Planting pears in the spring in the suburbs

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The cultivation of fruit crops in regions with unstable climatic conditions has many features and difficulties. The correct planting of pears in the spring in the Moscow region will help the gardener grow a strong and healthy tree that will delight him with a rich harvest.

Planting pears in the spring in the suburbs

Planting pears in the spring in the suburbs

Pear varieties for the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, hot summer heat is quickly replaced by cold autumn and frosty winter. Therefore, the best varieties are those that have early ripening periods and have good resistance to frost and early spring frosts.

Planting a seedling is not difficult; it is more difficult not to make a mistake when choosing it. The most widespread varieties in the region are:

  1. Marble. Differs in average winter hardiness. The advantages of the variety are the taste characteristics of the fruits and their versatility.
  2. Anniversary. The variety has an average winter hardiness. Fruits are large, juicy, sweet taste (slight astringency may be present).
  3. Seedless. Differs in good winter hardiness. The variety has a long ripening period (allows you to gradually harvest the crop). Harvesting takes place in mid-August.
  4. Thinner. It has the best winter hardiness characteristics. It can withstand frosts down to -40 ° C. The fruits are juicy and tasty, but have a poor keeping quality. They are stored for no more than 10 days.
  5. Rossoshanskaya Beautiful. A new frost-resistant variety with an abundant yield of juicy, sweet, medium-sized fruits.
  6. Ruddy Golden Eagle. It impresses with its taste characteristics. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, there is no astringency. The tree has good immunity to garden diseases and pests.

Late varieties will not take root in the region's climate. The fruits will not have time to ripen and will freeze while still on the tree.

Features of planting a tree

When planting pears in the Moscow region both in spring and autumn, the gardener should adhere to the basic rules regarding the choice of a place, favorable timing for this and the very technology of planting.

Preparing for landing

Having decided on the variety, you should organize a suitable place for growing. The southern or southwestern part of the site is suitable for a seedling. Planting near farm buildings, fences and hedges is recommended. In the future, they will protect the tree from the cold winter winds.

Planting a pear in lowlands and in areas with a close location of groundwater is not recommended. In a humid environment, the tree dies quickly. Therefore, you should give preference to plains or small hills.

In autumn, or at least 2 weeks before planting, the soil should be enriched with useful substances. Dig a hole 60 cm deep and 80-100 cm wide and mix the extracted soil with fertilizers. The gardener will need:

  • 2 buckets of humus;
  • 2 buckets of peat;
  • 400 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 200 g superphosphate.

It is recommended to add 2 buckets of sand to the bottom of the pit. If the selected variety is not derived from the Ussuri pear, the introduction of lime is required to normalize the alkaline balance of the soil.Most of the plants recommended for planting in the Moscow region do not need such an additive. They germinate well in acidic soil types.

Disembarkation dates

The pear blooms beautifully

The pear blooms beautifully

Planting pears in the fall is distinguished by the need for additional insulation for the winter. Young trees can die from the harsh winter cold. Therefore, the roots are carefully mulched, and the trunk is wrapped with foam rubber or other materials. To avoid the risk of plant death, it is recommended to plant a pear in the spring. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the root system of the plant. The fibrous processes are still poorly developed and with the use of correct agrotechnical measures, they can grow strong enough for subsequent wintering.

The tree should be planted in early spring, when it is still dormant. With the beginning of the growing season, the risk of poor engraftment of the crop to the new growing site increases. In the Moscow region, this period falls in mid-April, therefore, the gardener has only 7-10 days at his disposal (planting is carried out in the already thawed ground).

Plants with a closed root system are less demanding. They are more expensive, but they will be easier to plant. Such a tree will not feel the change in its growing location and will take root faster and better.

Landing technology

Before planting a pear, you should soak its roots in a rooting stimulator. Can be kept in plain room water for 3-5 hours. The landing itself is carried out as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to make a mound in which a peg is installed. Place it on the south side of the seedling.
  2. The roots of the plant are carefully straightened and laid out at the bottom of the prepared pit.
  3. Sprinkle the roots with a fertile layer of soil.
  4. The hole is buried so that the distance from the ground to the root collar is 5-6 cm.
  5. The tree should be tied with a piece of cloth or a washcloth to a peg in 2 places.

After successful planting, a watering trench should be dug around the trunk, 10-12 cm deep. 2-3 buckets of water should be poured into it and the trunk circle should be mulched. Grass, peat or humus is used.

Care features

To grow a fruit crop, it is important to organize proper care for it. After planting a plant, it comes down to the use of simple agrotechnical measures:

  • glaze;
  • top dressing;
  • loosening the soil;
  • trimming wood;
  • insulation of roots from frost.

A prerequisite for young trees is the presence of loose soil. For plant growth and development, it is important that the root system consumes oxygen. Most varieties of crops require abundant watering, starting in spring, when flower ovaries appear on the shoots. The season ends in autumn after the harvest.

Top dressing is necessary only for 3-4 years after planting. The fertilizers introduced into the pit are sufficient for the first few years of the life of the fruit tree. Among the many varieties of dressings, preference should be given to chicken manure or cow dung. It is held in the fall. A hole is dug around the trunk, along the diameter of the crown (for 1-2 bayonets), where fertilizers are applied.

Cropping also has its own characteristics. In the first year after planting, the central conductor should be shortened to 50 cm, and the next season the lateral branches are cut off by a third. Sanitary pruning is done every spring, even before the buds appear. Shelter for the winter of the roots is carried out by mulching. You can use peat, sawdust and humus. Fallen leaves are not used as they may have traces of fungal infections.


Growing pears in a risky farming area is a laborious process. Attention should be paid to the choice of a seedling of frost-hardy and winter-hardy varieties Tonkovertka and Bessemyanka or zoned Marble, Yubileynaya, etc. The pear is planted in the traditional way. In the fall, you should prepare the soil by fertilizing it, and in the first days of April, plant the seedling in a permanent place of germination.The survival rate of the plant will depend on the quality of care of the planted pear.

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