Description of potatoes Courage

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Potatoes Courage has proved to be a good side. Gardeners often grow it for sale and for home use: it tastes great.

Description of potatoes Courage

Description of potatoes Courage

Characteristics of the Kurazh variety

The potato variety Courage was developed by Dutch breeders in 2007.

The ripening period of the variety ranges from 80 to 90 days. It is possible to harvest 16-27 tons of crops from one hectare. 10-15 fruits ripen under one bush.

Description of the bush

According to the description, the Kurazh potato variety belongs to the medium-late types of this crop. Bushes grow in different sizes. The leaves are green, large. The plant produces purple corollas.

Description of fruits

The weight of one fruit is 100 g. The fruits are red, oval in shape. The skin is smooth, the eyes are medium, the flesh is yellow.

The potato boils well and tastes good. In addition to mashed potatoes and other potato dishes, Kurazh gets delicious chips.

Pluses of the Kurazh variety

According to the description, Courage potatoes have the following positive characteristics:

  • high amount of starch in fruits (almost 20%);
  • persistent immunity to many diseases, especially potato cancer and golden nematode;
  • good preservation;
  • excellent presentation;
  • possibility of transportation without damage;
  • high taste.

Preparing for landing

Courage potatoes grow well if planted in moderately acidic soils. So that the earth is not too acidic, it is diluted with wood ash. Potatoes are planted in places where perennial grasses, as well as flax and lupines, once grew.

If you plant potatoes in mid to late April, they will freeze. It is best to plant it in mid-May, when the soil and air are already well warmed up.

Planting material is prepared in advance. Tubers are germinated before planting. Usually they begin to do this 1.5 months before planting potatoes in the ground. The most suitable sprout length for planting is 2 cm.

Landing rules

Planting is carried out in warm soil.

Planting is carried out in warm soil.

The ground temperature at the time of landing at a depth of 10 cm must be at least 8 ° C. Before planting, the tubers are treated with a growth stimulant, usually the drug "Epin" is used for this.

When planting, the height of the ridge should be 12 cm, and the width - 65 cm.If the soil has a sandy composition, the fruits are planted to a depth of 10 cm, and if loamy - 8 cm.During planting, a distance of 35 is made in furrows or open areas between bushes. cm, and the rows are 70 cm wide.

Plant care

Growing potatoes Courage involves the observance of several conditions:

  • A place for plant growth is chosen where there is a lot of light and no wind.
  • When planting, fertilizers are mixed with the ground, and not thrown into holes. This is necessary so as not to damage the planting material.
  • Watering is carried out, especially on hot days.
  • Hilling is done as soon as the bush reaches 20-25 cm in height.
  • The earth is loosened and weeded.

Before planting tubers in the ground, the soil is fertilized with organic and mineral agents. Their number depends on the composition of the soil. Basically, mineral fertilizing is added at 3 kg per one hundred square meters for the entire growing period.

Potatoes of the Kurazh variety are classified as medium-sized, one feeding for the entire period is enough for him. In the first stages of ripening, only half of the fertilizer is applied. This is necessary to protect the potatoes from environmental damage. The second time, fertilizing is applied when the bushes get stronger, but have not yet begun to bloom.

For fertilizers, they take urea, ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate: they dissolve well in water and do not contain chlorine. There are also complex fertilizers that contain all the necessary substances, for example, "Kemira-universal".

Diseases and pests

According to its characteristics, the Kurazh variety tolerates potato crayfish and golden nematode well, but is susceptible to late blight. As a preventive measure, the fruits are germinated and treated with a growth stimulant. The tool not only accelerates the development of the plant, but also protects it from late blight.

After planting, the plots are treated with fungicides for prophylactic purposes. To do this, use means such as "Yunomil", "Ridomil" and "Aviksil". Spores from late blight can be found in dead stems and weeds, so you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible.


Courage potatoes are a versatile type that is used for sale and for industrial purposes. It has excellent taste and presentation. Potatoes are undemanding to care for and have a fairly strong immune system.

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