Tsimlyansky black grape

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Tsimlyansky black grape is a well-known variety; delicious wines are produced from it. Proper cultivation and care of bushes allows you to get a high-quality harvest at the end of the season.

Tsimlyansky black grape

Tsimlyansky black grape

Characteristics of grapes

The grape variety Tsimlyansky Black became famous for its red wines with original taste. The buds begin to bloom from the end of April. Pollination occurs in early summer, the grape harvest ripens by the end of August, the harvest begins in October.

The growing season of the variety is 133-135 days. Low frost resistance - the bushes need to be covered. Tsimlyansk black grapes are distinguished by medium vigor and good drought resistance. At the same time, black grapes are susceptible to disease. It is often found in the Kuban and Don regions.

Description of the bush

Vigorous bushes are covered with dark green five-lobed foliage. At the beginning of summer, female and male flowers bloom on them, which has a beneficial effect on pollination.

Description of fruits

Tsimlyansk black grapes have a cylindrical shape and a loose bunch structure. Its weight reaches 140 g.

Description of berries:

  • round, sometimes oval,
  • dark blue,
  • weight - up to 1.3 g;
  • sugar content - 27%.

The fruits are distinguished by rich astringency and balanced taste, there is a spicy vanilla aftertaste. The pulp is juicy and fleshy, melts in the mouth.

Growing grapes

The process of growing Tsimlyansk grapes should be approached responsibly. A number of conditions are met:

  • the Tsimlyansk variety is planted in calm and well-lit places;
  • choose loamy and sandy loam soil;
  • branches are prone to strong growth, therefore they are provided with additional supports;
  • pruning is carried out for 5 buds, shrubs are made of the correct shape;
  • for the winter time, the grapes are covered with a special material and covered with a small layer of snow.

The Tsimlyansk grape variety was originally grown in the southern regions of the country, today it is widespread everywhere. With proper care of the bushes, it will be possible to harvest a good harvest.

Landing in the soil

Tsimlyansk black grapes are planted according to the following scheme:

  • they land in sandy soil, in trenches 80 cm deep;
  • if the plantings are swampy, make high beds;
  • humus is laid at the bottom of the ditch, it serves as an additional source of nutrition for the vine; it receives moisture from the soil;
  • the distance between wine varieties is kept at 80 cm, between dining rooms - 1.5 m;
  • in the first years of cultivation, the bushes are covered from frost with special material.

Plant care

The health of the plant depends on the quality of care.

The health of the plant depends on the quality of care.

If the grapes are not cared for, they will shed their buds, possibly damaging the root system.


The root system of the grapes goes deep into the soil. Different types of irrigation are used to moisten it.

  • Moisture-charging irrigation. They are carried out in spring and autumn, they nourish the soil with moisture, keep it deep in the ground.In autumn, the ground is well watered: this way the roots will be protected from freezing. Moisture-charging irrigation is carried out in trenches and drainage holes.
  • Planting watering. They consist in the use of hot water to warm up the soil before planting. 10-20 liters of water are poured into 1 hole. After absorption, the seedling is planted, it is half buried, another 10 liters of warm water is poured on top, groundbait is added to it. For autumn planting, water is used without heating, fertilizers are not needed.
  • Watering during growth periods. Their implementation involves the flow of water to the grapes through the holes. At a distance of 30 cm from the bush, holes are made 20-25 cm deep, they are watered with water, ground is poured on top and loosened. In the first year, the bushes are watered once a week, in the evenings. They require 5-20 liters of water each. After 30 days, watered every 14 days. In August, final watering is carried out, after ripening, the flow of water is stopped.


The Tsimlyansk variety grows in well-lit areas, this should be taken into account when planting bushes.


Depending on the purpose of cultivation, the water temperature is selected during irrigation. Cold inhibits bud opening, thereby keeping them from the last frost. By using warm water for irrigation, the vine grows and develops.


Tsimlyansk grapes are fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Compost, manure, dung, peat are used as organic matter.

Mineral fertilizers are:

  • simple, which consist of one element (potassium salt, ammonium nitrate);
  • complex - from several (nitrophoska).

For top dressing, ready-made fertilizers are also used: "Garden Mix", "Solution", "Rost-1", "Florovit".


Black grapes are easily susceptible to disease - you should carefully monitor the bushes.

The following diseases are distinguished:

  • Oidium. A gray bloom appears on the berries and leaves. The disease is widespread in hot weather, and entails the death of the vineyard.
  • Alternaria. White spots appear on the berries, brown and silver spots on other parts of the bush.
  • Mildew. Yellow spots, gray bloom appear on the foliage.
  • Anthracnose. The spots on the bush are dark brown and dry out soon.
  • Cercosporosis. Olive spots are observed on the leaves and berries.
  • Escorioz. Black spots spread over the above-ground areas of the bushes.
  • Apoplexy (esca). White spots appear on the foliage below, the bushes are dying.
  • Gray rot. The diseased areas are covered with a gray coating.
  • White rot. A white bloom appears on the berries.
  • Black rot. On berries, foliage, purple spots are observed.
  • Armillarosis. The foliage turns yellow, the roots turn brown.
  • Verticillosis. Yellow foliage and death of shoots are observed.

Bacterial diseases

Grapes are easily susceptible to disease

Grapes are easily susceptible to disease

The following bacterial diseases are distinguished:

  • bacterial cancer;
  • bacteriosis;
  • bacterial necrosis.

Viral diseases

The following types of ailments cannot be treated:

  • chlorosis - loss of color;
  • short node - short stature;
  • creeping mosaic;
  • marbling of leaves;
  • leaf vein necrosis.

Fight disease

Providing supportive measures helps fight disease, and it is important to provide and provide proper care. For this, spraying with chemicals is used. In case of detection of diseases, fungicides are used:

  • "Topaz", "Strobi", "Tiovit", colloidal sulfur, etc. help in the fight against powdery mildew, white, black rot.
  • Mildew, white, black rot are treated with Bordeaux liquid, Ridomil Gold, Strobi, and others.
  • Alternaria, escoriasis helps to defeat Bordeaux solution.
  • Cercospora, anthracnose - Bordeaux mixture.
  • The drug "Arsenit" helps against apoplexy.
  • Gray rot is treated with Horus, Antracol, Switch.
  • Armillarosis is defeated by copper-containing fungicides.
  • Verticellosis is treated by spraying with Fundazol.

It is difficult to cure bacterial diseases, viral diseases cannot be cured.


Tsimlyansk grapes will bring a rich harvest if optimal conditions for growth and development are created for it. Proper care of grape bushes, preventive measures against diseases help to grow healthy grape areas and get tasty berries from them.

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