Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for October 20, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
October 20, 2022
25 lunar day
Visibility: 30%
Almost good
Waning sickle
Moon in the sign Leo
Auspicious time
  • Removing the whiskers to enhance fruiting and improve rooting: Garden strawberries
  • Cropping: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Pruning vines: Grapes
  • Grubbing tree stumps
Neutral time
  • Stepping into: Tomato
  • Cleaning: Carrots, beets for bunch products; Garlic
Unfavorable time
  • Sowing seedlings b / p: Tomato
  • Picking: Tomato; Cauliflower
  • Sowing seedlings: Sweet pepper
  • Sowing: Carrots for winter storage; Radish, radish
  • Cleaning: Radish, radish; Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Hilling: Early potatoes
  • Landing: Garlic
  • Sowing on green fertilizers: Cereals
  • Rooting the mustache: Garden strawberries
  • Harvesting cuttings: Grapes; Fruit trees
  • Weeding

The influence of a lunar day

25 lunar day

This is a passive time for plants, they grow slowly, not reacting to any actions over the ground part. This day of the lunar cycle is successful in order to carry out any garden work that has a beneficial effect on the harvest of underground plants: potatoes, onions, beets, carrots and others.

This period is great for planting, weeding, harvesting and sorting the seeds for the next planting season. Manipulations with the soil will be successful: loosening, feeding, pest control, weeding. On the 25th lunar day, it is forbidden to water the plantings, since they are not able to take in a large amount of liquid.

Experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to shrubs and trees. During this period, you can safely cut off excess and spoiled shoots - this will not harm the plants. It is undesirable to plant and pinch seedlings, as this affects their growth and survival of the shoot.

You can go for medicinal herbs, collect fresh greens and fruits of aboveground plants on your site. The crop harvested on this day is suitable for drying, as the nutritious juices are concentrated in the roots.

25 lunar days have a positive effect on:

  • sowing, planting, harvesting root crops and bulbous plants;
  • digging, loosening the soil, weeding, feeding and spraying plants;
  • pruning trees and shrubs;
  • harvesting fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs for drying.

Negative impact of 25 lunar days:

  • for watering;
  • to work damaging plant roots.

Day of the week influence


Thursday is the day of the week influenced by Jupiter. It is recommended on this day to do everything that intuition tells you to do. The day promises to be eventful, it is full of colors and energy, which should be directed in the right direction.

On a given day of the week, it is easy to deal with the rejection of planting material.Every gardener at first glance will distinguish a suitable planting material from one that may not emerge. It is recommended to sow and plant seedlings and seedlings, they will grow strong and strong.

Pruning trees will do well. Dry branches take away strength from trees, so they should be disposed of. Pinching will help to establish sap flow in the plants, which will lead to better formation of ovaries.

Thinning the beds will bring significant benefits, the beds need to "breathe", besides, plants sitting too close take away a lot of nutrients from each other. Do not spare the weeds on this day, it is worth ridding the garden of them as early as possible.

Harvesting and harvesting the harvested products will be successful. Stocks will be stored throughout the year and will not lose their great taste.

Favorable features of Thursday:

  • On this day, any work in the garden and garden will be productive and beneficial.
  • The rejection of planting material will be more effective than ever.
  • Harvesting will make it possible to make large reserves for the winter.
  • Pinching and pinching will improve the flow of juices through the plant.
  • Pruning bushes and fruit trees will help bring the garden into shape.

Moon phase influence

Waning sickle

At this time, the activity of plants begins to gradually decrease, all their energy and power accumulate in the rhizome.

Things to do

Since the plants are not currently disposed to rapid growth and the formation of young shoots, it is worth doing cleaning on the personal plot:

  • ground tops;
  • fallen leaves;
  • weed grass;
  • dried plants;
  • backyard territory.

Sick or dead shrubs and trees can be uprooted. The formation of the crown, pruning of lateral shoots, branches will have a good effect on the state of garden vegetation.

What is undesirable to do

The moon in the 4th waning phase is not a very suitable time for planting seedlings and sowing seeds of plants with ground-based fruit formation. Planted in a given time period, they will:

  • grow weak, short;
  • take root badly;
  • have less resistance to disease.

To a lesser extent, this applies to bulbous and root crops, in which the underground part is the main one, so they more easily tolerate the negative impact on their upper part.

In the last phase, it is worth abandoning watering, loosening the soil, digging it up. The roots are now sensitive to external influences and can negatively respond to damage, and excessive moisture can trigger the decay process.

Fertilization is allowed. It is allowed to spray the ground parts of vegetation with special agents against diseases and harmful insects.

The harvest of root crops collected during this period will have a short shelf life, the fruits will differ in wateriness. They can be canned, like ground fruits harvested at the same time. But salting or fermenting is not desirable.

The influence of the zodiac sign

a lion

For gardeners and truck farmers, the time when the moon is located in the zone of influence of the constellation Leo is considered unfavorable. Plants prefer to gain strength and the vegetation process almost stops. However, there is a list of actions that will positively affect the life of your flora.

  • Bulbs and other root crops can be planted in prepared soil;
  • Getting rid of unnecessary shoots by pruning and pinching will have a good effect on fertility;
  • It is not a bad idea to harvest underground crops or squat plants;
  • The perfect moment has come for thermal processing of vegetables for the winter, pickling or canning. Harvesting cabbage will be especially successful;
  • During the period when the moon is in Leo, the plants take root well in a new place. But the plants planted now are unlikely to give a rich harvest next season;
  • Fertilizing the soil where fruit trees or flowers grow is not recommended;

During the stay of the earthly satellite under the influence of the constellation Leo, you should not water your garden or garden flora, as well as collect quickly drying plants. These include, in particular, common white cabbage. Follow these tips and your harvest will not disappoint you.

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