Description of pears Bryansk beauty

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Pear Bryansk beauty is a fruit tree that has become popular in the last few years. Initially, this variety was bred for cultivation in warm regions. After some time, they began to grow it in all regions of the country. We will consider a detailed description of the variety in the article.

Description of pears Bryansk beauty

Description of pears Bryansk beauty

Variety characteristic

The pear variety Bryanskaya krasavitsa got this name due to the fact that it was bred in the city of Bryansk. The well-known breeder N.I. Rozhnov was engaged in the development. It is believed that this variety was the result of crossing two other varieties - New Year's and Red Williams. To date, there is no information on registration and research of this species.

After the appearance of the pear, the Bryansk beauty, it was recommended to grow it only in the middle zones of the country. Today, it is allowed to grow in all regions of the country.

Features of the tree

Description of the plant: Average height -3 m. The crown is presented in the form of a pyramid. Due to the characteristics of Williams Red, the bark of the tree is red.

Leaves change their color over time. Initially, the leaves are presented in light green shades. After 2-3 years, the color becomes saturated green. The surface of the leaves is glossy, without pubescence.

Features of the fetus

Pear fruits Bryansk beauty of green color with a red blush. Despite the fact that the shape may change slightly, it is mostly presented in an elongated form. The surface of the peel is presented in burgundy shades. The peel is firm and pleasant to the touch.

The pulp is creamy, the taste is pleasant, a little sweet. Suitable for desserts and fresh consumption. Also, excellent jam or compote is obtained from such a pear.

Pear fruits Bryansk beauty of green color with a red blush, elongated shape

Pear fruits Bryansk beauty of green color with a red blush, elongated shape

This variety has a long shelf life. At room temperature, fruits can be stored for 3-4 weeks. If stored in a basement or refrigerator, the fruits do not lose their appearance within 3-4 months.

Pollination requirements

This species is self-pollinated. This means that fruits can be set without the help of additional pollinators. But, experts are convinced that additional pollinators will help the tree to increase its yields.

The choice should be stopped on those varieties that have similar fruiting times. Many years of experiments prove the fact that a large number of pollinators have a positive effect on the quantity and stability of the yield of the Bryanskaya Krasavitsa variety.

Choosing a landing site

First of all, you should choose the right place for planting. Bryansk beauty is a pear that shows the best yield in well-lit areas. If the plant receives the required amount of sunlight, then the fruits will have a sweet taste.You should also pay attention to the fact that drafts and nearby groundwater are unacceptable. These factors can lead to lower yields.

The next rule that you must pay attention to is the soil.

  1. It should be low in acids. The acid-base balance should not exceed 4%.
  2. Pay attention to the fact that the soil should be loose, nutritious and fertile.

Selection of seedlings

When choosing a seedling, you need to pay special attention to its appearance. The root system should be well developed, with no outward signs of disease or injury. The height of the seedling should be at least 70 cm. Experts are convinced that the length of the roots should be at least 30 cm.

The side branches and main trunk should be free from disease. There should also be no damaged areas. The seedling should be no more than 2 years old. It is this planting material that takes root best in the soil. All these conditions are necessary in order to get a healthy and fruitful tree.

Landing requirements

It is important to remember that planting should be carried out in the spring. The ideal time is April-May. Planting pears of the Bryanskaya Krasavitsa variety is carried out according to the following rules:

  • preparation of the pit: it should be prepared several weeks before the upcoming planting - if you dig a hole in advance, then the earth will have time to settle and the seedling will take root better;
  • before planting, organic fertilizers in the form of humus or peat must be added to the hole;
  • when planting, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the root collar should not be covered with earth - it needs to rise above the ground by about 5-7 cm;
  • before planting, you need to distribute the roots throughout the pit and sprinkle it with earth as tightly as possible;
  • a support for the seedling is installed - this is necessary in order to avoid deformation of the tree;
  • after planting, you need to water the seedling with 2 buckets of warm water and mulch with humus.
Planting should be done in the spring.

Planting should be done in the spring.

Care features

Watering should be moderate. Water the tree once a week with 2-3 buckets of warm water. At the moments when the plant begins to bloom and form fruits, watering should be carried out 2 times a week.

Top dressing is not applied immediately, but 3 years after planting. In the spring season, it is recommended to introduce organic matter in the form of peat or humus. It is also advisable to carry out fertilizing with nitrogen substances in the spring. In the autumn season, preference should be given to phosphorus or potassium fertilizers. This will allow the bark to harden and better endure the winter frosts.

If you want to grow quality products, then you should not forget about the annual pruning of branches. Pruning takes place in April. Only dry, damaged or diseased branches should be removed. Also, do not forget to trim off those areas that thicken the crown.

Diseases and parasites

The variety is resistant to diseases and parasites, so gardeners can save time and effort in treating the tree. But you always need to remember about preventive measures that do not allow the plant to be exposed to the negative effects of the environment.

  1. Watering should be normalized. The more moisture enters the roots, the more likely it is to cause root rot.
  2. To protect the plant from parasites, spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid should be carried out in the spring.


The Bryansk beauty is considered an ideal variety for growing in Russia. Its description indicates not only good taste and good appearance. Resistance to diseases and parasites and the possibility of self-pollination are noted.

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