The effect of potatoes on the human body

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The benefits and harms of potatoes are very relative concepts that largely depend on the correct use of the product. The beneficial properties of potatoes are based on its rich composition, and the harm - on some features of storage and preparation. Let's look at what potatoes are good for the body and in what cases they can harm us.

The effect of potatoes on the human body

The effect of potatoes on the human body

Potato composition

Potatoes are useful for humans, as they are a storehouse of valuable vitamins and substances we need. There is no need to talk about the benefits of vitamin C - it is a powerful aid to our immunity, a weapon against free radicals, an assistant in the absorption of iron, an important component of the normal functioning of the circulatory system. It should be remembered about the B vitamins, especially B6. Its presence makes ordinary potatoes an important assistant in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system, extremely useful for anemia, toxicosis, neuralgia and dermatitis.

The high potassium content has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, improves metabolism, and reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol. The starch, which is abundant in this vegetable, helps to cope with mucosal irritation caused by the action of drugs. In addition, the chemical compounds found in potatoes can lower blood pressure. We should not forget about the nutritional value of this vegetable: properly cooked potatoes provide us with useful substances, and in addition, it helps to cleanse the body and remove excess fluid.

The influence of solanine

Potatoes will bring harm or benefit - largely depends on the presence in it of some insidious substance called solanine. It is found in the peel, green areas and sprouts of potatoes, and if stored improperly, it penetrates under the peel and deeper into the vegetable. (By improper storage, we mean too long saving tubers and storing them in a bright place.)

If sprouts appear on the tubers, this is a sign that the level of solanine in the vegetable has increased significantly. It is better not to consume such tubers, and if necessary, cut the skin on them with a very thick layer.

A vegetable that contains this substance can cause serious problems in the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems. The most serious contraindication to the consumption of sprouted potatoes concerns pregnant women, as well as small children. To avoid dangerous changes in the properties of potatoes, it should be stored in a cool and dark place (the best option is a cellar with a temperature of no higher than six degrees).

Benefits for the figure

Potatoes are high in calories

Potatoes are high in calories

This product is known for its calorie content (one hundred grams of the product contains 76 kcal) and high starch content, which is why it is rarely found on the list of allowed foods on a weight loss diet. And at the same time, it has the ability to remove water, cleanse the stomach, improve metabolism and perfectly satisfy hunger.Is high-calorie potatoes good or bad for our figure? It largely depends on the way it is prepared.

Little remains of the beneficial properties of potatoes if you cook it in deep fat, soak it in water for a long time, or supply it with a lot of fat when cooking. At the same time, the calorie content of fried potatoes can increase three, four, or even five times! In general, the product will not spoil the effect of your diet and exercise in the least if consumed in moderation, baked or boiled, without fat. This vegetable is not in vain called "the second bread" - this folk wisdom contains very useful advice: just replace flour products with boiled tuber and your figure will not suffer at all.

Benefits for beauty

Experts argue not only the benefits of potatoes for our health, but also their importance for the field of beauty. Cosmetologists have long known the magical properties of young potatoes and their benefits for the skin of the hands, neck, face, condition of nails and hair. Means from this vegetable have nutritious, regenerating, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Starch helps to eliminate wrinkles and flabbiness, brightens the skin, tightens pores. What is important - it does not cause allergic reactions and is suitable for almost everyone.

In home cosmetology, raw potato juice is used, as well as mashed potatoes after cooking. With the help of simple ingredients, you can prepare a variety of masks for the face, neck, hands, hair and nails - completely natural, healing and effective. (Milk, honey, egg white, lemon juice, olive oil, and other natural ingredients can be added to homemade cosmetic masks that enhance the effect of potatoes.) In addition, folk medicine advises using raw tuber gruel to treat not too old corns.

Other beneficial properties

  1. This product contributes to the construction of proteins in the human body, and also plays an important role in the creation of the "hormone of joy" - serotonin.
  2. It has been found that people who consume potatoes are less likely to experience insomnia and have stronger memories.
  3. Raw potato juice is beneficial for the body, helping to fight migraines and digestive problems. In addition, raw product compresses heal skin conditions.
  4. Even insidious solanine, which should not be consumed in food, has been used successfully in medicine to treat burns.


  1. Excessive consumption of potatoes can negatively affect joint health if a person already has problems in this area. It is not necessary to completely eliminate the product from the diet - just reduce the amount.
  2. With a high glycemic index, this product is dangerous for people with diabetes. In such cases, the consumption of potatoes should be eliminated or minimized by combining it with products whose index is extremely low. In addition, diabetics should soak them before cooking and eating them.
  3. You should not eat this product in case of intestinal diseases, high acidity and sexually transmitted diseases.

Helpful information

  1. Which potato variety is healthier for the body? Nutritionists advise to give preference to varieties with reddish tubers. They are recommended to be cooked in the oven - oven, without peeling.
  2. It is best to cook potatoes without adding water to them. The fact is that some vitamins contained in the product tend to dissolve in water. Therefore, baked potatoes without adding water retain their health benefits to the maximum.
  3. Do not forget about inhalation with potatoes. Potato steam has healing properties that help to cope with a cold and a cold. In addition, it is much easier to make sick children "breathe over potatoes" than to surrender to the mercy of sophisticated inhalers and drugs.
  4. Not only earthen fruits are useful, but also the flowers of this plant. Tincture of potato flowers helps to cope with angina and lower blood pressure, but it should be taken carefully, without abuse (flowers also contain solanine, albeit in small doses). You can make an aqueous or alcoholic tincture from flowers (or from flowers and seeds) - whichever you like best. the latter is convenient in that it does not deteriorate for a long time. You can take an alcoholic infusion either in pure form (ten drops a day), or by adding it to tea.
  5. Traditional medicine advises using a decoction of potato peels to soften the skin of the hands and feet. In addition, gardeners believe that potato peelings are the best fertilizing and fertilizing for plants.
  6. How to choose potatoes with the best consumer properties? First of all, do not buy irregularly shaped shriveled tubers with flaky skins. If there are "eyes" or sprouts on the potato, its usefulness leaves much to be desired. The best potatoes have a medium size, smooth skin and a round, regular shape. It does not interfere with picking the peel before buying: if after that you see a lot of juice - most likely, nitrates are present in the root vegetable.
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