Selection and planting of pear seedlings

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Planting pear seedlings will give an excellent fruit yield in the future if you choose high-quality planting material. Pear seedlings must be chosen carefully and take into account the characteristics of the soil and climate.

Selection and planting of pear seedlings

Selection and planting of pear seedlings

Sapling selection

Choose healthy trees for planting. In the south, it is better to plant a one-year-old pear seedling, a two-year-old is suitable for planting in the north. The trunk must be carefully checked, it should be free of damage, irregularities, its height should reach 80-85 cm.

Be sure to check the roots of the seedling. Healthy roots bend without problems, there are no dry parts on them, they are white at the cut. Seedlings are planted both in autumn and spring, but the best choice of materials for planting is in the fall.

Landing requirements

The pear needs to be planted in a bright area. The soil is suitable fertile with a weak acid, water-absorbing. Otherwise, the roots may start to rot. It is advisable to plant the pear on an elevated site in order to limit the availability of groundwater.

The seedling should be placed in the southwest or west of the garden. Additionally, there are such requirements for the site:

  • lack of near mountain ash, hazel;
  • the distance to buildings is more than 3 m.
The pear grows well in elevated areas

The pear grows well in elevated areas

When choosing a territory for a seedling, one should take into account their future growth; they leave free space around, depending on their type:

  • for dwarf ones - 3 m;
  • for semi-dwarf - 4 m;
  • for tall trees - 5–6 m.

Sometimes the distance between seedlings reaches 10 m, in row spacings - 6 m.

Pit preparation

If the planting will be carried out in the spring, the pit should be prepared in the fall. The most suitable site is selected, it is worth removing weeds, stones, other roots from it, digging up. The pit should be 70 * 80 cm in size.

To obtain a rich harvest from seedlings, the soil must be nourished. Lime and dolomite flour are added to too acidic soil, sand and peat - to too heavy soil, black soil and clay - to too sandy. The growth of the seedling will tend upward on sandy soil, cracks will go along the bark, this will lead to delayed fruiting and disease. Fertilizing the soil with all the necessary elements is important at the time of preparing the planting site.

The bottom of the seat is laid in layers of gravel, walnut husks, pebbles. Further, to fall asleep, you will need humus or compost with soil about 20 kg. The top layer of earth is mixed with wood ash, fertilizers from potassium and phosphorus, poured into the pit and covered with the top layer of soil. If the weather is dry, the seedling is watered and covered with a film for wintering.

Step-by-step planting process

Further growth and yield depends on how the pear is planted. First, seedlings with roots are kept in water for 60 minutes, a growth stimulator is added to the water, or 10 g of honey is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Provided a dry root system, it is soaked for 24 hours. The ideal planting material should be considered flexible seedlings with strong bark and developed roots.

After soaking the roots, you need to prepare the pit. It is worth opening it, digging out the soil, taking into account the length of the root system of the seedling. The bottom of the pit needs to be loosened, furrows are made on the walls. You also need to drive a peg in the center of the pit on the south side, it will be needed to attach the seedling.

Lateral roots are cut from the seedling by a few cm, it is installed in the middle of the pit on the north side of the peg, sprinkled with soil, it should be sprinkled to avoid the appearance of emptiness. The soil needs to be pressed down, the tree is attached to the peg. Planting will be correct if the seedling is firmly placed in the hole, the elevation of the root collar reaches 3 cm above the soil.

The penultimate stage is watering, which includes about 2 buckets of water. A hole or threshold is made from the soil around the planting, so that watering is carried out within the tree. After watering, you need to fill up the soil in order to maintain the height of the root collar above the ground.

The final stage of the process is covering the area around the trunk with peat, compost or grass, and these elements are not added to the trunk itself. This planting method is easy to use and contributes to a good harvest.

Planting scheme for Asian pear

A special group of pear varieties is known as Asian or Chinese, they are also called pear-apple, apple pear. For them, an area of ​​5 * 5 m is needed in the garden. Depending on whether the tree is grafted onto a dwarf rootstock or is displayed in a small-sized formation, the planting scheme is also adjusted.


Choosing a place for planting a pear seedling, preparing it and planting are the stages that you need to go through to get a good pear harvest. By adhering to the rules and patterns of planting, the garden will be filled with new healthy trees.

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