Mushroom storage methods

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Mushrooms are quickly perishable foods, so the correct and, accordingly, long-term storage of mushrooms is an urgent issue for every housewife and not only. After all, improperly preserved forest gifts can not only spoil the taste of a dish, but also lead to serious eating disorders.

Mushroom storage methods

Mushroom storage methods

Storage preparation

Fresh mushrooms are stored for no more than a day, subject to the required temperature regime. It is impossible to transport them over long distances due to the rapid multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms on their surface, which leads to spoilage and a decrease in taste.

An important condition is their timely processing, preferably on the same day when they were collected.

If it is impossible to process it in a timely manner, it is necessary at least to sort it out, removing dirt, debris and insects. Each species has its own flavor, requires different preparation for preparation, and differs in size.

Mushrooms can be kept fresh if properly prepared for this process, depending on the method chosen and the type of mushroom cut.

The main stages of preparation for storage are the removal of contaminated and damaged areas, cleaning the caps of such species as russula, butter, mushrooms from the skin. To remove pests, soak in salted water and rinse thoroughly under running water. Except those for drying.

Storage methods

It is necessary to create conditions that will not allow the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Keeping the mushrooms in the refrigerator for a while can prolong their freshness. This way they lose their taste and nutritional value less.

For longer storage, freezing, drying and canning are used. Each of these methods allows you to save them from several days to 2-3 years, but requires a certain technological process.

Cold storage

Storage of fresh mushrooms without creating special conditions is possible for several hours. If they need to be kept fresh for a day or more (up to 3 days), they are placed in the refrigerator.

To prevent them from deteriorating, perform the following actions:

  • the selected specimens are washed under running water and dried thoroughly by spreading them out on a flat surface covered with a paper or regular cloth towel;
  • the dried fruit bodies are placed in a container, slightly covered by air circulation, and placed in the refrigerator;
  • with the appearance of dark spots and loss of firmness of the pulp, they become unusable.

Compliance with the temperature regime and optimal air humidity in the refrigerating chamber will allow storing cut mushrooms from 3 days to a week.

Mushrooms tend to absorb the odors of other foods, so it's best to place them separately.


It is possible to store mushrooms in the freezer for a year, until the new collection of this valuable product. At the same time, they do not lose valuable substances. Freeze them in the following ways:

  • Raw: pre-treated specimens are washed and dried a little. Large ones are cut into pieces, small ones are left intact. Then they are laid out on a flat surface and subjected to quick freezing at a temperature of -25 ... -30 ° C for 2-3 hours. After that, the frozen product is packed more compactly and sent back to the freezer.
  • Boiled: mushrooms are boiled in salted water for 5-10 minutes, depending on the type and size. Then, in a colander, they are allowed to drain completely, cool down and packaged in bags or other containers (best in portions). Then they are sent to freeze.
  • Fried: mushrooms are fried in vegetable oil until excess moisture evaporates (15-20 minutes). Cooled to room temperature, packed and sent to the freezer.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

When storing in bags, arrange the mushrooms so that you get packages of different weight (for a holiday it is more convenient to defrost one more than a whole mountain of small ones).

To prevent mushrooms from losing their aroma and taste when frying before freezing, fry them in the oven.

Boiling before freezing is perfect for those mushrooms that, from your point of view, have somewhat lost their appearance, but they are very tasty and cannot be thrown away.

Please note! Thawed mushrooms must be processed immediately, because they are an excellent "cozy nest" for the multiplication of various microorganisms and the development of mold spores.

Drying mushrooms

The method of storing mushrooms in dried form involves removing moisture from them without heat treatment. Preparation for this process eliminates rinsing. Instead, the fruiting bodies are carefully wiped with a damp piece of cloth, removing dirt and being careful not to wrinkle. Large ones are cut into pieces or the leg is separated from the cap, small ones are dried whole.

You can dry mushrooms in the oven.

You can dry mushrooms in the oven.

Mushrooms are dried naturally in the sun on grates, pallets, strung on a thread or thin wire and at the same time leaving gaps between them. This is also done in ovens, special dryers and microwave ovens. Outdoors, this is done in dry, sunny weather, trying to protect from insects, from morning until nightfall.

For drying in the oven or microwave, the mushrooms are cut into plates and laid out in one layer on parchment paper, avoiding their contact with each other. The drying temperature in the oven at the beginning of the process is no more than 45 ° C. Then it is raised to 75 ° C without completely closing the door.

Drying is carried out for 2-3 days, at intervals during which the mushroom plates are allowed to cool and ventilate. In a microwave oven, the process technology involves drying at a temperature of 100 ° C for 20 minutes. Then the door is opened slightly, allowing excess moisture to escape and dried again. The total drying time will be approximately 60-80 minutes.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

  • From the Chanterelle family, only the common chanterelle is suitable for drying (but it can also retain a little bitterness).
  • You can also dry white truffles - but this is an expensive delicacy.
  • Morels are dried for at least 2 months in the open air. In this case, all toxins leave the fruiting body.

Properly dried mushrooms should be firm, resilient and not breakable. By color, they are monochromatic, light, without burnt or overheated areas.

The advantages of this method are the compactness of the resulting product, the enhancement of its taste and aroma properties and the preservation of all useful substances. However, it is not suitable for all species. Do not use it for mushrooms that have a bitter taste - milk mushrooms, milkers, volushki.


This type of preparation for the winter is suitable for mushrooms with a low nutritional value. It consists in storage in a special solution that does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply. In addition, it improves their taste and absorption by the body.

Mushrooms are salted in clean wooden, glass or enamel containers.Hot or cold processing is used.

When hot, they are boiled or blanched before salting. Salting technology consists in sprinkling the fruit bodies with salt and spices - pepper, bay leaves, cherry or currant leaves. Oppression is placed on top and left in a cool place. After a few days, the mushrooms secrete juice, which is a good preservative.

They use cold salted mushrooms after 4-6 weeks, hot - after 15-20 days.


The workpieces obtained in this way are stored in a solution containing acetic acid. It is not only a good preservative, but also gives mushrooms a spicy taste and aroma. For pickling, peeled, washed and prepared mushrooms are boiled for several minutes in a marinade, which consists of water, salt, vinegar and spices. Then they are transferred to glass jars and rolled up.

Containers with pickled mushrooms are stored in a dark cool room: cellar, pantry or refrigerator.


One of the most popular ways of harvesting for the winter. With him, processed and chopped mushrooms are placed in glass jars, poured with a special solution and rolled up. The preservation solution consists of water, salt and a set of spices. If the solution does not contain acetic acid according to the prescription, the product jars are subjected to additional sterilization to kill harmful bacteria.

Rolled up banks do not require a special temperature regime. In addition, this processing method allows the use of several types of mushrooms and even vegetables at the same time.

Storage periods

These methods allow you to store the harvested crop for a long time. Observing the rules and terms of storage of mushrooms, you can enjoy them all year round, regardless of the season and without endangering your health and the health of family members. It is allowed to store blanks, depending on the chosen method, under the following conditions:

  • fresh: in a refrigerator at a temperature from 0 to 6 ° С (1-3 days), from 7 to 14 ° С (12-17 hours);
  • frozen: in a freezer at a temperature of -12 to -18 ° С (3-6 months), from -18 to -24 ° С (up to a year);
  • dried mushrooms: when stored in a container that does not allow the penetration of light and moisture - from 1 to 3 years;
  • salty: at a storage temperature not higher than + 6 ... + 8 ° С (6-9 months);
  • pickled mushrooms: the shelf life of those in the refrigerator or basement under the lid is up to 2 years;
  • rolled up in an airtight way: storage at a temperature not exceeding + 20 ° С - no more than 2 years.


Ways to preserve various types of mushrooms allows you to choose the most optimal, in accordance with the desires and capabilities of each mushroom picker. Compliance with the rules of storage and use of them will make it possible to enjoy mushroom dishes all year round and to avoid a number of health problems.

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