Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for January 13, 2021

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
January 13, 2021
30 lunar day
Visibility: 0%
New moon
Moon in the sign Capricorn
Neutral time
  • Watering; Spraying against pests
Auspicious time
  • Thinning: Carrots, beets for bunch products

The influence of a lunar day

30 lunar day

These days symbolize the stage of completion of the work. They are suitable for taking stock and thinking about new beginnings.

Increase watering of plants, especially if the last days were dry weather. The soil needs moisture, abundant watering will give the plants strength.

Delay plowing the soil; instead, you can do a little loosening of the soil.

Water the beds, free them of nutrient-consuming weeds.

Fertilize the beds with organic substances, only the soil really needs them on this day.

Small work can be done to trim garden trees and shrubs.

Positive points:

  • Feeding with organic substances will give strength to the plants on the site.
  • Pruning dry branches will help your plants adapt better to changing weather conditions.

Negative points:

  • Try not to plant weak seedlings on this day, they will not have enough strength to settle down in a new place.
  • Do not mow the grass on these lunar days, it will grow with renewed vigor.
  • Do not plow the soil on this day - just waste your time and energy.

Influence of the day of the week


Wednesday is the day of the week under the auspices of the planet Mercury. Planting and sowing bring especially good results on this day. The soil becomes fertile and rich in nutrients. If you plant seedlings in open ground, then it will bring good and large fruits.

This day of the week is perfect for absolutely any work, both in the garden and in the garden. Plus, the timing is perfect for making plans for the future.

Harvesting on this day will pleasantly surprise the gardener with its volumes. The harvest will be rich and ripe. It will be perfectly stored both in the processed form, and if you do not touch it for the near future. The taste of the fruit will be intense.

Take up work on the improvement of the garden and the site: collect and burn the fallen leaves. Free the soil from weeds, they take away nutrients from beneficial plants.

Top dressing carried out on this day will nourish the soil with useful substances. However, try not to overdo it. Excessive use of organic matter can damage the root system of plants, organic additives can simply burn the roots.

Favorable features of the environment:

  • Sowing seeds and planting seedlings will be successful, you will get a strong and large harvest.
  • This is the phase of active plant growth, so feel free to carry out work related to pinching, pinching and pruning.
  • Top dressing of the soil will have the desired effect and saturate the soil with useful substances.

The time is right for plowing, digging and loosening the soil.

Do not neglect the procedure for watering plants, especially if the weather is hot.

Moon phase influence

New moon

New Moon is a time for creation and reflection. During this period, it is not recommended to carry out work in the garden for sowing and replanting plants, plowing and fertilizing the soil. Harvesting is also recommended to be postponed until the next favorable phase.

During this period, any manipulations with the soil should be postponed. Planting seedlings or planting seedlings in this phase can bring death to the plant, since it has not yet gained enough strength. You will receive a minimal and unripe crop from the plants that will be planted that day. A transplant is also fraught. It will be difficult for the plant to take root in a new place. It will spend a lot of its strength and energy on adapting to new conditions, so it can soon become seriously ill.

It is not recommended to sow seeds in the ground. Seedlings will not germinate. Most of the seeds will die, and the amount that remains will not live in the ground for long. It is better to postpone sowing indefinitely, so you will be more confident in the germination of seeds.

Any procedures that involve loosening the soil should be postponed. Digging up the soil is not recommended. Loosening the soil can lead to disastrous results: you seriously risk touching and damaging the root system of plants useful for the garden. Plowing the ground is a serious operation and it is worth choosing the right time to complete it.

Top dressing of the soil should be transferred. The introduction of fertilizers into the soil during the New Moon phase is considered ineffective. The root system of plants on this day is not tuned to the absorption of nutrients from the soil, so it is better to fertilize the soil the next day.

You can tackle the fallen leaves in the garden. If foliage is susceptible to disease, then it is better to burn it in a safe place. If you are completely confident in the health of your trees, then foliage can be used to create a compost heap.

Manipulation of watering and spraying plants is not prohibited. Do not forget to treat plants from pests, if necessary.

Positive aspects of influence:

  • Ideal time to plan future plantings;
  • Spraying will give positive results;
  • Watering is essential for many plants during this phase.

Negative aspects of influence:

  • Procedures concerning the digging of soil are prohibited;
  • Planting or replanting plants will not bring good results;
  • Plant feeding will be useless.

Influence of the zodiac sign


Capricorn is a symbol of fertility, stability and one of the terrestrial signs. Therefore, if the moon is in this zodiac sign, then all work in the garden will surely give a good harvest, but you should expect medium-sized fruits in large quantities.

During this period, any ground work will be favorable:

  • Sowing seeds of any vegetable crops;
  • Planting bushes and trees, especially fruit trees;
  • Transplanting seedlings;
  • Working with flowers: care, fertilization, watering, planting;
  • Harvesting for long-term storage.

It is believed that during this period there is no need to wait for quick shoots. But more time will allow the sprout to grow stronger, which means that a good and stable harvest will be obtained.

It is believed that seedlings will be more resistant to weather conditions, pests and diseases. Fruits and inflorescences, most likely, will not be large, but the quantity will justify the quality.

Flowering crops will have a pronounced aroma, which is better for attracting insects.

Capricorn is considered the patron saint of trees and shrubs. Therefore, all crops will be strong and protected from external factors. Although it is also not worth waiting for the hearing of large plants. They will bear fruit well for a long time.

It should be added that the new moon in Capricorn is considered a special period when all earthworks will be easy and efficient. Experienced landowners organize loosening, digging, hilling and other dirty work.

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