Lunar calendar of a gardener and a gardener for april 25, 2022

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
April 25, 2022
24 lunar day
Visibility: 35%
Third quarter
Moon in the sign of Vodalei
Auspicious time
  • Removing the whiskers to enhance fruiting and improve rooting: Garden strawberries
  • Cropping: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Pruning vines: Grapes
  • Weeding; Grubbing tree stumps
Neutral time
  • Cleaning: Carrots for winter storage; Garlic
Unfavorable time
  • Sowing seedlings b / p: Tomato
  • Picking: Tomato; Early white cabbage and Brussels sprouts; Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi; Cauliflower
  • Stepping into: Tomato
  • Sowing seedlings: Sweet pepper; Eggplant
  • Sowing: Carrots, beets for bunch products; Radish, radish; Nigella onion set
  • Cleaning: Radish, radish
  • Landing: Early potatoes; Mid-season and late potatoes; Garlic
  • Hilling: Early potatoes; Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Sowing on green fertilizers: Cereals
  • Rooting the mustache: Garden strawberries
  • Root cuttings: Berry bushes
  • Rooting cuttings, dropping in vines: Grapes

The influence of a lunar day

24 lunar day

Day 24 is not inferior in its activity to the previous one. The forces of the earth wake up at this time, and the soil is replenished with mineral substances by itself. The main forces are still collected in the roots, so it is better to deal with the processing of the tops of the plants.

Now the landing time does not matter: it can be done whenever you want. You can do the rooting of cuttings, transplanting plants to a permanent place, and also intensively prepare the soil for planting flora.

Will give a beneficial effect and the introduction of root dressings. But beware of injuring the delicate root system of horticultural crops. She is still not ready for outside influence.

Positive impact of the day

  • The day is good for sowing crops, regardless of the species;
  • If you have not cleaned the garden for a long time, pay attention to collecting foliage, removing weeds;
  • Moderate watering is not prohibited, but do not overdo it with water;
  • Allowed to perform soil enrichment and fertilization according to the schedule;
  • Pay attention exclusively to the aboveground part of the plants.

Negative impact of the day

  • Working with roots on the 24 lunar day is prohibited, as they are prone to injury.

Influence of the day of the week


On the first day of the week, the influence of the moon is paramount on human life. Having the peculiarity of introducing chaos and confusion in all matters, the heavenly body can significantly spoil even those plans that did not seem to bring any special difficulties in implementation. Astrologers advise against planning global events for Monday, as the hostess of the day can turn everything upside down. If you cannot transfer the planned affairs, then you should listen to your own attitude.Perhaps the Moon itself will tell you how to behave in a given situation.

In the garden and in the garden, you can do mediocre things, the implementation of which will definitely not be able to harm the future harvest or flowering of plants.

It is strongly undesirable to arrange pruning of trees and shrubs. Such actions may not only fail to bring the expected fruiting and rapid flowering, but also ruin green spaces.

On Monday, new seedlings are not planted, and old plants are not transplanted from one place to another. Even the most favorable weather conditions will not help to overcome the influence of the moon, so survival rate and yield will be defective.

It is better to devote this day to:

  • care for existing green crops.
  • Cleaning dry foliage,
  • fertilization of the soil and control of plant pests.
  • picking ripe berries, fruits and vegetables.

Moon phase influence

Third quarter

The third quarter of the lunar cycle is the ideal time for planting. During this period, the root part of the plants absorbs all the strength, so planting trees, shrubs and flowers will be very successful. The harvested harvest of fruits will have excellent taste and abundance.

When planting or replanting, it is important to pay careful attention to the root of the plants. When planted during this period, the plantings will have a not too developed ground part, but a very strong root system.

It is not recommended to carry out such work:

  • loosening the soil;
  • digging the soil;
  • hilling;
  • abundant hydration;
  • harvesting ground fruits and greens;
  • planting and diving seedlings.

Any action that can cause damage to the root system should not be carried out. Otherwise, it is fraught with stopping the growth and development of the plant or its death.

The following actions are recommended:

  • removal and pruning of excess or defective branches and shoots, antennae;
  • harvesting old plants, removing old foliage;
  • weeding;
  • spraying foliage, branches to protect against pests and diseases;
  • fertilizing the root part;
  • fertilizing the soil;
  • sowing or planting root crops and bulbous plants;
  • grafting of tree crops and shrubs;
  • harvesting of roots and bulbs.

The harvested roots and bulbs at this time will be as juicy as possible, since all the strength is concentrated in the root part. All work that is carried out in this period should be directed to the ground part of the plants so as not to damage the roots. The harvested fruits have excellent long-term storage properties, they are also suitable for canning, pickling, pickling for the winter.

Influence of the zodiac sign


This lunar period is unfavorable for gardening work. The sign of Aquarius is an infertile sign. For sowing seeds and planting, the time is considered unhelpful - the plants will lack taste and characteristic odor.

The following procedures should be abandoned:

  • from sowing seeds;
  • transplanting seedlings;
  • planting fruit trees and berry bushes.

The sown seeds will give few shoots, the seedlings grow poorly, get sick a lot, and bring a low yield. Planting flowering crops these days leads to a small number of inflorescences, moreover, without beauty and smell, with underdeveloped stems.

On this day, the energy is unstable due to the intermediate stage between the phases of the Moon. Therefore, you should not plant and replant trees and garden bushes. Under the influence of the sign of Aquarius, seedlings develop poorly, give little fruit, often get sick and are spoiled by pests.

In this location of the Moon, it is recommended to do preventive work on the site:

  • carry out sanitary pruning;
  • treat the garden from pests;
  • clean the weeds, last year's tops;
  • harvest;
  • water greenhouse seedlings;
  • apply organic and mineral fertilizers under the trees;
  • cultivate the soil.

It is also important on this day to do weeding, hilling, loosening the soil, spraying trees and bushes, and you can also lay the crop in storage - it will be well preserved.

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