When and how to propagate grapes

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Reproduction of grapes is one of the stages in the cultivation of horticultural crops. It is possible to grow planting material in several ways, each of which has its own advantages.

Breeding methods for grapes

Breeding methods for grapes

Time for breeding

The biological dormancy stage of the vine falls on 2-3 winter months after the full maturation of the vine. At this time, the kidneys are in a sleepy state, therefore, they do not start reproduction during biological rest in winter.

Rooting of the plant is carried out from the first days of February, when the length of daylight increases, and the formation of the root system of young shoots occurs in just a month.

With the artificial awakening of the vine in December-January, the average duration of the root formation process is delayed by 2 months.

At the end of the stage of biological dormancy, the tissues of young shoots respond positively to moisture and warm air and begin active growth and development, which serves as a suitable time to start the reproduction process, while:

  • in spring, young shoots are rooted in pot containers after pruning,
  • in the summer they get strong seedlings in a vegetative way, rooting layers and stepchildren,
  • in the fall, the resulting planting material is stored for planting next spring.

The duration of the breeding time is up to the end of autumn.

Seed reproduction

Seed propagation of grapes is the most laborious method, which is often not applicable at home. Its main purpose is the selection of new varietal varieties through seeds. When intending to propagate grapes with seeds, it is required to take into account that:

  • most of the varietal varieties with this method change in shape and taste, often losing quality characteristics,
  • when selecting seeds, new and pure species with high frost resistance and increased resistance to diseases and adverse factors are suitable,
  • grapes propagate by seeds for 4-7 months - this is how much the period of germination of seed material takes, including selection of seeds, soaking, stratification, planting in the ground and care until the appearance of seedlings capable of transplanting,
  • with this method, the largest seeds are taken from overripe berries, for which the brushes are left on the vine until the first frost,
  • seed germination and survival rate of emerged seedlings is minimal - 1-2%.

Seed experimental methods of propagation of grapes of different varieties give the first harvests only after 4-5 years after transplanting the seedling into constant growing conditions.

Graft propagation

Reproduction of the vine through grafting is one of the methods of selection work for the development of new species. It is permissible for a number of small grape varieties, especially those without seeds, for example, raisins.It consists in grafting a seedling to an adult plant, during which 2 plants grow together due to the formation of new single cells. During the vaccination process:

  • the lower edge of the seedling is made in the form of a wedge and inserted into the split prepared on the maternal stem,
  • parts of plants are fixed with grafting material and, at the beginning of sap flow, are wrapped in paper,
  • in the dry summer season, the vaccination site is regularly moistened,
  • when green shoots appear on the grafting part, the paper is removed.

The grafting method of propagation for quiche mish and other small varieties without seeds directly depends on the quality of the stock, its health and immunity. In this case, both the stock and the scion must belong to the same varietal variety in terms of technical maturation.

Reproduction by layering

Layers can be added in during the whole season

Layers can be added in during the whole season

Propagating grapes by layering is considered the most promising and easy. This method is used in the summer.

A cut is a part of a grape bush, including a young shoot, a ripe vine or its sleeve.

Reproduction of grapes by layering involves the cultivation of the vegetative part of it by dropping it with earth, followed by fertilization and watering until it takes root on its own. The rooted cuttings are separated from the parent plant and planted as an independent one.

The duration of propagation of the vineyard by layering is 1-2 months.

The rooting process of cuttings has a number of features:

  • sleeve abduction propagation rejuvenates the vine and strengthens the vineyard by spreading vines throughout the site,
  • with any technology for growing layering, in order to dig in them, it is required to dig trenches for laying and powdering to a depth of 0.2-0.4 m; fertilizing organic matter is spread on the bottom,
  • for reproduction, shoots are selected from the lower tier of the grape bush, cleaned from foliage and only the stalks are left,
  • during the summer, the cuttings are able to form a root system, in volume 2 times the mass of the roots of the parent bush.

Green layering is added throughout the garden season from spring to autumn. Having done this in the early days of summer, they get strong bushes by the beginning of autumn. The survival rate of cuttings is 99%.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are carried out in spring or autumn.

Cuttings in spring

Green shoots that have reached a length of 10-20 cm and have at least 4-5 developed buds are suitable as a suitable material for propagating grapes in spring. The technology assumes step-by-step manipulations:

  • cuttings are cleaned of foliage,
  • on the processes, a lower cut is made at an angle, disinfected before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate and kept in a stimulating preparation,
  • the treated cuttings are planted in a container with moist soil, covered with polyethylene or glass on top, creating a mini-greenhouse, regularly watering the substrate until the cuttings form roots.
  • seedlings grown from cuttings are planted in the fall or sheltered for storage for the winter for planting in the spring.

The disadvantage of this method is the need for daily watering and spraying and a low percentage of rooting.

Cuttings in autumn

For cuttings in the fall, woody cuttings, which are cut from old fruiting processes, are suitable as material. Harvesting time - after the fall of the foliage just before covering the vine for the winter. The advantage of these cuttings is that during the spring and summer they have accumulated the maximum amount of nutrients that will be enough to store them during the winter.

The cuttings are stored in the basement or sprinkled with earth. In February, they are placed in water for revitalization and then planted in the substrate. The percentage of rooting of a seedling from a woody cuttings is higher than from a green one. The disadvantage of this method is the long, at least a year, the formation of roots.


The grapes are propagated in several ways, of which the method through layering and cuttings is like for novice winegrowers without experience. Breeders in the process of breeding new varietal varieties use labor-intensive methods: growing from seed material and propagation through grafting.

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