Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for March 1, 2021

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
March 1, 2021
17 lunar day
Visibility: 97%
Almost good
Full moon
Moon in Libra
Neutral time
  • Watering; Spraying against pests
Auspicious time
  • Thinning: Carrots, beets for bunch products

The influence of a lunar day

17 lunar day

The moon is in the waning phase: during this period, the root system of plants is most actively developing. Therefore, a number of gardening works will have an extremely positive effect on the future harvest.

The waning moon is an excellent time to plant crops whose fruits are root crops. The harvest promises to be rich, and ripe specimens are large and tasty.

This period is perfect for picking ripe root crops, since now they are as nutritious as possible. The talisman of this day is a bunch of grapes. Therefore, all work on the collection of grapes and the preparation of wine will be successful.

Weed control and weeding will have a very good effect on the strengthening and development of the roots, since it will allow better delivery of moisture and trace elements to them.

Postpone activities related to planting seedlings, harvesting cuttings, removing shoots and stepchildren. During this period, it is not necessary to engage in the formation of the crown of trees and shrubs, as well as pruning of plants.

The day is suitable for:

  • sowing seeds of root crops, as well as potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • mechanical tillage;
  • collecting root crops;
  • grape harvest, winemaking.

The day is not suitable for:

  • mechanical removal of branches, stems of flowers and herbs;
  • planting trees and shrubs;
  • harvesting cuttings, pinching tomatoes.

Influence of the day of the week


On the first day of the week, the influence of the moon is paramount on human life. Having the peculiarity of introducing chaos and confusion in all matters, the heavenly body can significantly spoil even those plans that did not seem to bring any special difficulties in implementation. Astrologers advise against planning global events for Monday, as the hostess of the day can turn everything upside down. If you cannot transfer the planned affairs, then you should listen to your own attitude. Perhaps the Moon itself will tell you how to behave in a given situation.

In the garden and in the garden, you can do mediocre things, the implementation of which will definitely not be able to harm the future harvest or flowering of plants.

It is strongly undesirable to arrange pruning of trees and shrubs. Such actions may not only fail to bring the expected fruiting and rapid flowering, but also ruin green spaces.

On Monday, new seedlings are not planted, and old plants are not transplanted from one place to another. Even the most favorable weather conditions will not help to overcome the influence of the moon, so survival rate and yield will be defective.

It is better to devote this day to:

  • care for existing green crops.
  • Cleaning dry foliage,
  • fertilization of the soil and control of plant pests.
  • picking ripe berries, fruits and vegetables.

Moon phase influence

Full moon

The full moon is a period of time when absolutely any action is worth doing, after consulting your intuition. This time, which gives a lot of energy, your task is to understand how to apply it correctly so as not to waste it.

Since ancient times, people have known that the full moon is the time of the most active phase of plant growth. Based on this, it is generally accepted that this time is favorable for various works performed with the soil. You can apply fertilizer to the soil during watering, as well as during digging. The soil will be supplied with nutrients, which will have the best effect on the plants.

Plants can be planted and replanted - they will easily and quickly take root in a new place, giving an excellent harvest. At this time, you can actively combat weeds, which take away nutrients from other plants.

Work on digging up the soil, loosening the soil, plowing can be safely carried out. The full moon will have a beneficial effect on this type of activity.

It is worth refraining from pruning the branches of plants. You can easily go overboard with these operations, as you will be overly active on this day. Plants can seriously weaken and even die as a result of your actions.

You should start harvesting seeds for next year. Such planting material will be strong and sturdy. Giving good shoots next year.

On this day, you can make blanks, replenishing stocks for the winter. They will be stored for a relatively long time and will not lose their rich taste.

On this day, it would be nice to start harvesting. Everything in the garden is ripe and you should not postpone the harvest for a long time, otherwise, many fruits and vegetables may deteriorate. It will be good if you eat the harvested crop immediately after harvest. The collected fruits must be recycled, otherwise they will not be able to be stored for a long time.

Positive aspects of a full moon:

  • A good time to feed and transplant plants;
  • A good day for feeding, which will saturate the soil with useful substances;
  • Harvesting seeds for future plantings will be successful.

Negative aspects of a full moon:

  • After harvesting, it should either be eaten or processed, otherwise, it will quickly deteriorate;
  • Pruning is not recommended due to excessive activity;
  • Pinching shoots is also at risk.

The influence of the zodiac sign


The Moon in Libra is ruled by Venus. This means that the time has come for increased fertility and successful planting and transplantation of plants, especially flowering ones. Scales help to preserve the harvested crop, add richness and beauty to flowers.

This day has a particularly beneficial effect on the planting of dahlias, gladioli, irises, chrysanthemums and peonies. The root system and tubers of flowers will be strong and resistant to diseases and pests. Caring for plants and trees that are expected to produce seeds and stone fruits also gives good results.

This lunar day contributes to:

  • planting all tuberous flowering plants;
  • harvesting root crops for storage;
  • harvesting flowering medicinal plants;
  • hilling and mulching.

It is also a good time for crown formation in large plants and shrubs.

Planting of beets, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin and cabbage is allowed. You can also plant any stone fruit trees. On this day, it is allowed to preserve and harvest fruits and berries.

These days, the neutral reaction of plants and trees to grafting, fertilizing and harvesting cuttings.

What to do not recommended

Watering is prohibited. Even rain on this lunar day is more often harmful than beneficial.

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