Features of wormwood

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Common wormwood, known as Chernobyl, is widely used for medicinal purposes. Has a number of contraindications.

Features of wormwood

Features of wormwood


According to the botanical description, herbaceous wormwood is a member of the Aster family. It is a perennial shrub growing in European and Asian territories. In Russia, it is found everywhere, with the exception of the Arctic Circle.

Bitter wormwood is the main component of absinthe - an alcoholic tincture that improves appetite and is recommended as an aperitif.

It sometimes reaches a height of 2 m.It is easy to recognize it by its small thin feathery foliage of a dark green color on the outside and a velvety layer on the inside. It has a characteristic pungent odor with bitterness. Inflorescences are formed by small white flowers.


The chemical composition of Chernobyl:

  • thujone ether;
  • carotene;
  • saponins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarin derivatives;
  • vitamin C;
  • thiamine;
  • tannins.

The roots of Chernobyl, which contain the highest concentration of nutrients, have the most healing properties. In folk and traditional medicine, peduncles and stems collected during the flowering period are used along with the roots.

Indications for use

Medical fees based on wormwood are used to treat a number of diseases as an independent remedy or as part of other medications. In some countries, by distillation from dry wormwood inflorescences and foliage, an essential oil with a hint of camphor is obtained.

The medicinal properties of black wormwood herb include it as a stimulant, astringent, gastric, antispasmodic, diuretic, soothing, wound healing and tonic.

Wormwood treats bronchial diseases

Wormwood treats bronchial diseases

Ready-made tinctures from the wormwood plant are prescribed for the treatment of such diseases:

  • anacid gastritis, accompanied by a decrease in acidity;
  • intestinal colic;
  • genitourinary system;
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • bronchi;
  • wounds and ulcers.

Tinctures from the roots and stems of the Chernobyl plant normalize gastric acidity, calm the nervous system, normalize metabolic processes and act as an anthelmintic agent.


Dried wormwood herb is widely used as a remedy in traditional medicine recipes:

  • in the treatment of bronchitis, asthmatic attacks and tuberculosis, the root insist on white wine - 20-25 g of grass per glass, 1 tsp. honey, the solution is brought to a boil, drink 2 tbsp. l. before eating;
  • the present foliage helps to relieve menstrual pain - 1 tbsp. l. dried herbs for 0.5 cups of boiling water insist 3 hours, drink half a glass before meals;
  • baths with Chernobyl are made for the treatment of the skin, including getting rid of ulcerative foci and acne - 30 g of a dry plant are poured in 200 ml of boiling water, after cooling they are used externally;
  • for the treatment of nervous stress, migraine and epileptic seizures, wormwood root is used - 2 tbsp. l. dry root for 0.5 liters of boiling water insist in a closed container for 4-5 hours, drink up to 5 times a day before meals, the course - up to several weeks;
  • to increase appetite and improve mood, wormwood is recommended in decoctions prepared on the basis of young shoots - 15 g of dry stems per 200 ml of boiling water are drunk half a glass at one time before meals.

Eastern peoples use the healing properties of ordinary wormwood in the process of acupuncture, the combined use of the heat of smoldering grass and moxibustion helps.


Restrictions and contraindications associated with the use of wormwood, or Chernobyl as a medicinal plant, are due to its increased toxicity and individual intolerance of the person included in the chemical composition of the substances. Chernobyl can cause allergic reactions.

In limited doses, tinctures and decoctions from Chernobyl are used for acute gastritis, accompanied by increased gastric acidity, heartburn attacks are observed. Banned medicinal herb for pregnant and lactating women.


Common wormwood, or Chernobyl, is a perennial shrub with medicinal properties. Thanks to the components of the chemical composition useful for health, it is used in traditional and folk medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases. Has a list of restrictions and contraindications for use.

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