Ways to remove skin from a tomato

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Sometimes, when preparing culinary dishes, you need to remove the skin from the tomato. This can be done in several ways.

Ways to remove skin from a tomato

Ways to remove skin from a tomato

Boiling water treatment

When looking for an answer to the question: "How to remove the skin from a tomato?" you can turn to the most popular method - blanching. This method of pre-heat treatment involves immersing the tomato for a short time in boiling and then in ice water. Processing is divided into several stages:

  • water is poured into the container and brought to a boil;
  • while the water is boiling, the tomatoes are peeled, removing the remnants of the cutting;
  • on the side opposite to the cutting, incisions are made on the tomato skin, preferably in the form of a cross, which facilitates the process of skinning;
  • a large-volume bowl is filled with water of a minimum cold temperature, the degree is also lowered by adding ice to the water, a container with ice water is placed near the oven;
  • vegetables are dipped in boiling water for 30 s, preferably not to exceed this time, so that the tomatoes in boiling water are not cooked and softened;
  • vegetables from boiling water are immediately transferred to a bowl with ice and kept in cold water for 30 seconds.

Tomatoes, after preliminary heat treatment in boiling water, are easily and quickly cleaned, while cleaning the skin begins from the place of the cross cut. Tough places are cut with a knife.

A wide-diameter saucepan or deep frying pan is suitable for blanching a tomato.

Peeling tomatoes by blanching is an effective way to quickly peel large quantities of vegetables.


It is easy to remove the peel from a tomato, allowing pre-baking, for which a microwave oven or an oven is used, where the product is previously placed. Initially, a cruciform cut is made on the tomato. The heating mode is set to maximum power, the timer is set to 30 s.

Peeling the tomato skins with preliminary roasting of the vegetable allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients it contains and the quality of the product.

The shriveled skin allows you to determine the readiness of the tomato.

Fire treatment

It is easy to remove the skin from tomatoes

It is easy to remove the skin from tomatoes

Peeling tomatoes is easy if they are preheated over an open fire on a gas burner. The procedure includes the following:

  • the remnants of the cuttings are removed;
  • a cruciform incision is made on the opposite side;
  • the gas burner is turned on at the maximum possible power;
  • using metal tongs, the product is held over the fire at a distance of 3 cm, slowly turning it for up to 30 s, until the skin darkens.

The heated tomato is cooled, for which it is also permissible to use ice water. The cooled product is peeled from the skin, starting from the place of the cruciform incision.

Instead of a gas stove, they use fire from a stove, fireplace and campfire, a gas grill. Instead of metal tongs, use a fork, sticking a tomato in the place of the stalk.

Cleaning without heat treatment

If you do not use preliminary heat treatment, peel the tomato with a potato peeler. For these purposes, those tools are suitable for which the blade is serrated.

Cut off the skin with a sharp knife:

  • cut about 1.5 cm from the top and bottom of the tomato;
  • in the direction from bottom to top, a thin cut is made on the product.

Pre-freezing vegetables allows you to simplify the process of peeling tomatoes with a knife or potato peeler, for which they are placed in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.


When cooking, many are interested in how to peel tomatoes. The easiest way to do this is after preliminary heat treatment, pouring boiling water over the vegetable, or remove the skin from a tomato that has been baked in an oven or microwave.

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