Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for June 5, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
June 5, 2022
5 lunar day
Visibility: 24%
Very bad
Growing sickle
Moon in the sign Leo
Auspicious time
  • Sowing: Sunflower
  • Planting seedlings: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog
Unfavorable time
  • Seed Soaking: Tomato
  • Sowing seedlings s / p: Tomato
  • Planting in open ground (greenhouse): Tomato; Cauliflower
  • Landing in the ground: Sweet pepper; Early white cabbage and Brussels sprouts; Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi; Eggplant
  • Sowing seedlings: Early white cabbage and Brussels sprouts; Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi; Cauliflower
  • Thinning: Radish, radish; Nigella onion set
  • Vernalization, germination: Early potatoes; Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Sowing: Dill, parsley for herbs; Peas, legumes; Corn; Pumpkin, zucchini, squash, cucumber; Watermelon melon
  • Cleaning: Dill, parsley on greens
  • Sowing and planting: Feather bow, perennial bows
  • Sowing in the ground or greenhouse: Leaf salad; Head salad
  • Planting seedlings: Garden strawberries
  • Harvesting cuttings: Berry bushes
  • Planting seedlings: Fruit trees
  • Budding: Fruit trees
  • Graft: Fruit trees

The influence of a lunar day

5 lunar day

On the 5th lunar day, the moon is in a growing phase. This leads to the activation of growth and the accumulation of active nutrients by plants, regardless of their type. In this regard, almost any manipulation performed on garden plots is guaranteed to lead to successful results.

Recommended actions

On this day, the following are allowed:

  • soil preparation for planting;
  • sowing seeds, planting seedlings (except for fruit shrubs and trees);
  • rooting of trees and shrubs;
  • destruction of weeds;
  • soil cultivation.

Simultaneous watering and fertilization are very useful during this period.

Vaccinations, pinching

Ideal moment for treatments:

  • cuttings;
  • pinching;
  • vaccinations;

Due to the intense energy activity, the plants are maximally saturated with strength. This significantly increases the effectiveness of the above actions carried out on them.


On the 5th lunar day, the intensive movement of nutritious juices continues in the direction from the ground to the crowns of trees, tops of shrubs. This leads to their increased activity, rapid growth. The result is a good yield of aboveground fruits. They ripen delicious and juicy.

Undesirable actions

During this period, it is contraindicated to carry out work on pruning shoots and crowns. This action will weaken the plants. Planting and transplanting fruit trees and shrubs can lead to a negative result.

Influence of the day of the week


Since ancient times, the last day of the week has been associated with positivity and joy. After all, the sun is the patron saint of Sunday, which means that the day is charged with positive energy, which is best used for rest and entertainment. That is why it is better to postpone hard, dirty work to the next week.

Experienced gardeners recommend limiting yourself to watering plants and applying fertilizers. It is this stage of work that will fill the plants with strength and charge them with solar energy for further growth and development.

Also on this day you can do aesthetic activities. The creation of flower beds and living fences can be quite successful. Such work will be enjoyable and positive, and the result will exceed expectations.

Digging or plowing work should definitely be postponed. This dirty job is not for Sunday. Better to plan all stages of work on weekdays. It is not yet recommended to engage in thinning beds, removing weeds, cutting or uprooting shrubs.

If there are seasonal fruits and vegetables that need to be harvested, you should limit yourself to the amount that the family can consume that day. It is better to transfer harvesting for the winter and collecting seeds to Monday.

Sunday does not imply parasitism. This day of the week is special and offers the following possibilities:

  • Preparation and scheduling of work on weekdays;
  • Carrying out aesthetic and decorative work in the garden, flower bed or vegetable garden. These are those that bring positiveness;
  • Basic plant care work that requires minimal labor costs;
  • Collection of fruits and vegetables for food.

And in order not to disrupt the positive energy of the day, it is worth warning the execution of the following work:

  • Do not take on hard and dirty work;
  • Planting, thinning, tearing weeds, breaking branches, uprooting shrubs is prohibited;
  • It is better to postpone the collection of gifts for blanks to other days.

No wonder it is said that Sunday is a day of rest and joy. The very energy of this day adjusts to calmness. And if you follow the above rules, you can gain strength and positive energy for a whole week.

Moon phase influence

Growing sickle

The young Moon, with its powerful energy, affects all living things, including the world of plants. On the indicated days of the lunar cycle, terrestrial representatives of the flora grow, bloom and bear fruit, since the nutrients and liquid contained in them are directed upward.

On the growing moon, plants should be planted in which the part that is located above the ground and what ripens on it is used for food. It's time to sow flowering and medicinal plants and herbs.

According to the lunar sowing calendar, this period should be devoted to gardening work: planting, pruning, grafting shrubs and fruit trees. Such actions on the growing moon stimulate rapid growth, flowering and fruit setting on plants.

The soil will respond favorably to work aimed at increasing its fertility. While the night star is in the first phase, farmers plow their land plots, apply fertilizers and water. During the period of its activity, the night star makes the plants drink a lot of liquid from the soil.

Cuttings planted at this time will quickly take root, transplanting seedlings and removing unnecessary roots will normally take place. On the growing moon, the root system does not respond to minor damage. At the same time, the danger of the roots dying off remains, so you need to treat them with particular care.

Fruits and greens collected under the influence of the growing moon are characterized by nutritional value and juiciness, but are not suitable for long-term storage. A large amount of juice and nutrients leads to rapid spoilage. Berries, fruits, herbs are recommended to be processed into compotes, wine, juices, canned and dried. Vegetables pickled and pickled at this time are delicious.

The energy of the growing moon has a beneficial effect on:

  • planting plants with an edible ground part;
  • measures that improve the quality of the soil are weeding, digging, fertilization;
  • pruning of branches of trees and shrubs, grafting of plants;
  • collection of ripe fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs and medicinal herbs for subsequent salting and drying;
  • preparation of vegetables and herbs (conservation, salting, starter culture, drying).

Young Moon negatively affects:

  • work with the root system - the death of the plant is possible due to damage to the roots;
  • harvesting for the winter.

Influence of the zodiac sign

a lion

For gardeners and gardeners, the time when the moon is located in the zone of influence of the constellation Leo is considered unfavorable. Plants prefer to gain strength and the vegetation process almost stops. However, there is a list of actions that will positively affect the life of your flora.

  • Bulbs and other root crops can be planted in prepared soil;
  • Getting rid of unnecessary shoots by pruning and pinching will have a good effect on fertility;
  • It is not a bad idea to harvest underground crops or squat plants;
  • The perfect moment has come for thermal processing of vegetables for the winter, salting or canning. Harvesting cabbage will be especially successful;
  • During the period when the moon is in Leo, the plants take root well in a new place. But the plants planted now are unlikely to give a rich harvest next season;
  • Fertilizing the soil where fruit trees or flowers grow is not recommended;

During the stay of the earthly satellite under the influence of the constellation Leo, you should not water your garden or garden flora, as well as collect quickly drying plants. These include, in particular, common white cabbage. Follow these tips and your harvest will not disappoint you.

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