Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for February 24, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
February 24, 2022
23 lunar day
Visibility: 51%
Third quarter
Moon in the sign of Sagittarius
Auspicious time
  • Stepping into: Tomato
  • Picking: Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi
  • Sowing: Carrots, beets for bunch products; Radish, radish; Nigella onion set
  • Cleaning: Radish, radish; Garlic
  • Hilling: Early potatoes; Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Landing: Garlic
  • Weeding
Neutral time
  • Sowing seedlings b / p: Tomato
  • Picking: Tomato; Early white cabbage and Brussels sprouts; Cauliflower
  • Sowing seedlings: Sweet pepper; Eggplant
  • Landing: Early potatoes; Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Sowing on green fertilizers: Cereals
  • Rooting the mustache: Garden strawberries
  • Removing the whiskers to enhance fruiting and improve rooting: Garden strawberries
  • Root cuttings: Berry bushes
  • Cropping: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Rooting cuttings, dropping in vines: Grapes
  • Pruning vines: Grapes
  • Harvesting cuttings: Fruit trees
  • Grubbing tree stumps

The influence of a lunar day

23 lunar day

On this day, the opposite is true: increased lunar activity stimulates gardeners to work on the site and prune the above-ground part of the flora, for example, this is a good time for crown formation and pinching of shoots. You can start grafting shoots. Do not waste time, the 23 lunar day of the gardener falls on the day when the energy of the moon reaches its maximum.

The effect of yesterday is still preserved, the collection of root crops and bulbs is allowed, now the earth is literally filled with lunar forces, therefore vegetables will have many nutrients in their composition. All standard garden manipulations are allowed, do not just water.

Positive impact of the day

  • The descending stage is good for processing green mass;
  • Experienced gardeners advise cutting off strawberry tendrils and treating berries with protective compounds;
  • It's great if you manage to collect or plant underground plants;
  • You can cultivate the soil: dig up the beds and prepare them for the new season;
  • Fertilization and spraying of crops is not prohibited.

Negative impact of the day

  • On the 23rd lunar day, you should not water your garden or garden;
  • The fruits collected on this day will be full of nutrients, but not suitable for long-term storage;
  • It is not recommended to use tools when cultivating the land, during this period any damage is fatal.

Day of the week influence


Thursday is the day of the week influenced by Jupiter. It is recommended on this day to do everything that intuition tells you to do. The day promises to be eventful, it is full of colors and energy, which should be directed in the right direction.

On a given day of the week, it is easy to deal with the rejection of planting material.Every gardener at first glance will distinguish a suitable planting material from one that may not emerge. It is recommended to sow and plant seedlings and seedlings, they will grow strong and strong.

Pruning trees will do well. Dry branches take away strength from trees, so they should be disposed of. Pinching will help to establish sap flow in the plants, which will lead to better formation of ovaries.

Thinning the beds will bring significant benefits, the beds need to "breathe", besides, plants sitting too close take away a lot of nutrients from each other. Do not spare the weeds on this day, it is worth ridding the garden of them as early as possible.

Harvesting and harvesting the harvested products will be successful. Stocks will be stored throughout the year and will not lose their great taste.

Favorable features of Thursday:

  • On this day, any work in the garden and garden will be productive and beneficial.
  • The rejection of planting material will be more effective than ever.
  • Harvesting will make it possible to make large reserves for the winter.
  • Pinching and pinching will improve the flow of juices through the plant.
  • Pruning bushes and fruit trees will help bring the garden into shape.

Moon phase influence

Third quarter

The third quarter of the lunar cycle is the ideal time for planting. During this period, the root part of the plants absorbs all the strength, so planting trees, shrubs and flowers will be very successful. The harvested harvest of fruits will have excellent taste and abundance.

When planting or replanting, it is important to pay careful attention to the root of the plants. When planted during this period, the plantings will have a not too developed ground part, but a very strong root system.

It is not recommended to carry out such work:

  • loosening the soil;
  • digging the soil;
  • hilling;
  • abundant hydration;
  • harvesting ground fruits and greens;
  • planting and diving seedlings.

Any action that can cause damage to the root system should not be carried out. Otherwise, it is fraught with stopping the growth and development of the plant or its death.

The following actions are recommended:

  • removal and pruning of excess or defective branches and shoots, antennae;
  • harvesting old plants, removing old foliage;
  • weeding;
  • spraying foliage, branches to protect against pests and diseases;
  • fertilizing the root part;
  • fertilizing the soil;
  • sowing or planting root crops and bulbous plants;
  • grafting of tree crops and shrubs;
  • harvesting of roots and bulbs.

The harvested roots and bulbs at this time will be as juicy as possible, since all the strength is concentrated in the root part. All work that is carried out during this period should be directed to the ground part of the plants so as not to damage the roots. The harvested fruits have excellent long-term storage properties, they are also suitable for canning, pickling, pickling for the winter.

The influence of the zodiac sign


Before moving on to the list of works, it is necessary to mention that Sagittarius is a fire sign that does not belong to the group of fruitful and fertile ones. Therefore, be prepared that the plants planted at this time will grow very quickly, although few fruits will ripen.

Attention! It is best to plant plants with flowers and stems as a valuable part.

In addition, you can prepare seeds, they will ripen well.

Work to do when the Moon is in Sagittarius:

  • Planting ornamental plants.
  • Sowing crops for the preparation of seed stock.
  • Sowing medicinal herbs.
  • Soil processing.
  • Treatment of plants with strengthening compounds and pest control.
  • Collection of fruits and herbs.
  • Preservation or harvesting of fruits.

What is important to remember

In no case is it recommended to carry out work during which important parts of the plants will be damaged. For example, pruning trees or removing young shoots. During this period, all damage will take a very long time to heal, and some seedlings may even die. Be wary of work that is done close to plant roots, such as watering or loosening.

When the Moon is in Sagittarius, you can harvest greenery or harvest seeds. At this time, medicinal herbs and spices grow rapidly. You can pick flowers without fear - they will keep fresh for a long time. It is also recommended to dig up roots and bulbs.

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