Wormwood tincture

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In modern medicine, wormwood tincture is an effective drug with a diuretic effect. It is often prescribed to treat the digestive tract as well as to increase appetite. In folk medicine, this tool has found wider application.

Wormwood tincture

Wormwood tincture

Properties of the drug

Tincture of green-brown color with a specific aroma of wormwood is made on the basis of alcohol with a content of 70%. You can buy such a remedy at any pharmacy without a prescription and at an affordable price. Pharmacological properties:

  • eliminates pain;
  • removes worms from the body;
  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • has a calming effect;
  • cleans the blood;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • is an effective antineoplastic agent;
  • disinfects and promotes rapid wound healing.

Indications for use

In folk medicine, two types of wild-growing culture are used - bitter (the name in Latin is Artemisia absinthium) and ordinary. Wormwood tincture can be used for the following indications:

  1. The properties of the plant are effective in the treatment of alcoholism. The herb is averse to alcoholic beverages. For healing, it is better to prepare a pure infusion or decoction from the leaves and stems of wormwood or ordinary wormwood. No less effective is an herbal infusion from a whole group of herbs: wormwood, celandine, thyme, licorice, horsetail and centaury (golden flower). Another variant of the mixture: wormwood, St. John's wort, burdock root, Chernobyl. The duration of treatment varies from 1 to 3 months, depending on the degree of alcoholism. They drink the medicine in 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. Then a break is taken, and treatment therapy is repeated. An indication for the use of tincture of wormwood with other medicinal herbs is the appointment of the attending physician. Such therapy is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.
  2. Herbal alcohol infusion helps fight many pests in the body that parasitize the liver and bile ducts. It removes ascaris, pinworms, lamblia from the body. Effective in the treatment of opisthorchiasis.
  3. Pharmacy wormwood tincture is the first remedy for disorders in the digestive tract. The medicinal properties of this drug were noted by patients with diseases of the liver and gallbladder. It helps well with gastritis, colitis, intestinal inflammation. In case of severe intoxication, it removes harmful substances and toxins from the body. Eliminates heartburn, is used in the treatment of pancreatitis. At home, grass in combination with calamus root is allowed to be taken to increase appetite.
  4. Bitter wormwood tincture is used in the treatment of disorders of the reproductive system of women, during menstrual irregularities. The medicine should be taken orally with uterine fibroids, inflammation of the ovaries and other organs of the female reproductive system, with uterine bleeding. An herbal infusion is used to wash the vagina.Also, alcoholic extract is used to treat infertility in men.
  5. This drug is effective for disorders of the central nervous system: depression, stress, fatigue, neurasthenia. Eliminates insomnia, increases mental activity and improves memory, gives strength. In folk medicine, recipes for water tinctures (wormwood and mint) are widely used in the treatment of epilepsy, but only with the permission of the attending physician.
  6. Alcoholic infusion is used as a rubbing for stretching muscles, pain in joints, eliminates pain in case of dislocations. The drug is diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio and used to rinse the throat and mouth. For any skin lesions (wounds, boils, burns, abscesses, eczema, fungus and ulcers) use an aqueous tincture. It is used to treat papillomas, warts and other pathogenic growths on the body. A decoction or infusion is added to baths in the treatment of rheumatic pains, gout.
  7. In the treatment of atherosclerosis, the following herbal collection is used: wormwood, parsley, common myrtle, clover, common marjoram. Such a healing composition is used only as directed by a doctor.
  8. The plant, which contains vitamins and minerals, is useful in treating brittle, brittle and lacking vitality hair. It is used against their loss. Rinse the head and hair with infusion of herbs after washing with shampoo. This procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.
  9. The water infusion helps with acne, acne on the body and face.
  10. The infusion is drunk for hemorrhoids, tuberculosis and anemia.
  11. Taking such a drug is indicated for women during menopause to eliminate symptoms.
Wormwood Eliminates Hair Problems

Wormwood Eliminates Hair Problems

Instructions for the use of wormwood tincture:

  1. The medicine is drunk three times a day, 20-30 drops. In some cases, the doctor prescribes a different treatment regimen.
  2. According to the instructions, the course of treatment is 20-25 days. Traditional healers advise drinking the medicine for no more than 14 days, with longer use, the tincture on wormwood causes side effects.
  3. It is worth taking a tincture of wormwood half an hour before meals.

special instructions

Wormwood is not only good for the body, but can also cause irreparable harm. There are some contraindications for its use:

  • for children under the age of 12;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • with serious nervous disorders;
  • anemia, thrombophlebitis;
  • during an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are also contraindications for those who have an individual intolerance to the herb.

Side effects

If the scheme and dosage are not followed in the treatment, wormwood tincture causes a number of side effects:

  1. Gastrointestinal problems: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, bloating, cramps and colic. Sometimes there is constipation.
  2. Problems in the work of the central nervous system. A severe headache appears, dizzy, eyes darken, a person loses consciousness, convulsions and hallucinations appear.
  3. Allergies: rash, itching, redness.
  4. If it comes into contact with the eyelids, it causes irritation, therefore, during use, contact of the substance with the eyes and other mucous membranes should be avoided.

In case of such manifestations, immediately consult a doctor. During treatment, it is forbidden to independently change the frequency of use and the dosage prescribed by a specialist. The maximum course is no more than two weeks.

Homemade medicine

A pharmacy preparation can be easily prepared at home. They also make an aqueous infusion, a decoction, a tea and a drink.


Wormwood broth is prepared quickly and easily. It will be possible to brew it in several ways, while the medicinal properties of the herb are preserved.

Take 1 tbsp. l. dry or fresh crushed raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for a minute, then it is worth insisting all this under the lid for half an hour. The drink is filtered through cheesecloth. It is worth taking ¼ glass three times a day.Such a remedy is used for douching with helminthic invasions and inflammation of the genitourinary system. It is good to wash away with such a broth.

Tincture on water

It is not difficult to prepare a tincture

It is not difficult to prepare a tincture

There are many recipes for making wormwood infusions, but the best is the option, the preparation of which consists of several stages:

  • take 1 tsp. dry grass;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • then it is required to insist under the lid for half an hour;
  • filter through a strainer or cheesecloth.

The scheme and dosage of use is the same as for taking the decoction.

Tincture for alcohol

In addition to the above diseases, this remedy has indications for use for weight loss, normalization of metabolism, metabolism, prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. For this purpose, use an infusion of alcohol. They are also treated for cough, herpes, rheumatism.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  • take chopped fresh or dry raw materials;
  • pour alcohol (70%) - 6 tbsp. l .;
  • insist in a dark room under a lid for two weeks;
  • filter and drink 1 tsp. in a day.

Treatment of worms

A tincture of the herb is useful both for the prevention and treatment of worms. It will take one week to prepare such a medicine. Prepare an antihelminthic agent using several components:

  • dry chopped grass - 1 part;
  • crushed zucchini seeds - 1 part;
  • vodka (moonshine) - 3 parts.

The dry components are mixed, poured with vodka and tightly closed with a lid. It is required to insist in a cool place for 7 days.

Pest control

This plant has gained great popularity in horticulture as a honey plant that attracts bees. It scares away many pests, exuding a specific smell. This aroma is provided by the essential oils that are part of the plant. The grass is planted in the garden bed.

At home, wormwood or common wormwood is used in the fight against various pests: fleas, flies and cockroaches. Fresh stems are laid out on the floor surface, at the front door. The floors and hard-to-reach places are washed with alcoholic tincture or broth.

An aqueous infusion or decoction helps to get rid of fleas in cats and dogs. Home remedy irrigate wool and all areas affected by sucking insects.


Wormwood tincture helps with many ailments, this is the most necessary drug. The benefits of the plant have been appreciated by many people. A pharmacy or home-made medicine should be taken only with the permission of a doctor, observing the correct regimen and dosage. Uncontrolled treatment leads to disastrous consequences.

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