Lunar calendar of a gardener and a gardener for february 19, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
19 February 2022
17 lunar day
Visibility: 95%
Almost good
Waning crescent
Moon in the sign Virgo
Neutral time
  • Rooting the mustache: Garden strawberries
  • Removing the whiskers to enhance fruiting and improve rooting: Garden strawberries
  • Weeding
Unfavorable time
  • Stepping into: Tomato
  • Grubbing tree stumps
Auspicious time
  • Sowing seedlings b / p: Tomato
  • Picking: Tomato; Cauliflower
  • Sowing seedlings: Sweet pepper; Eggplant
  • Cleaning: Carrots, beets for bunch products; Radish, radish; Mid-season and late potatoes; Garlic
  • Sowing: Carrots for winter storage; Radish, radish
  • Landing: Early potatoes; Mid-season and late potatoes; Garlic
  • Sowing on green fertilizers: Cereals
  • Root cuttings: Berry bushes
  • Cropping: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Harvesting cuttings: Grapes; Fruit trees
  • Rooting cuttings, dropping in vines: Grapes
  • Pruning vines: Grapes

The influence of a lunar day

17 lunar day

The moon is in the waning phase: during this period, the root system of plants is most actively developing. Therefore, a number of gardening works will have an extremely positive effect on the future harvest.

The waning moon is an excellent time to plant crops whose fruits are root crops. The harvest promises to be rich, and ripe specimens are large and tasty.

This period is perfect for picking ripe root crops, since now they are as nutritious as possible. The talisman of this day is a bunch of grapes. Therefore, all work on the collection of grapes and the preparation of wine will be successful.

Weed control and weeding will have a very good effect on the strengthening and development of the roots, since it will allow better delivery of moisture and trace elements to them.

Postpone activities related to planting seedlings, harvesting cuttings, removing shoots and stepchildren. During this period, it is not necessary to engage in the formation of the crown of trees and shrubs, as well as pruning of plants.

The day is suitable for:

  • sowing seeds of root crops, as well as potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • mechanical tillage;
  • collecting root crops;
  • grape harvest, winemaking.

The day is not suitable for:

  • mechanical removal of branches, stems of flowers and herbs;
  • planting trees and shrubs;
  • harvesting cuttings, pinching tomatoes.

Day of the week influence


Saturday is one of the days worth dedicating to gardening and gardening. Despite the presence of the heavy energy of Saturn, on Saturday it will be possible to work effectively on the site: to put it in order and do everything that was not possible before.

There are a number of jobs that are recommended for this day.

  • You can work on the ground: sowing garden crops, garden plants, weeding them.
  • It is also worth planning weed control for this day - and the land will remain clean and well-groomed for a long time.
  • Saturday in the summer or fall is a great day for harvesting. The harvested vegetables and fruits will be stored for a long time, remaining fresh and tasty.
  • The day is also suitable for preparing the land for the next season.
  • You also need to start feeding the soil, improving its quality.
  • Pest control will bring excellent results, as well as disease control.

Negative influence

For landscaping, arranging flower beds, flower beds, a lawn, it is worth choosing another day of the week, since this type of activity will be negatively affected by the heavy energy of Saturn.

Moon phase influence

Waning crescent

This period has one very important difference, namely, a change in the circulation of nutrient juices in plants. At this time, the juices are directed towards the roots from the top. It is worth noting that on the waning moon, plants just slow down growth and activity. That is why from 3 to 8 March it is recommended to carry out manipulations with the aboveground part of the plants, while not touching the roots.

The period is favorable for planting root and bulbous plants, since all their juices are collected in the root part. By planting root crops on the waning moon, you help them gain more strength and become much tastier and juicier.

What not to do

As a rule, on a waning moon, the roots become too vulnerable and prone to various diseases. Therefore, at this time, it is recommended to postpone all work that is related to the ground. These include digging a site, loosening or watering plants.

When watering plants on a waning moon, you need to be very careful, as you run the risk of damaging the roots. Instead, focus on pruning trees or removing shoots. You can also do pest control and weed management for great results.

Work in the garden

If you are gardening, you can devote time to harvesting foliage and uprooting stumps or old trees. Harvesting is recommended only for aboveground plants.

The harvested fruits will be well stored, therefore, for the waning moon, you can make various preparations, as well as drying herbs or fruits.

Influence of the zodiac sign


This time is considered to be unfavorable for landings. Despite the fact that Virgo is a zodiac sign related to the element of Earth. Planting on this day may not rise, and seedlings and seedlings may dry out in the ground. Plant transplants should also be abandoned.

Harvesting must be postponed, otherwise, you risk getting tasteless and unripe fruits, they will quickly deteriorate. Blanks should not be done during this period.

This day is suitable for planting flowering plants. Flowers planted in the soil during this period will delight you with long flowering and their fragrant aroma.

It is recommended to do the drawing up of herbariums from flowers. Such flower arrangements will look unforgettable if they fall into skillful hands.

Planting plants that have a decorative function and do not serve as human food is not prohibited: they will grow quickly and beautifully, delighting the eyes of the gardener and decorating the site.


  • fertilize the soil.
  • to fertilize the soil while plowing or watering
  • remove weeds and loosen the soil

Also, this period is considered favorable for work on the site for harvesting fallen leaves: it can be burned (if there are pests on the foliage) or sent to a compost heap (if the leaves are completely healthy).

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