Description of tomato Irina

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The Irina tomato is known as the earliest and most productive species. In addition, it has a high taste.

Description of tomato Irina

Description of tomato Irina

Characteristics of the variety

Tomato Irina f1 is a hybrid plant. Breeders bred it in the first generation of works. Tomato Irina combines all the positive characteristics of other tomatoes.

This is a determinant species, it does not require pinching of stepchildren. Tomatoes grow to a certain height. As soon as it is recruited, growth stops. The shrub usually reaches 1 m and contains a chunky structure. The stem is wide, with a lot of leaves. Medium-sized leaf, dark green.

Irina F1 variety has a special structure of inflorescences. They are located only on the 5th sheet, after that they go with an interval of 1-2 sheets. Tomato Irina f1 bears fruit early. The crop is harvested after 95 days. The plant is able to withstand diseases that often attack tomatoes. It is possible to grow the production of tomatoes of the Irina variety both in greenhouse conditions and in open areas.

Characteristics of the fetus

The fruits are medium in size. Usually they reach no more than 5 cm in diameter, their weight does not exceed 150 g. The inner part of the fruit is fleshy and dense. There are about 4 kg of tomatoes on one bush.

According to reviews, the fruits of the Irina f1 tomato variety are very sweet. The amount of sugar in a vegetable reaches about 3.5%. There are few seeds in the inside of the tomato, they are all scattered in separate chambers, so they can be easily removed. The dry matter content is about 5%.

For storing such tomatoes, you should choose rooms with low light levels. The humidity did not exceed 35%.

The variety tolerates transportation well.

Product Benefits

The plant has a good yield.

The plant has a good yield.

According to the description, the advantages of the variety include:

  • early maturity;
  • high yield and good taste;
  • cold resistance;
  • disease resistance;
  • transportability.

Growing rules

Growing tomato f1 takes place only by the seedling method. Before planting, the seeds are sprayed with a small amount of manganese solution. After that, they are left to ripen. The distance between the seeds should be at least 3 cm.

Irina's tomatoes are necessarily stepson so that new inflorescences do not harm the old ones. The more new inflorescences there are, the longer the seedlings will ripen. The pick is carried out only after the plant has several leaves. Watering is carried out so that water does not fall on the leaves. After about 2 months, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

Landing in the ground is carried out in a checkerboard pattern. A distance of 60 cm is maintained between the plants. The earth is loosened and fed every 14 days. Each fruit bush is tied up separately.

Diseases and parasites

According to the description, Irina tomatoes have strong immunity and are rarely exposed to diseases and pests.

As a prophylaxis, special means are used to prevent the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle. This is Regent, Aktara, Apache or Lightning.

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