Choosing cabbage seeds

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Cabbage is one of the most common vegetable crops. When purchasing cabbage seeds, you need to understand that each variety has its own purpose.

Choosing cabbage seeds

Choosing cabbage seeds

Satellite F1

This Dutch hybrid has been popular for several years now. It attracts the attention of gardeners with its high yield. The seed producer of this variety is the Bejo company.

Variety characteristics

Round-shaped heads ripen about 10 days after planting mature seedlings in open ground. Accordingly, the variety belongs to medium late. The mass of each fruit is at least 3 kg, the leaves are tightly attached to each other. As for the average weight of the fruit, it is 4.5 kg. This hybrid is appreciated for a long storage period, during which the cabbage does not lose its taste and presentation.

In terms of purpose, this hybrid is equally good for making fresh salads as well as for pickling or pickling. This variety is also used in the food industry.

The Satellite hybrid is resistant to fusarium wilt, which often affects this vegetable crop. Cabbage of this variety does not crack.

Sugar Loaf

Sugarloaf - Another mid-late versatile hybrid that cannot be ignored. This variety was born thanks to the work of Russian specialists working in the Sedek company.

Variety characteristics

The average height of an adult plant is 0.4 m, but this variety is quite spreading. The diameter of the leaf rosette can reach 0.9 m. Accordingly, it is necessary to plant seedlings at a considerable distance from each other. The leaves are colored either green or gray and covered with a bloom resembling wax. The edges of the leaf plates have a slight waviness. The heads of cabbage mature about 135 days after planting the seedlings.

Despite the grayish color of the leaf plates, the heads of cabbage are white in cross-section. The main advantage of Sugar Loaf is its high content of natural sugar. Accordingly, this variety is best used for fresh consumption. The Sugarloaf hybrid has a universal purpose.

The formed heads of cabbage are dense inside, there are no voids in them. Each head of cabbage weighs at least 1.5 kg. The average weight is 3 kg. Heads of cabbage weighing about 7 kg grew in the Altai Territory.

The hybrid also has a significant drawback: the fruits can crack during ripening. Also, when fermented, the Sugarloaf becomes somewhat harsh.

Experts recommend harvesting after the first frost: the taste of cabbage harvested before frost is less saturated.

Brigadier F1

Good seeds for good results

Good seeds for good results

It is a French hybrid prized for its high yields.

Variety characteristics

The weight of one head of cabbage varies from 2 to 6 kg. The hybrid is resistant to frost, so it is grown in the northern regions of the country.The sheet plates are large. They are colored light green with a waxy coating. The shape of the heads is round, there are no voids.

With industrial cultivation, up to 700 centners of the crop are harvested from 1 hectare. The average is in the range of 450-500 centners. Almost the entire crop has a good presentation. Heads of cabbage have a high concentration of vitamin C.

Hybrid Brigadier normally tolerates a lack of moisture and is resistant to fusarium. Even if the harvest is delayed, the heads of cabbage do not crack. The only drawback this variety possesses is the high price policy of planting material.


The Russian company "Gavrish" is engaged in the production of seeds of the Slava variety. The variety is primarily appreciated for its excellent taste. Slava is especially good in fermented form.

Variety characteristics

Glory belongs to mid-season varieties. Rounded and slightly flattened heads of cabbage mature in 105 days. This variety is high-yielding. With proper care, the weight of a ripe head of cabbage is 3.5 kg. The plant is not spreading. Accordingly, it can be planted quite thickly. From 1 sq. m collect about 13 kg of cabbage.

The hybrid is resistant to most diseases, not prone to cracking. Heads of cabbage are stored for no more than 3 months. This indicator cannot be called high: throughout the entire period, the crop retains a good presentation.

Slava grade is intended for fermentation and for fresh use.

Varieties of varieties

There are two varieties of the described variety: Slava Gribovskaya 231 and Slava 1305. They differ slightly in ripening period and yield.

Glory 1305 ripens 2 weeks later and gives larger fruits. Denser heads of cabbage and a long shelf life in the variety Slava Gribovskaya 231. Slava 1305 is resistant to almost all diseases, suitable for growing in Siberia and the Urals.

As for the taste of the hybrids, they practically do not differ.

Super Cossack F1

Strong seedlings

Strong seedlings

Cabbage Super Kazachok F1 is the result of the work of Russian breeders. It is appreciated for its high taste, early maturity and resistance to diseases (not susceptible to mucous bacteriosis and black leg)

The full ripening period is 105 days. The period from planting mature seedlings in the ground to harvesting is 50 days.

The diameter of a ripe head of cabbage is 60 cm. The height of the plant varies from 0.2 to 0.3 m. The leaf plates are colored dark green, sometimes a bluish tinge is present. The average weight of one head of cabbage is 1.5 kg. Due to the small size of the plant, thickening of the plantings is allowed. The yield per hectare is 35-37 hectares.

Solo F1

This hybrid was born thanks to the work of Moscow breeders. He stands for high commercial qualities.

The length of a sheet plate with an even and smooth edge is 25-27 cm. The width varies from 23 to 31 cm. The average diameter is 55 cm. The sheet plates are colored light green. If you look at the fruit from a certain angle, you can see a bluish tint.

The ripening period is 95 days, technical maturity occurs 90 days after the first seeds germinate. The weight of each head of cabbage varies from 1.2 to 1.5 kg. At the same time, the total yield from 1 sq. m is 3.5 kg.

The hybrid resists vascular bacteriosis well, but is susceptible to keel, which can destroy a large part of the crop. The variety is not resistant to black leg, therefore, when growing seedlings at home, difficulties arise.

Super Extra

This hybrid of Ukrainian selection is appreciated for keeping quality.

Heads of cabbage look unusual. This is due to excessive wax build-up.

You can get a crop in 125 days after planting mature seedlings in the ground. Accordingly, the hybrid is late maturing.

How much each head of cabbage will weigh depends on the quality of planting care.The average weight is 3 kg, which is a good indicator. From 1 hectare with industrial cultivation, about 100 tons of crop are harvested. The advantage of this hybrid is its short stump. Also, the hybrid is resistant to almost all diseases of a fungal and viral nature.

If the proper conditions are provided during storage, fresh cabbage can be eaten throughout the winter. The shelf life of the Super Extra hybrid is 9 months. Harvest during storage does not undergo point necrosis.

Structon F1

This Dutch hybrid is prized for its high yield. The hybrid is stored for about 5 months, is not afraid of fusarium and is rarely affected by thrips.

Heads of cabbage need 135 days to ripen. With proper care, heads of cabbage weighing 5.5-6 kg are obtained. The average weight is 4.5 kg, which is also a lot. It is worth noting the high content of vitamin C in heads of cabbage.

This hybrid is especially good when fermented.

Seed selection

Of the new products, you should pay attention to the following varieties:

  • Sibiryachka 60;
  • Sunta F1;
  • Golden hectare;
  • Surprise F1;
  • Present;
  • Cecile F1;
  • Skywalker F1.

The last 2 varieties are from Holland. Despite this, they perfectly adapt to the harsh climate of Russia, and are resistant to many diseases. The same goes for the Japanese Sunta cabbage.

The listed varieties are worthy competition even for such popular hybrids as Swan, Minora and Aggresor.

Selection features

When purchasing white cabbage seeds, pay attention to the manufacturer. Quality seeds are easier to germinate at home and produce viable seedlings. Also, when buying seeds, pay attention to their shelf life. To purchase original seeds, they make a purchase only in specialized stores operating on the market for at least 8-10 months.

It is also worth paying attention to where the seeds came from. Preference is given to domestic producers or foreign seeds that have proven themselves. Often, foreign, even the best hybrids, are not adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of Russia.

Cabbage propagates by seeds, but it will not work to get good seeds from hybrids: in each next generation there will be weaker and not resistant to diseases plants.

When buying, pay attention to where the manufacturer recommends planting seeds. The yield of greenhouse hybrids when grown outdoors is significantly reduced. When planting seeds for seedlings, large-volume containers are taken in order to injure the root system of plants as little as possible when transplanting into the ground.

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