Lunar calendar of a gardener and a gardener for january 15, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
January 15, 2022
12 lunar day
Visibility: 91%
Growing crescent
Moon in the sign Gemini
Neutral time
  • Thinning: Nigella onion set
Auspicious time
  • Thinning: Radish, radish
  • Sowing in the ground or greenhouse: Leaf salad; Head salad
  • Sowing: Peas, legumes
Unfavorable time
  • Seed Soaking: Tomato
  • Sowing seedlings s / p: Tomato
  • Planting in open ground (greenhouse): Tomato; Cauliflower
  • Landing in the ground: Sweet pepper; Early white cabbage and Brussels sprouts; Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi; Eggplant
  • Sowing seedlings: Early white cabbage and Brussels sprouts; Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi; Cauliflower
  • Vernalization, germination: Early potatoes; Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Sowing: Dill, parsley for herbs; Corn; Pumpkin, zucchini, squash, cucumber; Watermelon melon; Sunflower
  • Cleaning: Dill, parsley on greens
  • Sowing and planting: Feather bow, perennial bows
  • Sowing for grain: Cereals
  • Planting seedlings: Garden strawberries
  • Harvesting cuttings: Berry bushes
  • Planting seedlings: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Budding: Fruit trees
  • Graft: Fruit trees

The influence of a lunar day

12 lunar day

They are the forerunner of the full moon. At this time, active actions in the garden or on the garden plot are not recommended. Better to spend time doing leisurely work that doesn't need to be rushed.

A beneficial period for sowing and diving seedlings, rooting cuttings, replanting seedlings. This day will be suitable in order to improve the composition of the soil, introduce nutrients, and remove weeds.

You can harvest, harvest seed material for further planting in open ground or in a greenhouse.

It is not recommended to remove ground parts of garden crops, shoots and tops of trees. It is allowed to vaccinate and pin on existing shoots.

Positive aspects of the day:

  • planting, transplanting, rooting cuttings, after such procedures, young seedlings quickly adapt to new conditions, their active growth and development begins;
  • the soil is prepared, loosened, weeds are removed;
  • irrigation of the soil, the introduction of mineral and organic compounds;
  • grafting and clothespin of young shoots is carried out;
  • harvest;
  • salting and sourdough of the collected fruits for the winter is performed.

Negative influence:

  • it is not recommended to carry out pruning and removal of the ground part of plants, the formation of the crown of trees.

Day of the week influence


Saturday is one of the days worth dedicating to gardening and gardening.Despite the presence of the heavy energy of Saturn, on Saturday it will be possible to work effectively on the site: to put it in order and do everything that was not possible before.

There are a number of jobs that are recommended for this day.

  • You can work on the ground: sowing garden crops, garden plants, weeding them.
  • It is also worth planning weed control for this day - and the land will remain clean and well-groomed for a long time.
  • Saturday in the summer or fall is a great day for harvesting. The harvested vegetables and fruits will be stored for a long time, remaining fresh and tasty.
  • The day is also suitable for preparing the land for the next season.
  • You also need to start feeding the soil, improving its quality.
  • Pest control will bring excellent results, as well as disease control.

Negative influence

For landscaping, arranging flower beds, flower beds, lawns, it is worth choosing another day of the week, since this type of activity will be negatively affected by the heavy energy of Saturn.

Moon phase influence

Growing crescent

The second phase is located between the 1st quarter and the Full Moon. This period is marked by the emergence of vigorous activity of all living things, the greenery is filled with the powerful energy of the Earth, it takes juices from the soil and directs it up the stems, contributing to the future rapid development of leaves and abundant flowering.

All activities with the soil that contribute to the stimulation of strong formation of seedlings will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Now is the right time for:

  • sowing;
  • landing;
  • transplantation of both decorative and practical crops - fruit, vegetable.

Plants planted before the Full Moon will begin to develop actively, pleasing the eye with a chic leaf mass and rapid overall development.

A good moment will come for planting shrubs and trees. They will grow up healthy and generously reward you for your work with an abundance of fruits and berries. The vaccination will be painlessly transferred and will give a positive result.

With special precautions, you need to prune unnecessary shoots. If you hurry and do it somehow, the plant will weaken, but if you try and do everything carefully, it will grow with renewed vigor. Still, you should be extremely careful.

A favorable period for fertilizing, loosening the soil, weeding. Right now it is worth cutting off the parts of the roots that have died off, because at the moment they do not yet have great sensitivity, because they only wake up after a long winter sleep.

Collecting fruits carried out in the waxing moon phase will be good, but it will not be possible to store it for a long time, because there are a lot of juices there. Better to ferment and eat soon. Greens, herbs, spices and seeds will also not be stored for a long time, it is preferable to dry them immediately.

What kind of activity will be useful:

  • Sowing and planting crops.
  • Fertilizing, watering, weeding the soil.
  • Grafting, transplanting, planting fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs.
  • Collection of fruits, medicinal, herbs for drying and spinning.
  • Salting vegetables for a quick meal.

What is preferable to refrain from:

  • It is dangerous to remove unnecessary shoots and branches, since with increased sap flow, they can lose a lot of vital energy.
  • It is undesirable to do spins with high temperatures. Starter cultures are ideal.

The influence of the zodiac sign


Gemini is a sign of Air. Its main qualities are dryness and low yield. Therefore, this period is not suitable for sowing seeds or planting seedlings. Growing up, such plants develop the root system as much as possible, but to the detriment of all other parts. As a result, they have a very weak stem that needs support. In the future, the taste of the crop also suffers, and the aroma, if there is, is very weak.

Because of all of the above, it is highly undesirable to plant or transplant plants in this lunar phase. Carefully caring for weakened specimens will take a lot of effort, but will not live up to expectations. When the Moon is in Gemini, watering should be avoided. Despite this, a number of gardening works during this period can and should be performed.

What to do during the growing phase

Planting or transplanting ornamental shrubs, flower seedlings, as well as sowing flower seeds will go well. Climbing plants can also be planted. It is recommended to transplant strawberries, strawberries (propagated by a mustache). This is the right time for collecting medicinal herbs, mowing.

What to do in the waning phase

This is a very good time for loosening the soil, applying mulch, hilling potatoes, weeding, removing weeds and weak ovaries. You can do the formation of the crown of trees and shrubs, pruning shoots. Digging of carrots, beets and other root crops is carried out. The roots of medicinal plants are extracted, ripe fruits are harvested.

What is allowed to do on the moon in Gemini

  • To plant plants with creeping (rooted whiskers) or creeping (not rooting) stems, as well as curly and ampelous (hanging) stems.
  • To plant melons and legumes, garden and forest strawberries.
  • Remove whiskers from strawberries, thin out the beds.
  • Loosen the soil directly at the root, huddle, pull out weeds (do not water!).
  • Tear off stepchildren, vaccinate, pinch the kidneys.
  • Mow lawn and meadow grass, harvest brushwood and firewood.
  • Cut flowers for sale (keep fresh for a long time).
  • Dig root vegetables and onions for winter storage.
  • Collect medicinal herbs and crops, as well as seeds, bulbs, tubers of vegetable and ornamental plants, intended for planting.
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