Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for November 25, 2021

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
November 25, 2021
20 lunar day
Visibility: 75%
Waning crescent
Moon in the sign Leo
Auspicious time
  • Removing the whiskers to enhance fruiting and improve rooting: Garden strawberries
  • Cropping: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Pruning vines: Grapes
  • Grubbing tree stumps
Neutral time
  • Stepping into: Tomato
  • Cleaning: Carrots, beets for bunch products; Garlic
Unfavorable time
  • Sowing seedlings b / p: Tomato
  • Picking: Tomato; Cauliflower
  • Sowing seedlings: Sweet pepper
  • Sowing: Carrots for winter storage; Radish, radish
  • Cleaning: Radish, radish; Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Hilling: Early potatoes
  • Landing: Garlic
  • Sowing on green fertilizers: Cereals
  • Rooting the mustache: Garden strawberries
  • Harvesting cuttings: Grapes; Fruit trees
  • Weeding

The influence of a lunar day

20 lunar day

During these lunar days, the vital forces of the flora completely go into the roots, which prompts the idea of ​​working with the vegetative part of the plant. Working with roots is strictly prohibited (if you damage the root system on this day, the risk of the complete death of your green friend and his neighbors will increase), but processing the leaves and stems will lead to increased fertility and vitality.

But on the 20th lunar day, the most successful idea will be to collect root crops. They will have a longer shelf life (sometimes the indicators exceed the standard twice) and pleasant taste. In addition, on the 20th lunar day in root crops, the concentration of minerals and useful elements, vitamins, which the human body needs, increases.

Gardening is also recommended: the fruit trees are ready to develop further. Saplings of any age will tolerate transplanting or grafting well, and harvesting leaf litter will also not be superfluous. Only watering is unfavorable on this day, even if it is necessary according to the water application schedule, wait at least a day. It can injure the root system.

Positive impact of the day

  • Manipulate the aerial part of the plant;
  • Work the soil, but carefully. Roots at day 20 are as sensitive as possible;
  • Transplant plants or grafting shoots;
  • The harvested root vegetables will delight eaters with a pleasant taste.

Negative impact of the day

  • Refrain from activities that harm the roots, as well as watering.

Influence of the day of the week


Thursday is the day of the week influenced by Jupiter. It is recommended that on this day do everything that intuition tells you to do. The day promises to be eventful, it is full of colors and energy, which should be directed in the right direction.

On a given day of the week, it is easy to deal with the rejection of planting material. Every gardener at first glance will distinguish a suitable planting material from one that may not emerge.It is recommended to sow and plant seedlings and seedlings, they will grow strong and strong.

Pruning trees will do well. Dry branches take away strength from trees, so they should be disposed of. Pinching will help to establish sap flow in the plants, which will lead to better formation of ovaries.

Thinning the beds will bring significant benefits, the beds need to "breathe", besides, plants sitting too close take away a lot of nutrients from each other. Do not spare the weeds on this day, it is worth ridding the garden of them as early as possible.

Harvesting and harvesting the harvested products will be successful. Stocks will be stored throughout the year and will not lose their great taste.

Favorable features of Thursday:

  • On this day, any work in the garden and garden will be productive and beneficial.
  • The rejection of planting material will be more effective than ever.
  • Harvesting will make it possible to make large reserves for the winter.
  • Pinching and pinching will improve the flow of juices through the plant.
  • Pruning bushes and fruit trees will help bring the garden into shape.

Moon phase influence

Waning crescent

This period has one very important difference, namely, a change in the circulation of nutrient juices in plants. At this time, the juices are directed towards the roots from the top. It is worth noting that on the waning moon, plants just slow down growth and activity. That is why from 3 to 8 March it is recommended to carry out manipulations with the aboveground part of the plants, while not touching the roots.

The period is favorable for planting root and bulbous plants, since all their juices are collected in the root part. By planting root plants for the waning moon, you help them gain more strength and become much tastier and juicier.

What not to do

As a rule, on a waning moon, the roots become too vulnerable and prone to various diseases. Therefore, at this time, it is recommended to postpone all work that is related to the ground. These include digging a site, loosening or watering plants.

When watering plants on a waning moon, you need to be very careful, as you run the risk of damaging the roots. Instead, focus on pruning trees or removing shoots. You can also do pest control and weed management for great results.

Work in the garden

If you are gardening, you can devote time to harvesting foliage and uprooting stumps or old trees. Harvesting is recommended only for aboveground plants.

The harvested fruits will be well stored, therefore, for the waning moon, you can make various preparations, as well as drying herbs or fruits.

Influence of the zodiac sign

a lion

For gardeners and truck farmers, the time when the moon is located in the zone of influence of the constellation Leo is considered unfavorable. Plants prefer to gain strength and the vegetation process almost stops. However, there is a list of actions that will positively affect the life of your flora.

  • Bulbs and other root crops can be planted in prepared soil;
  • Getting rid of unnecessary shoots by pruning and pinching will have a good effect on fertility;
  • It is not a bad idea to harvest underground crops or squat plants;
  • The perfect moment has come for thermal processing of vegetables for the winter, salting or canning. Harvesting cabbage will be especially successful;
  • During the period when the moon is in Leo, the plants take root well in a new place. But the plants planted now are unlikely to give a rich harvest next season;
  • Fertilizing the soil where fruit trees or flowers grow is not recommended;

During the stay of the earthly satellite under the influence of the constellation Leo, you should not water your garden or garden flora, as well as collect quickly drying plants. These include, in particular, common white cabbage.Follow these tips and your harvest will not disappoint you.

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