Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for July 23, 2021

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
23 July 2021
14 lunar day
Visibility: 98%
Almost good
Full moon
Moon in the sign Capricorn
Neutral time
  • Watering; Spraying against pests
Auspicious time
  • Thinning: Carrots, beets for bunch products

The influence of a lunar day

14 lunar day

The peak of the activity of the moon, favorable for saturation with energy, continues. Plants pull all the substances they need from the soil. There is no time to waste, you need to use an energetically suitable day for gardening and gardening work.

Can be rooted and transplanted with excellent results, after having abundantly watered and fed the plants.

The moment is right for picking vegetables and fruits, as they are tasty and juicy at the peak of lunar activity. It's time to collect medicinal plants, herbs, seeds.

Work on pruning and dividing plants - thinning, cutting mustache, cuttings - cannot be done. This will harm the seedlings, delay their growth.

Pluses of 14 lunar days:

  • planting and sowing at this time is effective, will delight you with a rich harvest;
  • for watering and feeding the best time is even necessary;
  • it is advisable to collect vegetables, fruits, herbs - now they have excellent taste and juiciness;
  • the collected seeds are full of energy and will give excellent shoots, therefore, replenishment of the seed fund is imperative.


  • it is not the right time to prune trees, cuttings, dive - actions will only harm the plants.

Day of the week influence


Venus is dedicated to Friday. She gives harmony and love. This day should be devoted to the improvement of the backyard territory, namely, to be engaged in its ennobling and bringing light order.

Long-term work in the garden will bring severe fatigue, so it is advisable to refrain from work, since it will take a long time to recuperate. This is especially true for the female sex.

Better to plant ornamental trees and shrubs. You can pay attention to the design of the flower garden, the reproduction of plants, the rooting of home flowers or their transplant.

Friday is perfect for decorating your garden. Pruning plants, collecting leaves, shaping the deciduous part of trees will give it a noble look, and a gardener in a good mood.

Planting and weeding vegetables is recommended at the beginning of the week. You should not dig, fertilize and fertilize plants on Friday. But watering is favorable.

Friday's positive impact

  • Auspicious day for planting ornamental crops.
  • Suitable for decorating flower beds and caring for flowers indoors.
  • A good day of the week for creating beauty and order in the garden.

The negative impact of Friday

  • Overwork on Friday will be bad for your health.
  • It is advisable to postpone fertilization of the soil for another day.
  • It is better to refrain from planting vegetables and root crops.

Moon phase influence

Full moon

The full moon is a period of time when absolutely any action is worth doing, after consulting your intuition. This time, which gives a lot of energy, your task is to understand how to apply it correctly so as not to waste it.

Since ancient times, people have known that the full moon is the time of the most active phase of plant growth. Based on this, it is generally accepted that this time is favorable for various works performed with the soil. You can apply fertilizer to the soil during watering, as well as during digging. The soil will be supplied with nutrients, which will have the best effect on the plants.

Plants can be planted and replanted - they will easily and quickly take root in a new place, giving an excellent harvest. At this time, you can actively combat weeds, which take away nutrients from other plants.

Work on digging up the soil, loosening the soil, plowing can be safely carried out. The full moon will have a beneficial effect on this type of activity.

It is worth refraining from pruning the branches of plants. You can easily go overboard with these operations, as you will be overly active on this day. Plants can seriously weaken and even die as a result of your actions.

You should start harvesting seeds for next year. Such planting material will be strong and sturdy. Giving good shoots next year.

On this day, you can make blanks, replenishing stocks for the winter. They will be stored for a relatively long time and will not lose their rich taste.

On this day, it would be nice to start harvesting. Everything in the garden is ripe and you should not postpone the harvest for a long time, otherwise, many fruits and vegetables may deteriorate. It will be good if you eat the harvested crop immediately after harvest. The collected fruits must be recycled, otherwise they will not be able to be stored for a long time.

Positive aspects of a full moon:

  • A good time to feed and transplant plants;
  • A good day for feeding, which will saturate the soil with useful substances;
  • Harvesting seeds for future plantings will be successful.

Negative aspects of a full moon:

  • After harvesting, it should either be eaten or processed, otherwise, it will quickly deteriorate;
  • Pruning is not recommended due to excessive activity;
  • Pinching shoots is also at risk.

The influence of the zodiac sign


Capricorn is a symbol of fertility, stability and one of the terrestrial signs. Therefore, if the moon is in this zodiac sign, then all work in the garden will surely give a good harvest, but you should expect medium-sized fruits in large quantities.

During this period, any ground work will be favorable:

  • Sowing seeds of any vegetable crops;
  • Planting bushes and trees, especially fruit trees;
  • Transplanting seedlings;
  • Working with flowers: care, fertilization, watering, planting;
  • Harvesting for long-term storage.

There is an opinion that there is no need to wait for quick shoots during this period. But more time will allow the sprout to grow stronger, which means that a good and stable harvest will be obtained.

It is believed that seedlings will be more resistant to weather conditions, pests and diseases. Fruits and inflorescences, most likely, will not be large, but the quantity will justify the quality.

Flowering crops will have a pronounced aroma, which is better for attracting insects.

Capricorn is considered the patron saint of trees and shrubs. Therefore, all crops will be strong and protected from external factors. Although it is also not worth waiting for large plants to hear. They will bear fruit well for a long time.

It should be added that the new moon in Capricorn is considered a special period when all earthworks will be easy and efficient. Experienced landowners organize loosening, digging, hilling and other dirty work.

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