Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for December 21, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
December 21, 2022
27 lunar day
Visibility: 9%
Almost good
Waning sickle
Moon in the sign of Scorpio
Neutral time
  • Sowing seedlings: Sweet pepper
  • Sowing: Carrots, beets for bunch products
  • Landing: Early potatoes
  • Weeding
Unfavorable time
  • Stepping into: Tomato
  • Landing: Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Cleaning: Garlic
  • Removing the whiskers to enhance fruiting and improve rooting: Garden strawberries
  • Cropping: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Grubbing tree stumps
Auspicious time
  • Sowing seedlings b / p: Tomato
  • Picking: Tomato; Early white cabbage and Brussels sprouts; Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi; Cauliflower
  • Sowing seedlings: Eggplant
  • Sowing: Radish, radish; Nigella onion set
  • Cleaning: Radish, radish
  • Landing: Garlic
  • Sowing on green fertilizers: Cereals
  • Rooting a mustache: Garden strawberries
  • Rooting cuttings: Berry bushes
  • Harvesting cuttings: Grapes; Fruit trees
  • Rooting cuttings, dropping in vines: Grapes
  • Pruning vines: Grapes
  • Foliar dressing: Fertilization

The influence of a lunar day

27 lunar day

This day of the cycle is characterized by calm and unhurriedness. It is recommended to do work in the garden and vegetable garden, which does not require decisive action. The 27th lunar day is suitable in order to assess the condition of plants and understand what is necessary for their further development and fruiting.

During this period, you can start planting underground plants, since the waning moon affects the lower parts of the plantings. Although the day is good for working with the soil, they must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system. Therefore, you should not use garden tools. It is best to do weeding, pest spraying, top dressing, and moderate watering.

There are only two days left for pruning and shaping the crown of trees and shrubs in this lunar month, so you should hurry up. The day is also good for grafting plants.

Day 27 positive impact:

  • plant observation;
  • planting root crops and bulbous crops;
  • pruning shoots;
  • plant grafting;
  • work with the soil aimed at improving it

Negative impact of the day:

  • you can not use garden tools, so as not to harm the roots of plants;
  • activities affecting the root system are not recommended.

Influence of the day of the week


Wednesday is the day of the week under the auspices of the planet Mercury. Planting and sowing bring especially good results on this day. The soil becomes fertile and rich in nutrients. If you plant seedlings in open ground, then it will bring good and large fruits.

This day of the week is perfect for absolutely any work, both in the garden and in the garden. Plus, the timing is perfect for making plans for the future.

Harvesting on this day will pleasantly surprise the gardener with its volumes. The harvest will be rich and ripe. It will be perfectly stored both in the processed form, and if you do not touch it for the near future. The taste of the fruit will be intense.

Take up work on the improvement of the garden and the site: collect and burn the fallen leaves. Free the soil from weeds, they take away nutrients from beneficial plants.

Top dressing carried out on this day will nourish the soil with useful substances. However, try not to overdo it. Excessive use of organic matter can damage the root system of plants, organic additives can simply burn the roots.

Favorable features of the environment:

  • Sowing seeds and planting seedlings will be successful, you will get a strong and large harvest.
  • This is the phase of active plant growth, so feel free to carry out work related to pinching, pinching and pruning.
  • Top dressing of the soil will have the desired effect and saturate the soil with useful substances.

The time is right for plowing, digging and loosening the soil.

Do not neglect the procedure for watering plants, especially if the weather is hot.

Moon phase influence

Waning sickle

At this time, the activity of plants begins to gradually decrease, all their energy and power accumulate in the rhizome.

Things to do

Since the plants are not currently disposed to rapid growth and the formation of young shoots, it is worth doing cleaning on the personal plot:

  • ground tops;
  • fallen leaves;
  • weed grass;
  • dried plants;
  • backyard territory.

Sick or dead shrubs and trees can be uprooted. The formation of the crown, pruning of lateral shoots, branches will have a good effect on the state of garden vegetation.

What is undesirable to do

The moon in the 4th waning phase is not a very suitable time for planting seedlings and sowing seeds of plants with ground-based fruit formation. Planted in a given time period, they will:

  • grow weak, short;
  • take root badly;
  • have less resistance to disease.

To a lesser extent, this applies to bulbous and root crops, in which the underground part is the main one, so they more easily tolerate the negative impact on their upper part.

In the last phase, it is worth abandoning watering, loosening the soil, digging it up. The roots are now sensitive to external influences and can negatively respond to damage, and excessive moisture can trigger the decay process.

Fertilization is allowed. It is allowed to spray the ground parts of vegetation with special agents against diseases and harmful insects.

The harvest of root crops collected during this period will have a short shelf life, the fruits will differ in wateriness. They can be canned, like ground fruits harvested at the same time. But salting or fermenting is not desirable.

Influence of the zodiac sign


The moment the Moon is in Scorpio falls on a very fertile period.

What work can be done

  • sowing fruit crops with a long shelf life of the crop;
  • planting trees, shrubs;
  • planting of plants used as medicines and spices;
  • preparation of seed stock for storage;
  • harvesting fruits for long-term storage;
  • soil cultivation that does not affect the root system - watering, fertilizing;
  • weeding, pest control, disease treatment.

The crops planted at this time grow well, grow strong, with high disease resistance, and give a good harvest. The harvested fruits have excellent taste and are endowed with a large number of useful properties.

What can be done with the harvest

The fruits collected during the period of the Moon's presence in Scorpio can be used in a variety of ways. Of these you can:

  • to make wine;
  • squeeze juice;
  • preserve by salting;
  • ferment;
  • retrieve seeds for future planting.

The moment is well suited for cutting and drying medicinal and herbal plants.

What actions are undesirable

Actions that can negatively affect the state of the root system are contraindicated. During this period, she has an increased sensitivity to damage and wounds.

Also, don't do:

  • digging in the root growth zone;
  • transplanting seedlings;
  • removal of part of plants, drying up, disease-infected shoots and shoots;
  • the formation of the crown of shrubs and trees;
  • trimming lateral processes;
  • cuttings, separation of roots, rooting.

Loosening the soil, hilling plants is allowed, but this must be done very carefully. If possible, it is advisable to postpone these actions for 2-3 days.

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