Lunar calendar of a gardener and a gardener for august 25, 2021

the date
Moon position
Moon day
Moon in the zodiac
Sunrise and sunset
August 25, 2021
18 lunar day
Visibility: 94%
Waning crescent
Moon in the sign Aries
Auspicious time
  • Picking: Tomato; Cabbage mid-ripening, late-ripening, red cabbage, kohlrabi; Cauliflower
  • Stepping into: Tomato
  • Sowing: Carrots, beets for bunch products; Radish, radish
  • Cleaning: Mid-season and late potatoes; Garlic
  • Sowing on green fertilizers: Cereals
  • Rooting a mustache: Garden strawberries
  • Weeding
Neutral time
  • Sowing seedlings b / p: Tomato
  • Cleaning: Carrots, beets for bunch products; Carrots for winter storage; Radish, radish
  • Hilling: Early potatoes; Mid-season and late potatoes
  • Landing: Garlic
  • Removing the whiskers to enhance fruiting and improve rooting: Garden strawberries
  • Cropping: Berry bushes; Raspberry, hedgehog; Fruit trees
  • Pruning vines: Grapes
  • Grubbing tree stumps

The influence of a lunar day

18 lunar day

During this period, the Moon is in the waning phase. The vital activity of plants is declining: nutrients for the most part accumulate in the roots. Therefore, gardening work should be minimized.

It is best to devote this day to caring for the plants that form root crops. For example, potatoes, onions, Jerusalem artichoke, radishes, carrots are planted or harvested. During this period, many nutrients accumulate in the tubers.

Ripe seeds of crops producing root crops (radish, onion) now have a high germination rate.

It is possible to carry out surface loosening, careful removal of weeds, thinning. It is not advisable to feed the plants. It is also better to postpone irrigation work for later (except for drought).

Vegetable beds, a flower garden and indoor plants should be left alone - now it is undesirable to disturb them.

But you can cut off excess branches and shoots of trees, plant seedlings. Manipulations with grafting fruit crops, as well as pinching grape shoots will go well.

The day is suitable for:

  • planting root crops;
  • collection of root crops and seeds of these crops;
  • planting tree seedlings, forming a crown, grafting and pinching.

The day is not suitable for:

  • active loosening and digging of beds;
  • fertilization;
  • irrigation works;
  • care of any herbaceous plants not related to root crops.

Influence of the day of the week


Wednesday is the day of the week under the auspices of the planet Mercury. Planting and sowing bring especially good results on this day. The soil becomes fertile and rich in nutrients. If you plant seedlings in open ground, then it will bring good and large fruits.

This day of the week is perfect for absolutely any work, both in the garden and in the garden. Plus, the timing is perfect for making plans for the future.

Harvesting on this day will pleasantly surprise the gardener with its volumes. The harvest will be rich and ripe. It will be perfectly stored both in the processed form, and if you do not touch it for the near future. The taste of the fruit will be intense.

Take up work on the improvement of the garden and the site: collect and burn the fallen leaves. Free the soil from weeds, they take away nutrients from beneficial plants.

Top dressing carried out on this day will nourish the soil with useful substances. However, try not to overdo it. Excessive use of organic matter can damage the root system of plants, organic additives can simply burn the roots.

Favorable features of the environment:

  • Sowing seeds and planting seedlings will be successful, you will get a strong and large harvest.
  • This is the phase of active plant growth, so feel free to carry out work related to pinching, pinching and pruning.
  • Top dressing of the soil will have the desired effect and saturate the soil with useful substances.

The time is right for plowing, digging and loosening the soil.

Do not neglect the procedure for watering plants, especially if the weather is hot.

Moon phase influence

Waning crescent

This period has one very important difference, namely, a change in the circulation of nutrient juices in plants. At this time, the juices are directed towards the roots from the top. It is worth noting that on the waning moon, plants just slow down growth and activity. That is why from 3 to 8 March it is recommended to carry out manipulations with the aboveground part of the plants, while not touching the roots.

The period is favorable for planting root and bulbous plants, since all their juices are collected in the root part. By planting root plants for the waning moon, you help them gain more strength and become much tastier and juicier.

What not to do

As a rule, on a waning moon, the roots become too vulnerable and prone to various diseases. Therefore, at this time, it is recommended to postpone all work that is related to the ground. These include digging a site, loosening or watering plants.

When watering plants on a waning moon, you need to be very careful, as you run the risk of damaging the roots. Instead, focus on pruning trees or removing shoots. You can also do pest control and weed management for great results.

Work in the garden

If you are gardening, you can devote time to harvesting foliage and uprooting stumps or old trees. Harvesting is recommended only for aboveground plants.

The harvested fruits will be well stored, therefore, for the waning moon, you can make various preparations, as well as drying herbs or fruits.

Influence of the zodiac sign


The period when the Moon is in Aries is regarded by knowledgeable gardeners as a time of drought and a halt in plant growth. Aries is a sign related to the element of fire, therefore it symbolizes a hot period in nature.

At this time it is not worth it:

  • Plant seedlings in the ground;
  • Sow seeds;
  • Root seedlings;
  • Transplant plants;
  • Excessively moisten the soil.

This time is dangerous due to dryness, so you should not carry out planting and transplant operations. Any manipulations with the soil should be postponed. The soil is dry and needs high-quality makeup. It is unlikely that gardeners will be able to sufficiently moisturize the soil on this day.

Seeds planted in the ground will not sprout, they will simply "suffocate" in the soil. It is not worth planting seedlings in the ground on this day, as it risks drying out and burning in the sun. She will not have enough strength to grow.

Even large and strong plants are not recommended to be replanted, because it will not be easy for them to adapt in dried soil. Soon after transplanting, the plants will begin to lose their vigor.


The time period when the Moon is in Aries is ideal for harvesting.The harvest on this day will be ripe and sweet. It can be canned and processed. The canned crop can be used within a year - it can be stored for a long time.

On this day, you can rid the beds of excess weed. Weeds consume too much nutrients from the soil, so it is best to get rid of them.

This time is good for cutting flowers. Bouquets made from flowers picked that day will last longer than usual.

It is recommended to replenish dried herb supplies. The medicinal herbs collected during this period of time will dry out quickly and for several years they will perfectly keep their healing effect and benefit you during seasonal illnesses.

You can also dry herbs, which are then ideal for seasoning various dishes. On this day, any cut grass will dry out in a matter of hours, which will have a positive effect on its medicinal properties.

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