Benefits of planting potatoes with eyes

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Planting potatoes with eyes is a special agricultural technique used by private gardeners if they want to achieve large potato yields at minimal cost.

Benefits of planting potatoes with eyes

Benefits of planting potatoes with eyes

The essence of ocellar landing

The active development and growth of potato culture largely depends on the creation of favorable conditions for the plant. The ripening process of the crop and its effectiveness are directly tied to the fight against pests and diseases and infections characteristic of vegetables. Reducing the impact of negative factors and the reproduction of infections allows a decrease in the consumption of planting material and a decrease in the footage of the usable land area. All this allows you to make an agrotechnical method of planting potatoes with eyes.

Correctly selected planting material affects the effectiveness of planting potatoes with eyes.

The essence of the effectiveness of such a planting of a vegetable crop is to provide a sufficient number of potato tubers with minerals. This is difficult to achieve when a vegetable crop is grown in the usual way. With him, the entire branchy bush begins to start up shoots from one tuber, each of which has its own root. The rotted planting tuber becomes glassy and does not provide adequate nutrition to the processes. As a result, the number of strong shoots is reduced. As a result, the gardener receives a heterogeneous crop, consisting of large and small potatoes.

By giving each individual potato eye the opportunity to grow separately, you ensure that the bush does not need to waste energy fighting for nutrients.

The result of planting potatoes with eyes will be the ability to increase the productive indicators of the potato crop in fairly small areas. At the same time, the vegetables are large, proportionate to each other, with the correct shape.

Benefits of eye-landing

The use of a special method of planting potato crops with eyes by private gardeners has its advantages over the usual cultivation of vegetables from a whole tuber.

Among the main advantages of planting vegetables in this way, reviews of practitioners note:

  • significant savings on seed,
  • the potential to develop new potato hybrid varieties,
  • uniform development of potato bushes on top of the beds creates a retaining layer for moisture,
  • selection of healthy potatoes makes it possible to grow a healthy crop,
  • when planting immediately after the end of cold weather, it is possible to get an early harvest of potatoes.

Among the main disadvantage of planting potatoes with eyes, gardeners point to the high human labor costs in the selection and preparation of seeds, because the efficiency of growing and the future harvest depends on the correct technological process.

Preparatory stage

 Seeds need to be cut before planting.

Seeds need to be cut before planting.

To grow a good harvest of potatoes from the planted eyes, you will have to work hard, carefully selecting the seed material. Among the basic rules:

  • selection of exceptionally large potatoes, rejection of small vegetables,
  • selection of fruits with well-developed eyes, of which there are several pieces per vegetable,
  • the selected seeds are cut immediately before planting in the soil, the planting material is not prepared in advance,
  • the resulting seedlings require abundant mineral groundbait.

At the preliminary stage, the selected seeds are placed in a warm place. This is done approximately 30 days before the date of planting the potato eyes in the soil. For this, the selected planting material is placed in wooden boxes or boxes with holes or gaps that create ventilation.

The temperature of germination of eyes for planting potatoes in the soil, the temperature in the room should not fall below 12 '.

If for the usual planting of potatoes there are enough formed green or purple sprouts, then for planting potatoes with eyes, additional stimulation of the development of sprouts is carried out so that they give roots. Stimulation is the spraying of the planting material with warm water for a week. Some gardeners add epin and zircon stimulating solutions to the water (8 drops per glass). Stimulation of the growth of planting material is carried out 20 days before the intended landing.

Ocular landing methods

Experienced gardeners have more than one way to plant potatoes with eyes.

  1. The first involves cutting the potato tuber into equal parts so that the sprout is not affected. The planting hole does not differ from the usual one, the distance between the ridges is half a meter. When the first shoots appear, the planting is spud and fertilized, for which it is mono to use humus or superphosphate, bird droppings or cow dung.
  2. The second method requires preliminary cultivation of seedlings from sprouted eyes cut out in the form of cones. They are stored all winter, covered with ash in a cool room and transferred to a warm place 30 days before planting. In loose soil, planting material is required to plant the eyes not down, but up, a centimeter of earth is poured from above. Seedlings are transplanted into open ground when at least five leaves have formed on it.
  3. The third proven way to grow potatoes from eyes involves planting in sawdust. To do this, you just need to lay out the potato slices on the garden bed and cover them with sawdust in a layer thickness of up to 15 cm with the addition of peat fertilizer. The sawdust must be pre-seasoned to get rid of excess acidity.

According to the reviews of gardeners, any of the listed methods of growing potatoes from the eyes can provide you with a rich harvest of potatoes.

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