Tomato Rescuer

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Tomato rescuer is a triple action remedy. It is used to preserve a high-quality tomato crop. This pesticide helps control pests in tomato and other crops.

Tomato Rescuer

Tomato Rescuer

Composition of the Tomato Rescuer

The active ingredient of the fertilizer is acetopiprid, phytopronil and surfactants.

The Tomato Rescuer drug consists of three ampoules with different special means that enhance the effectiveness of each other:

  1. Tomato rescuer-insectoacaricide. Quickly and effectively exterminates all known insect pests.
  2. Tomato rescuer-fungicide. Effectively protects against macrospariosis, late blight and many other phyto-diseases.
  3. Tomato Stimulant Rescuer. Promotes the dynamic development of plants.

Stimulant benefits

The 3-in-1 Tomato Rescuer has several advantages over other insecticidal products.

  1. Not addictive to harmful insects.
  2. It has a toxic effect on adult pests, their eggs and larvae.
  3. Does not lose effective action at high temperatures.
  4. Saves time and costs for plant care.
  5. Prevents the formation of various diseases.
  6. It has an anti-stress effect.
  7. Stimulates the development and growth of plants.
  8. Increases the quality and volume of the crop.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

As a fertilizer, the Rescuer preparation can be used only as an addition to the main fertilization. Foliar treatments with growth stimulants cannot replace basic nutrients.

Pest and disease control

Spraying will protect against pests

Spraying will protect against pests

The effectiveness of the use of the pesticide helps vegetable growers forget about diseases and pests, as well as systematic fertilization of tomato crops.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

Pest insects, feeding on sap, become infected and die. Thanks to the even distribution of the tomato rescuer inside the plant, the newly regrown parts are also protected from the attack of sucking diseases and insects.

Insectoacaricide contributes to the destruction of such pests of vegetable crops as marsh and yellow scoops, bear, spider mites, wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, rootworm nematodes, slugs and others.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

The lifeguard drug as an insectoacaricide has a systemic effect, i.e. integrates into plant cells and remains there for several weeks, showing a protective effect.

The fungo stimulant protects plants from various diseases, such as internal necrosis, late blight, black bacterial spot, potato mold, brown leaf spot, streak, septoria, wet and fusarium rot, apical and white rot, dysplodina (black rot), botrytis (gray rot ), dry spotting (macrosporiosis) and black leg.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

When processing tomato plants, make sure that as much of the leaves as possible is covered with the solution.Only in this case is the positive effect of the drug achieved.

Application of the tool

For high-quality treatment of plants with a stimulant, it is necessary to prepare a solution in accordance with the instructions for use of the tomato rescuer. Dissolve 3 ampoules in 10 liters of water and mix thoroughly. This solution is enough to process one hundred square meters of the site.

Spraying should be done evenly over the entire surface of the leaves in dry, calm weather. During flowering and fruiting of tomatoes, the pesticide must not be used. The last treatment of plants from pests should be carried out no later than three weeks before the start of harvest.


It is necessary to store the Tomato Rescuer preparation away from food and medicine, in places inaccessible to children, in undamaged individual packaging at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. Perform processing in personal protective equipment. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. During spraying, refrain from smoking, eating food and water. After work, be sure to wash your hands and face with soap.


Timely and correct use of the Rescuer for Tomatoes preparation makes it possible to obtain a large volume of high-quality harvest.

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