Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for July 10, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
July 10, 2022
11 lunar day
Visibility: 79%
Growing crescent
Moon in the sign of Scorpio
Unfavorable time
  • Cleaning: Nigella onion set
Auspicious time
  • Sowing seedlings s / p: Tomato
  • Planting in open ground (greenhouse): Tomato
  • Landing in the ground: Early white cabbage and Brussels sprouts; Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi; Eggplant
  • Sowing seedlings: Cauliflower
  • Sowing: Dill, parsley for herbs; Pumpkin, zucchini, squash, cucumber
  • Cleaning: Dill, parsley on greens
  • Sowing and planting: Feather bow, perennial bows
  • Sowing in the ground or greenhouse: Leaf salad; Head salad
  • Planting seedlings: Garden strawberries
  • Harvesting cuttings: Berry bushes
  • Planting seedlings: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Budding: Fruit trees
  • Graft: Fruit trees
  • inorganic at the root: Fertilization
  • Laying compost heaps
Neutral time
  • Seed Soaking: Tomato
  • Landing in the ground: Sweet pepper
  • Planting in open ground (greenhouse): Cauliflower
  • Thinning: Radish, radish; Nigella onion set
  • Sowing for grain: Cereals

The influence of a lunar day

11 lunar day

The active phase of the growth of the celestial body. During this time, there is also an intensive growth of trees, flowers and shrubs. All forces are concentrated in the upper part of the plants.

You can prepare the soil for planting plantings, loosen it, remove weeds and weed. Planting and replanting of trees, vegetables and flowers is carried out.

On this day, there is an active replenishment of moisture by plantings, therefore experienced gardeners recommend watering and feeding with the help of mineral and organic compounds. This will increase the palatability of the fruit, the amount of nutrients in them will be maximum.

Favorable time for rooting cuttings, for grafting and clothespins of young shoots of tree crops and shrubs.

A positive period for harvesting. They will be juicy, rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is not recommended to prune the ground part of the plants, since during this period all the power is concentrated in the tops of the crops.

Positive aspects of the day:

  • planting, transplanting and rooting of crops is carried out;
  • irrigation and fertilization are carried out;
  • abundant watering, weed removal and the introduction of minerals are carried out;
  • harvest.

Negative aspects:

  • the removal of deciduous parts, shoots and ground parts of plants is not carried out.

Day of the week influence


Since ancient times, the last day of the week has been associated with positivity and joy. After all, the sun is the patron saint of Sunday, which means that the day is charged with positive energy, which is best used for rest and entertainment.That is why it is better to postpone hard, dirty work to the next week.

Experienced gardeners recommend limiting yourself to watering plants and fertilizing. It is this stage of work that will fill the plants with strength and charge them with solar energy for further growth and development.

Also on this day you can do aesthetic activities. The creation of flower beds and living fences can be quite successful. Such work will be enjoyable and positive, and the result will exceed expectations.

Digging or plowing work should definitely be postponed. This dirty job is not for Sunday. Better to plan all stages of work on weekdays. It is not yet recommended to engage in thinning beds, removing weeds, cutting or uprooting shrubs.

If there are seasonal fruits and vegetables that need to be harvested, you should limit yourself to the amount that the family can consume that day. It is better to transfer harvesting for the winter and collecting seeds to Monday.

Sunday does not imply parasitism. This day of the week is special and offers the following possibilities:

  • Preparation and scheduling of work on weekdays;
  • Carrying out aesthetic and decorative work in the garden, flower bed or vegetable garden. These are those that bring positiveness;
  • Basic plant care work that requires minimal labor costs;
  • Collection of fruits and vegetables for food.

And in order not to disrupt the positive energy of the day, it is worth warning the execution of the following work:

  • Do not take on hard and dirty work;
  • Planting, thinning, tearing weeds, breaking branches, uprooting shrubs is prohibited;
  • It is better to postpone the collection of gifts for blanks to other days.

No wonder it is said that Sunday is a day of rest and joy. The very energy of this day adjusts to calmness. And if you follow the above rules, you can gain strength and positive energy for a whole week.

Moon phase influence

Growing crescent

The second phase is located between the 1st quarter and the Full Moon. This period is marked by the emergence of vigorous activity of all living things, the greenery is filled with the powerful energy of the Earth, it takes juices from the soil and directs it up the stems, contributing to the future rapid development of leaves and abundant flowering.

All activities with the soil that contribute to the stimulation of strong formation of seedlings will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Now is the right time for:

  • sowing;
  • landing;
  • transplantation of both decorative and practical crops - fruit, vegetable.

Plants planted before the Full Moon will begin to develop actively, pleasing the eye with a chic leaf mass and rapid overall development.

A good moment will come for planting shrubs and trees. They will grow up healthy and generously reward you for your work with an abundance of fruits and berries. The vaccination will be painlessly transferred and will give a positive result.

With special precautions, you need to prune unnecessary shoots. If you hurry and do it somehow, the plant will weaken, but if you try and do everything carefully, it will grow with renewed vigor. Still, you should be extremely careful.

A favorable period for fertilizing, loosening the soil, weeding. Right now it is worth cutting off the parts of the roots that have died off, because at the moment they do not yet have great sensitivity, because they only wake up after a long winter sleep.

Collecting fruits carried out in the waxing moon phase will be good, but it will not be possible to store it for a long time, because there are a lot of juices there. Better to ferment and eat soon. Greens, herbs, spices and seeds will also not be stored for a long time, it is preferable to dry them immediately.

What kind of activity will be useful:

  • Sowing and planting crops.
  • Fertilizing, watering, weeding the soil.
  • Grafting, transplanting, planting fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs.
  • Collection of fruits, medicinal, herbs for drying and spinning.
  • Salting vegetables for a quick meal.

What is preferable to refrain from:

  • It is dangerous to remove unnecessary shoots and branches, since with increased sap flow, they can lose a lot of vital energy.
  • It is undesirable to do spins with high temperatures. Starter cultures are ideal.

The influence of the zodiac sign


The moment the Moon is in Scorpio falls on a very fertile period.

What work can be done

  • sowing fruit crops with a long shelf life of the crop;
  • planting trees, shrubs;
  • planting of plants used as medicines and spices;
  • preparation of seed stock for storage;
  • harvesting fruits for long-term storage;
  • soil cultivation that does not affect the root system - watering, fertilizing;
  • weeding, pest control, disease treatment.

The crops planted at this time grow well, grow strong, with high disease resistance, and give a good harvest. The harvested fruits have excellent taste and are endowed with a large number of useful properties.

What can be done with the harvest

The fruits collected during the period of the Moon's presence in Scorpio can be used in a variety of ways. Of these you can:

  • to make wine;
  • squeeze juice;
  • preserve by salting;
  • ferment;
  • retrieve seeds for future planting.

The moment is well suited for cutting and drying medicinal and herbal plants.

What actions are undesirable

Actions that can negatively affect the state of the root system are contraindicated. During this period, she has an increased sensitivity to damage and wounds.

Also, don't do:

  • digging in the root growth zone;
  • transplanting seedlings;
  • removal of part of plants, drying up, disease-infected shoots and shoots;
  • the formation of the crown of shrubs and trees;
  • trimming lateral processes;
  • cuttings, separation of roots, rooting.

Loosening the soil, hilling plants is allowed, but this must be done very carefully. If possible, it is advisable to postpone these actions for 2-3 days.

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