What mushrooms grow in Ufa and where to find them

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Mushroom picking at any time of the year is a very pleasant experience. Especially if they are found literally at every turn. You can pick mushrooms in Ufa at any time of the year. There are so many of them that local residents sell them to other regions of Russia.

Mushroom places of Ufa

Mushroom places of Ufa

Climate features

Mother Nature has decreed that Bashkortostan is characterized by a moderate continental climate. The weather is almost always sunny.

The abundance of warmth and light ensures the good development of myceliums, which in turn give rise to the growth of the aerial part from early spring to late autumn throughout the region.

How best to harvest

About 100 species of macromycetes grow near Ufa. But only a small number of them are edible, about a third.

There is no need to rush to go to the forest immediately after the rain. The development of the aboveground part takes time and warmth.

The optimum temperature for spring firstborns is around 17 ° C. And this temperature should last at least 7-10 days. If in autumn there are frequent, but weak rains, then the earth does not get wet as it should, so there is no need to wait for mushrooms. The appearance of only single rare individuals is possible.

"Silent Hunt" does not tolerate fuss. It is better to walk through the forest without haste, carefully peering into the grassy carpet under your feet and picking up last year's foliage with a stick.

Often fungi form mycorrhiza with tree roots, so it is necessary to carefully examine the root zone. But there are those that grow in fields, meadows or open forest edges. Therefore, it is important to immediately determine which "beast" is the "hunt" for. So, it is better to look for raincoats on arable land, and milk mushrooms - in a birch forest or in a mixed forest.

Description of edible species

Mushroom pickers of Ufa find in the nearby forests a wide variety of edible species that are suitable for frying, boiling or pickling. They vary by season.

Spring mushrooms

With the onset of steady heat, after good spring rains, about a week later, the first mushrooms appear in the forest. Their choice is not very rich, but these are the first messengers.

But, nevertheless, mushroom pickers of Ufa are happy to collect the following species:

  • waves;
  • morels;
  • tinder fungus;
  • morel caps;
  • raincoats;
  • rows.

These firstborns of spring diversify the menu well and add minerals and vitamins to them, which are especially necessary for the human body after a long winter.

Spring in Ufa will delight mushroom pickers with morels

Spring in Ufa will delight mushroom pickers with morels

Morels near Ufa are of several types: common and conical. In a conical morel, the cap looks like a cone and has a gray color. The leg is completely white, but fragile and hollow. And the common one has a honeycomb and brown hat. It is spliced ​​with a white leg, which also has folds. Both species are found in forests and meadows, sometimes growing along the highway.

Morel hats have a different appearance. The surface of the cap is wrinkled and yellow. The hats are held on high cream legs. Form mycorrhiza with birches and other deciduous trees.

Polypores are parasitic fungi; in the Ufa forests there are both gray and variegated.In the gray variety, the cap is round, yellowish. It rests on a soft, hollow leg. The height of which can be up to 10 cm.

In variegated tinder fungi, the caps are yellow, scaly, with a brown tinge. Leg to match the hat, low and wide. Polypores grow on tree trunks, more often on deciduous ones.

Summer mushrooms

Summer in Ufa and the surrounding area is often warm, pleasant weather. It rains as much as needed to harvest good summer mushroom harvests.

Local mushroom pickers at this time of the year often collect the following species:

  • white and semi-white;
  • oak trees;
  • meadow mushrooms;
  • green moss;
  • chanterelles;
  • red boletus;
  • Dubrovniki.

The noblest and most delicious specimen is the porcini mushroom.

It is good to fry it, and prepare it for future use, and dry it, and freeze it, and salt it. Everyone wants to find this "king of the forest". It cannot be confused with other species. Only if with poisonous natural "fakes" (bilious and satanic).

The white has a thick cylindrical leg, a large dense cap, brown or beige. The pulp is aromatic, the taste is pleasant. The size of the cap is from 10 to 20 cm, it grows up to 25 cm in height. Sometimes there are simply giant individuals. But the younger ones are tastier. They are less likely to be damaged by harmful insects, which also like to feast on delicious forest "meat". White and semi-white are more common where there are many oak trees, in groves or mixed forests.

Duboviks have lemon-yellow flesh. On cut, it changes color and takes on a grayish tint. Mushrooms grow on fertile soils in mixed forests.

Forest mushrooms are much tastier than store mushrooms and their aroma is stronger - this is a reality. Therefore, they strive to collect them regularly. Good mushroom spots remain permanent for many years.

Green flywheels attract the eye with their beautiful olive-colored suede hat. It is interesting that their legs are always crooked. And sophisticated to the hat. The color of the stem is usually yellowish or brownish green. You need to look for mushrooms under fallen leaves in mixed forests.

Red-headed boletuses are visible from afar. It is impossible to miss them. The hats peep out from under the foliage and look like precious stones from afar. Many good picking spots can be found in the aspen groves.

But the Dubrovniks are more difficult to find. They hide in the grass. Light brown hats serve as a good disguise. They have a net on a white leg, which serves as a signal that this is an edible mushroom and can be taken. It is best to look for this species in oak groves or in a pine forest.

Chanterelles are great for making aromatic soups or for pickling. They have beautiful yellow-orange caps that are concave inward and wavy at the edges. Their shape resembles a funnel for water. The leg of chanterelles is small, up to 6 cm. It is hollow inside and fragile. The shape of the leg is cylindrical. The pulp is fragrant and tasty. Chanterelles grow in birch groves or mixed forests.

Autumn mushrooms

Gingerbreads attract attention with their color

Gingerbreads attract attention with their color

It is very pleasant to wander through the forest in warm autumn weather. Such a walk can relax, improve your mood, and you are likely to pick up a lot of mushrooms.

The most popular autumn species that grow near Ufa include:

  • mushrooms;
  • waves;
  • real milk mushrooms;
  • honey agarics;
  • value;
  • boletus;
  • moss spotted.

It is impossible to walk past the saffron milk cap in the coniferous forest. Its orange cap is clearly visible under the fallen needles. The shape of the cap is convex or funnel-like. The leg is low, up to 8 cm. The aroma is pleasant and characteristic. The pulp is fragile. In deciduous forests, they are found up to Pokrov.

Traditionally in September there is a good collection of honey agarics. To search, you will have to get deeper into the thicket, where there are fallen trees and mossy stumps. For honey agarics, it is better to take large ventilated baskets with you. Because they grow in groups and, having found such a family, you can gain several kilograms at once. Fungal sites usually do not change for many years, unless the mycelium is damaged. It is better to cut off some hats. The legs are of no use.They are watery in taste, tough and hollow. Honey mushrooms are found in deciduous and mixed Ufa forests before frost, before the first snow.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

If you want to reap a good harvest of honey agarics, you will have to walk through the forest, which is more than 30 years old. It is in such a forest that you can find enough places beloved by mushrooms - rotten stumps, fallen rotting trunks or tree roots, dead wood.

It is best to collect honey mushrooms, like other mushrooms, in the early morning, because it is then that they will be the freshest and most dense after the coolness of the night and, importantly, they are more resistant to long-term transportation and storage.

By the way. Autumn mushrooms inhabit 200 species of plants, both woody and herbaceous. However, most often they can be found in damp dark forests on the stumps of elm, aspen, birch or alder. Harvested from the end of August until the beginning of winter, if the air temperature is kept at + 10 ℃.

You can search for boletus (boletus and boletus) until the end of the leaf fall, as long as there is a cover on the trees, this species will delight its admirers.

In the first month of autumn, the mass gathering of milk mushrooms begins. And it lasts until mid-October. Salt these mushrooms well. Their hats are large, yellow-cream in color. They have characteristic circles in the center. The shape of the leg is conical. The consistency is dense. At the break, white milky juice is released. It has a bitter taste. To get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste, the milk mushrooms must be soaked in cold water for several hours before the main cooking.

Where is it better to collect

There are many good places near Ufa for collecting different types of forest mushrooms. In order to find honey mushrooms, it is better to go to the village of Nurlino, located 40 km from the city. Closer there are also good mushroom spots, for example, in Dmitrievka. The honey agaric grows right behind the village, in a forest belt. Here you can also find chanterelles, boletus and russula.

In the forest plantations near the town of Birsk there is a village. Kushnarenko and S. Iglino. Fans of boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps and mushrooms come there every year.

From the railway station every day there are electric trains in the direction of Ufa-Kandra and Ufa-Asha. Get off at the terminal and next to the station you will see good forests with different types of mushrooms. It is especially good to collect mushrooms and milk mushrooms there in the fall.

In a pine forest near the village. There are many fallen old trees in Novokangyshevo. Numerous families of honey agarics grow on them, it is easiest to collect them here.

Under the bridge over the Belaya River, on the road to Birsk, there are a lot of lumps. You don't have to go far, because they grow right next to the dam.

Behind Zaraevka, near the village of Shafranovo, if you go for mushrooms, it is better to go to the village. Tavtimanovo. There are many of them every year.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Most often among the admirers of the "quiet hunt" in Bashkortostan, poisoning of the so-called. conditionally edible mushrooms - volushkas, valuy, violins and false mushrooms. Experienced mushroom pickers believe that the safest in this regard are porcini mushroom, real milk mushroom, common mushroom, boletus, boletus.

The richest month in mushrooms is September. At this time in the forest you can find honey agarics, russula, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and mushrooms.

October is no longer so generous to fans of the "quiet hunt" - the nights are getting cold, and the number of mushrooms is decreasing accordingly. This month you can go in search of winter mushrooms, russula and mushrooms.

November mushrooms are the latest and perhaps the most persistent. In the last month of autumn, on the eve of winter, only representatives of the species living on the trunks or stumps of trees can be found. Then they collect oyster mushrooms and mushrooms. The mushroom season ends with the first snowfall.


Every year residents of Ufa and coastal villages collect many mushrooms. Rich harvests help diversify your own menu. The most delicious pickles from them are sold throughout Russia.

In order for the collected specimens to be of high quality, it is important to observe precautions, do not take them near highways, factories or landfills. The ability to absorb toxins from the environment through the entire surface of the fruiting body and underground mycelium can render edible organisms poisonous.

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