belongs to medium-yielding and early-growing, resistant to extreme climatic changes, such as sharp drops in temperature and short-term drought.

According to the description, Otradnenskaya is medium-sized, in some cases the trees grow below average.

Its crown is quite spreading with a strong thickening, but an abundant amount of green mass.

The tendency to form shoots at Otradnenskaya is low.

The foliage of the Otradnenskaya pear has an oval, slightly elongated shape, edges with serrated serration.

Fruit weight from 80 to 100g, maximum possible weight - 130g. Pears are yellow-green in color with a red blush. The pulp is sweet and sour, is characterized by low juiciness and medium density and almost no aroma.


Yield indicators: 30-40 fruits from 1 tree per season. Fruiting is annual, the ripening stage occurs in the last days of September. The yield is stable.

Store at a temperature of about 0 °. Shelf life is 4 months. An improvement in palatability was noted during the maturation process.

Advantages and disadvantages

Worthy of a pear:

  • high yields,
  • high percentage of safety during transportation,
  • early maturity,
  • increased resistance to cold climatic conditions during the wintering period,
  • resistance to a number of diseases.

As the disadvantages of the pear variety, Otradnenskaya gardeners point to its low taste, including insufficient juiciness.

Chemical composition

Unpretentious pear

Unpretentious pear

Pear chemical composition:

  • 15.8% dry matter
  • 10.8% soluble substances,
  • 8.2% sugars
  • 0.3% acids.

Indicators of P-active substances: 137 mg per 100 g of the product.

The subtleties of growing

An unpretentious plant that tolerates sharp temperature changes well and is resistant to frost and drought does not require careful care, however, when growing a variety, you must adhere to a number of rules.

A place

For planting, you need a little space, but it should be lit, with good ventilation, but without drafts.

You should not choose a place near walls, barriers and between buildings, as young seedlings will grow, without forming a full-fledged crown, which will affect the amount of harvest.


The most suitable time for planting is spring, however, this does not exclude planting in autumn. It should be borne in mind that due to the reduced activity of the variety in growth, autumn seedlings may not take root well and lag behind in development. When transplanted to a new place, 1-2-year-old plants are easiest to take root.

For planting a seedling, make a hole with a diameter of 80 * 80cm and a depth of about 1m. The distance between them is at least 3m.

The seedlings purchased in the fall do not have to be planted immediately. They can be dug in for the winter and planted when spring comes.


In the process of leaving, it is necessary to ensure that the root collar of the plants is 5 cm above the surface of the soil. This provides protection against root decay.

Description of the rules of care:

  • abundant watering for young seedlings (reduce as they grow up to once a month);
  • regular loosening of the soil;
  • pruning of young seedlings when planting to a meter height, in subsequent years - by 1/3 of the length of the shoots until the tree is fully formed;
  • removal of dead bark from mature trees, whitewashing of trunks.


Pear Otradnenskaya refers to technical and is more suitable for processing in the production of jams, juices and compotes. In the absence of high taste, the variety has good yield and keeping quality.

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