Rabbits of breed French Sheep

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In 1850, as a result of crossing the English Fold rabbit and the Flemish giant, scientists bred a new breed, which they called the French Sheep. The English Fold rabbit was bred by natural mutation of the auricle, which then became a characteristic feature of this breed. The Flemish giant, on the other hand, was large, which influenced the results of crossing 2 representatives. The French Sheep is a rather large animal that quickly gains weight, unpretentious to food and keeping conditions.

Rabbit breed French Sheep

Rabbit breed French Sheep

An adult representative of the genus reaches 4-8 kg, is famous for its shiny smooth coat, has an unusual shape of the ears.

Lop-eared rabbits quickly gained popularity, and in 1870 they became famous throughout Europe. The countries of the European Union have gained popularity thanks to the breeding of several species of French Sheep.

Lop-eared animals used to be considered exotic animals, thanks to their drooping ears and round massive head. Currently, everyone can keep these animals. The French Sheep is a rabbit that looks very cute both in the photo and in life.


It is believed that the French Sheep rabbit is one of the most peaceful and friendly animals. Lop-eared pets get along well with children and pets.


French rabbits are often compared to rams. All because of their appearance: drooping ears, a round muzzle, a nose with a fungus very much resemble a ram's face.

Lop-eared rabbits are characterized by the following features:

  • weight about 10 kg;
  • the muzzle is round with a convex forehead, the cheeks are voluminous, stand out against the general background, the nose is humped;
  • the ear has an unusual structure: it hangs down the sides of the muzzle, each ear is about 50 cm long and 10-17 cm wide;
  • the body of animals is quite large, with a sunken chest, paws are large and strong, the length of the body can reach 60-70 cm;
  • the back sags slightly, has an elongated shape;
  • the fur is thick and soft, it can be dyed in different colors.

Baranov have an unusual ear structure. Rabbit French Sheep hears almost nothing due to malformed ears. If, when buying a still very small animal, it is noticeable that the ears have the usual shape and are not lowered down, you should not be afraid: the change in the structure of the ears begins only 6 weeks after birth.

The characteristic claims that French Sheep can have a wide variety of colors. The colors are so bright and beautiful that every animal lover can find a pet to their liking. Rabbits can be white, gray, black, blue, spotted and variegated.

The most valuable fur colors are variegated and Madagascar.

Increasingly, French sheep are bred for economic purposes.

Upon reaching the age of 3-4 months, they are slaughtered and receive several kilograms of meat, high-quality fur. Many people breed rabbits for the further sale of rare and young animals. Such a thoroughbred animal is sold for an average of 800-1000 rubles.

In order for a rabbit to be guaranteed to be bought, you need to carefully and responsibly treat the breeding of the breed and choose parents. Before purchasing a pet, you need to see photos and videos of the French Sheep, as well as read the description.


Cuts are carried out upon reaching the following age: in females - at 9 months, in males - at 5-6 months. During interceptions, one should not allow mating of animals of different breeds and subspecies, because subsequently rabbits are obtained with irregular ears, making them unsuitable for sale or obtaining offspring. For breeding, it is necessary to carefully choose a partner for the rabbits. The animals must be of the same species, have the correct long ears located on the sides, the weight of the rabbits must be within 5 kg.

Obese animals reproduce poorly. For mating, the female is placed with the male and waited for about 7 days.

The female bears children for an average of 30 days. One litter may contain 4-7 rabbits. If 12 animals are born, it is more difficult for the female to feed the offspring. Lop-eared rabbits are responsible mothers, they do not eat their cubs, but carefully take care of them. After 3 years, females are usually not taken for mating, since they often die during childbirth. Breeding rabbits French Sheep should be carried out by experienced breeders, then with the right approach, you can get a purebred breed.


The bunny loves to eat and is able to chew grass throughout the day. For this reason, pets gain extra weight, as a result, breeding French Sheep becomes impractical. Greens, dandelion, nettle and plantain are given as food. It is best to collect greens, vegetables and fruits in your garden, since purchased goods can be stuffed with chemicals to extend the shelf life. In winter, they feed them with hay and vegetables.

It is permissible for rabbits to be given the following foods:

  • broccoli;
  • potatoes;
  • beets;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot.

The diet also includes cereals, animal feed and fruits. You need to be careful when feeding the animals, as rabbits have a tendency to digestive problems. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be fed in small portions. It is forbidden to feed rotten and spoiled food, as well as to give beans, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce or rhubarb.

Feeding is carried out 2-3 times a day in fractional portions. Throughout the day, animals should have fresh and drinking water at room temperature.

Care and maintenance

Due to the large size of pets, it is customary to keep them in a suitable room. It is not recommended to keep animals in cages with a mesh floor, as the mesh bottom rubs the delicate paws of animals. In whatever enclosures or rooms pets live, it is important for all of them to comply with certain conditions. Feeders should be metal, drinkers - nickel, so that the animals could not accidentally turn over or gnaw them.

The cages should not contain unnecessary parts that could damage the ears of the rabbits. Animals should be kept warm. Aviaries should be carefully protected from the sun and moisture, always clean, without unnecessary items. To prevent rabbits from gnawing on the wooden walls of enclosures or cages, spruce branches are placed in their feeders. So they sharpen their teeth without spoiling their home.

Placement in cells

The breed prefers to live in spacious rooms where several individuals can be raised without harming the animals. Rabbits really like to share space, because in this case they have someone to play with, and they are not at all bored. Due to the tendency to corns and pododermatitis, you should not make a cage with a mesh floor or walls. It is best to use flat surfaces for the cage. Pregnant females and males are best kept separately.

For one pet, the size of the cage should not be less than 0.9 × 0.8 × 0.6 m, and for females awaiting offspring - not less than 1.2 × 0.8 × 0.7 m.

Pets prefer to dig holes, so it will not be superfluous to install a pallet. Rabbits of the French Sheep breed are afraid of the cold - it is important to maintain the temperature in the cages all year round. Sometimes farmers place sheep cages in a greenhouse, where the temperature is maintained with heaters. Hay is laid on the bottom of the cages, otherwise there is a risk that the animals will freeze their legs.


Lop-eared rabbits are affectionate and peaceful animals, calm and unpretentious to care for. Thanks to their well-developed intelligence, they are easy to train. Small children adore animals, love to iron their soft fur. The animals are harmless, they easily get along with other domestic inhabitants. Since French Rams are nocturnal animals, they become sleepy during the day, while their peak of activity increases in the evening.

Pets can be placed in special enclosures. Before you put the rabbit in the aviary, you need to take a centimeter and measure the room. If the cage does not meet the required standards, the keeping and breeding of the Rams will slow down. Sometimes pets are released from the enclosures to run under the strict control of the owners. It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not accidentally hurt its ears on furniture. In proper conditions, sheep are able to live for about 7 years.

Diseases and vaccinations

French rams have a weak immune system, often suffer from diseases of the digestive system. Quite often, the ears and legs of animals are injured. It is forbidden to place animals on a metal mesh floor or on a fleecy carpet, as this contributes to the appearance and development of pododermatitis. Often, animals develop painful calluses on the pads of their paws, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of the pallet, change the hay and insulate the enclosure.

Rabbit ears are often secured overhead with special clips to avoid possible frostbite and injury. When breeding French Sheep, it is important not to forget about regular vaccinations and other measures to prevent infectious diseases. All pets are recommended to be shown to the veterinarian for a routine check-up once every 6-12 months.

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