Lunar calendar of a gardener and a gardener for August 26, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
August 26, 2022
29 lunar day
Visibility: 2%
New moon
Moon in the sign Leo
Unfavorable time
  • Watering; Spraying against pests
Neutral time
  • Thinning: Carrots, beets for bunch products

The influence of a lunar day

29 lunar day

On this day, it is best to do cleaning both at home and in the territory of your garden. The work should not be done in a hurry and quickly. Act slowly, using your time and energy rationally.

On the 29th lunar day, it is good to prune trees. Cut back dead branches in order to free the trees from excess.

Engage in procedures such as weeding and spraying. They will give good results. Without weeds, the earth will breathe better, and by spraying you will be able to get rid of harmful insects and possible diseases.

On these lunar days, it is better to avoid planting seedlings, planting seedlings and sowing seeds.

It is not recommended to plow the soil. This procedure will not bring anything good to your garden on this day.

Positive points:

  • The day is favorable for pruning and caring for garden trees
  • Fertilizer applied to the soil will bring many benefits to plants
  • Spraying will rid the garden of various kinds of pests.

Negative points:

  • Plowing the soil will harm your garden
  • Avoid planting different plants on this day

Day of the week influence


Venus is dedicated to Friday. She gives harmony and love. This day should be devoted to the improvement of the backyard territory, namely, to be engaged in its ennobling and bringing light order.

Long-term work in the garden will bring severe fatigue, so it is advisable to refrain from work, since it will take a long time to recuperate. This is especially true for the female sex.

Better to plant ornamental trees and shrubs. You can pay attention to the design of the flower garden, the reproduction of plants, the rooting of home flowers or their transplant.

Friday is perfect for decorating your garden. Pruning plants, collecting leaves, shaping the deciduous part of trees will give it a noble look, and a gardener in a good mood.

Planting and weeding vegetables is recommended at the beginning of the week. You should not dig, fertilize and fertilize plants on Friday. But watering is favorable.

Friday's positive impact

  • Auspicious day for planting ornamental crops.
  • Suitable for decorating flower beds and caring for flowers indoors.
  • A good day of the week for creating beauty and order in the garden.

The negative impact of Friday

  • Overworking on Friday will be bad for your health.
  • It is advisable to postpone fertilization of the soil for another day.
  • It is better to refrain from planting vegetables and root crops.

Moon phase influence

New moon

New Moon is a time for creation and reflection.During this period, it is not recommended to carry out work in the garden for sowing and replanting plants, plowing and fertilizing the soil. Harvesting is also recommended to be postponed until the next favorable phase.

During this period, any manipulations with the soil should be postponed. Planting seedlings or planting seedlings in this phase can bring death to the plant, since it has not yet gained enough strength. You will receive a minimal and unripe crop from the plants that will be planted that day. A transplant is also fraught. It will be difficult for the plant to take root in a new place. It will spend a lot of its strength and energy on adapting to new conditions, so it can soon become seriously ill.

It is not recommended to sow seeds in the ground. Seedlings will not germinate. Most of the seeds will die, and the amount that remains will not live in the ground for long. It is better to postpone sowing indefinitely, so you will be more confident in the germination of seeds.

Any procedures that involve loosening the soil should be postponed. Digging up the soil is not recommended. Loosening the soil can lead to disastrous results: you seriously risk touching and damaging the root system of plants useful for the garden. Plowing the ground is a serious operation, for which it is worth choosing the right time.

Top dressing of the soil should be transferred. The introduction of fertilizers into the soil during the New Moon phase is considered ineffective. The root system of plants on this day is not tuned to the absorption of nutrients from the soil, so it is better to fertilize the soil the next day.

You can tackle the fallen leaves in the garden. If foliage is susceptible to disease, then it is better to burn it in a safe place. If you are completely confident in the health of your trees, then foliage can be used to create a compost heap.

Manipulation of watering and spraying plants is not prohibited. Do not forget to treat plants from pests, if necessary.

Positive aspects of influence:

  • Ideal time to plan future plantings;
  • Spraying will give positive results;
  • Watering is essential for many plants during this phase.

Negative aspects of influence:

  • Procedures concerning the digging of soil are prohibited;
  • Planting or replanting plants will not bring good results;
  • Plant feeding will be useless.

The influence of the zodiac sign

a lion

For gardeners and truck farmers, the time when the moon is located in the zone of influence of the constellation Leo is considered unfavorable. Plants prefer to gain strength and the vegetation process almost stops. However, there is a list of actions that will positively affect the life of your flora.

  • Bulbs and other root crops can be planted in prepared soil;
  • Getting rid of unnecessary shoots by pruning and pinching will have a good effect on fertility;
  • It is not a bad idea to harvest underground crops or squat plants;
  • The perfect moment has come for thermal processing of vegetables for the winter, pickling or canning. Harvesting cabbage will be especially successful;
  • During the period when the moon is in Leo, the plants take root well in a new place. But the plants planted now are unlikely to give a rich harvest next season;
  • Fertilizing the soil where fruit trees or flowers grow is not recommended;

During the stay of the earthly satellite under the influence of the constellation Leo, you should not water your garden or garden flora, as well as collect quickly drying plants. These include, in particular, common white cabbage. Follow these tips and your harvest will not disappoint you.

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