Description of Alena potatoes

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Alena's potatoes have gained great recognition in the world market due to the fact that they can give a good harvest, even in areas with short summers and unfavorable soil. The development of the bushes occurs at a decent speed, literally in a month and a half. During this time, the fruits fully ripen and accumulate the required amount of the necessary elements.

Description of Alena potatoes

Description of Alena potatoes

Characteristics of the variety

Alena was bred in Holland at the end of the last century. Literally a few years later, it was entered into the national register. It is believed that it is best grown in northern countries, where the climatic conditions are always cold.

It is recommended to grow it not only on agricultural land, for personal use. Quite often it is grown in industrial plants. All due to the fact that this potato tolerates long-term storage well, and it can be transported over long distances. Due to the fact that its tubers are of an ideal even shape, excellent semi-finished products are obtained from it. Also, it is very often grown for sale.

The description and characteristics of the plant are noteworthy. Alena ripens faster than other early varieties. Its tubers are formed and ripen in a month and a half. It is believed that full maturation occurs 50 days after planting. Productivity is at a high level. It is possible to collect up to 300 kg of finished products from 1 hectare of vegetable garden.

It is believed that the yield will be at a high level if the soil is rich in beneficial trace elements. Also, if you take proper care of this species, and feed the soil on time, you can increase the amount of the crop by 2-2.5 times. If you plant seed in June, then in July you can already dig a small amount of potatoes for your own use. But the massive cleaning should be carried out in August.


The bush does not grow tall. Its tops can spread, but not over long distances. The leaves on the tops are small in size and have minimal waviness at the edges. Corollas are presented from a small number of white flowers.

The root system is striking in its development. Up to 20 root crops can be harvested from one bush. Due to the fact that there are few non-commodity products, it sells quickly. The variety is not susceptible to disease, so you don't have to worry about diseases and pests. Alena's potatoes do not degenerate, so you can collect seed on your own from the last harvest.

Description of the fetus

Ripe tubers are quite large. The weight of each tuber can reach 150-200 g. The shape resembles an oval, and is always even, without flaws. You can find fruits that will have an oblong shape. All tubers have the same weight among themselves, and their shape is similar to each other, which is why they are so ideal for sale.

The rind is presented in light yellow tones and is very thin in structure. Its color is uniform throughout the potato. You can see eyes, but they are very small, almost invisible.If you cut the fruit, you can see that the flesh has a creamy or yellow tint. The amount of starch is not bad at about 14%. Alena contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein, so it can be used not only for making mashed potatoes or soups. This is ideal for baking or making French fries.

Benefits of the variety

Delicious and fruitful potatoes

Delicious and productive potatoes

The most important advantages of this potato variety are considered to be:

  • the description speaks of the unique taste of potatoes;
  • high level of productivity;
  • characterized by high storage rates and does not deteriorate during long-term transportation;
  • can be used to prepare any dishes;
  • not picky about the soil for planting seed;
  • tolerates drought well;
  • if you pay attention to the description, then this variety is not subject to diseases and pests;
  • tolerates adverse weather conditions well.

There is no shortage of this variety. But, in order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to regulate watering, feed the soil well and loosen the soil.

Growing rules

For planting in the ground, you should choose only those fruits that have an excellent appearance, without diseases, and they should be small in size. In order to prevent diseases and accelerate the growth of seedlings, it is required to treat the seeds with Fitosporin. Also, to improve yield indicators, it is necessary to feed the soil with both mineral fertilizers and organic ones. But, best of all, alternate between these two dressings.

In order not to risk the harvest due to insufficient moisture, it is better to install drip irrigation. This will allow you to regulate the water balance of the soil, and will not allow the potatoes to form incorrectly. Also, such potatoes do not require special care for themselves. Before planting, it is required to treat each potato with special chemicals that will protect it from negative effects.

It is also necessary to put humus in each hole. It is required to adhere to a distance of 30 cm between the bushes. But between the rows, you need to adhere to a distance of 80 cm. During these one and a half months, you should spud the potatoes several times, and do not forget to remove all weeds from the soil. To increase the amount of the future harvest, you can put straw or dry grass between the rows.

Before harvesting, a few weeks before that, it is required to feed all the bushes with special phosphates. This will allow the tubers to absorb all the necessary substances from the tops, and ripen faster. Before you start harvesting, you need to remove all the tops. After digging out the tubers, you need to hold them a little in the sun for better drying, and only then move them to storage places.

Disease prevention

The description says that this potato variety quite easily resists all negative diseases and pests. It is unaffected by cancer, nematodes and other common viruses and fungal infections. Also, due to its rapid maturation, it does not undergo late blight.

As a preventive measure, you can spray all the bushes with special preparations that contain copper. Also, do not forget that you need to process all the seed material with chemicals that are poisonous for pests.

Quite often, insecticides are used that can protect potatoes from pests. They should be placed under each bush in the soil, and superficial spraying of all furrows should be carried out. These chemicals will help ward off more than just moths or aphids. This remedy will help prevent the Colorado potato beetle from growing. Also, as a preventive measure, you can use wood ash, which must be placed in the holes before planting.

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