Characteristics of the Cherry Red tomato variety

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In nature, there are a bunch of tomatoes that have different colors, sizes and even shapes. One of such unusual varieties is cherry red tomato. This is one of the famous types of cherry tomatoes. Such a plant is popular with many gardeners, because it has not only an unsurpassed taste, but excellent decorative properties.

Characteristics of the Cherry Red tomato variety

Characteristics of the Cherry Red tomato variety

The variety belongs to young subspecies, because it was bred in 1990. Cherry Red tomato is excellent for growing, both in the open field and in greenhouses.


The main characteristic of a tomato is that it is not a hybrid, although many confuse it with a cherry species such as Winter cherry. Cherry red tomatoes belong to the early maturing types and have a fairly high yield. Tomatoes from one bush can produce about 2 kg of cherry. The variety belongs to an indeterminate plant and can reach a height of 1.5-2 m. From sowing the seeds to the receipt of the first fruits, 100 days must pass.

Many people consider this tomato bush very beautiful and use it not for fruit, but as a decoration. It grows quite tall and sprawling. The leaves are small and dark green in color. The brush that gives the first fruits is formed over the 8-9 leaves. It can be grown both outdoors and in greenhouses. The plant almost does not succumb to insects, but sometimes it can get sick with fusarium and tobacco mosaic.

Red Cherry has small tomatoes. The fruits are bright red in color and have a nice round shape. One tomato can weigh no more than 35 g. Cherry grows in clusters, each of which forms 20 to 35 fruits. Tomatoes have a sweetish flavor.

You can often find reviews that say that this variety is great for preserving and preparing salads. Children especially love these tomatoes for their small size.

Pros and cons of the variety

Cherry red tomatoes are famous as one of the most unpretentious varieties. The description says that there are only positive reviews about this type of cherry. This means that if there are flaws, then they are insignificant.

The benefits of cherry blossoms include:

  • early maturation;
  • good taste;
  • easily tolerates temperature fluctuations;
  • has good decorative properties;
  • can be used for making preserves.

The main disadvantage of this subspecies is considered to be tall. Indeed, because of this, cherry red tomatoes must be regularly pinned and tied up.

Tomatoes cannot be used for long-distance transportation, because during this period the fruits will simply deteriorate. Also, a plant of this species needs good lighting and regular feeding.


The first reason why gardeners choose the Cherry Red tomato, its cultivation will not be difficult.Cherry red tomatoes, like many other species, are most often grown using seedlings. But in order to get it, you must immediately sow the seeds.

Growing seedlings

To plant a variety, only viable seeds must be selected. After that, the day before disembarkation, they must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. The soil in which the cherry trees will be planted also plays an important role. It should be neutral in acidity and nutritious enough.

Such land can be purchased at a specialized store or made on your own. To do this, you just need to mix black soil with sand. You also need to prepare a container in which the tomatoes will be planted. Now we plant the seeds and cover the container with a plastic bag. Cherry red will be in this state until the sprouts appear.

Plants require careful maintenance

Plants require careful maintenance

As soon as the seeds hatch, the bag will need to be removed. Now the moment has come when you should carefully look after the tomato.

Seedling care

After the first shoots have appeared, the soil should be watered regularly. It is advisable to do this in moderation in order to prevent waterlogging of the soil. Also, air temperature plays an important role for young seedlings. It should not be below 25 degrees.

In order for tomatoes to grow as quickly as possible, they need to be provided with sufficient lighting. If it is not possible to create such conditions in a natural way, then lighting will have to be carried out artificially, using an LED lamp.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Growing seedlings does not take much time and effort, but in order to transfer it to open ground, it is also necessary to carry out a number of preparations. Immediately, the seedlings must be hardened, this is done when the seedlings already have 4 true leaves. Tomatoes are taken out on the street every day for 15-20 minutes. After you have hardened and the air temperature outside is constantly kept at 22 degrees, you can plant seedlings.

Most often, this period falls in the middle or end of May. To transplant a variety into open ground, you need a container in which the seedlings are located, pour well. Then carefully pull out one seedling at a time and transfer to the ground.

Variety care

Caring for tomatoes Red cherry is the main component for obtaining a high-quality harvest. It consists in the following:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • weed removal;
  • mulching the soil.

It is very important to remove weeds near tomatoes of this variety, because the grass clogs the ground and does not allow the plant to develop normally. You should also remove stepchildren, who are actively developing in this species. Immediately after planting seedlings, it must be tied up, because tomatoes of this variety grow about 2 meters in height. If this is not done, then in the process of growth they will simply break.

Watering Red Cherry is necessary in the same way as other varieties of tomatoes. Do not overdo it with the introduction of moisture into the soil, because this can harm the plant. With a lot of moisture, the roots of the tomato begin to rot, which can lead to the death of the plant.

You can fertilize the variety with organic or inorganic preparations. Some people use compost, manure and even boric acid for feeding. Any fertilizer is good for tomatoes in its own way, but it is worth remembering that they should be applied clearly according to the scheme. After all, an excess of nutrients also negatively affects the culture.

Ailments and insects

Cherry red tomato is resistant to root rot and brown spot. But it can be affected by other fungal and infectious diseases. Due to the fact that the variety ripens quickly, it is also not damaged by late blight, which can often be seen on melons. The description says that insects do not attack him very often.

Often this type of cherry is affected by such ailments as tobacco mosaic and fusarium.Such diseases cannot be treated, because they destroy the plant in a short period. Therefore, if signs of these diseases appear on the tomato bush, the plant should be pulled out. This way you can prevent infection of the rest of the bushes.

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to carry out prevention against diseases and parasites. It consists in proper care. If watering and feeding, weed removal are carried out correctly, then you will not have such problems. Also, to prevent the appearance of insects, you can plant nearby plants that are afraid of melon parasites.


Cherry Tomato Red cherry is a very beautiful and tasty vegetable that many people grow with pleasure.

Even a beginner in this business can get tasty fruits. The main thing is to follow the rules of planting and care at every stage. This variety is great for preservation, some roll it up without separating it from the brushes.

This type of cherry has a high level of productivity, which cannot but delight gardeners. Children love him very much because he has a sweetish taste and small size. Therefore, if you have never planted this subspecies of tomatoes, then you should still try.

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