How to process cabbage with Intavir

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Intavir is an insecticide that effectively exterminates insects that harm vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. The drug has shown effectiveness in the fight against 52 species of harmful insects. Summer residents and owners of personal plots most often use Intavir to treat cabbage against leaf-eating and sucking pests.

Cabbage processing with Intavir

Cabbage processing with Intavir

General description of the drug

Intavir is an enteric insecticide developed by domestic experts. It is analogous to a natural toxin obtained by a synthetic method. The active ingredient of the product is cypermethrin, which is naturally present in the inflorescences of chamomile, chrysanthemum and tansy, providing them with reliable protection against harmful insects.

In Intavir, the concentration of cypermethrin is 3.75%, so the agent is not used for prophylactic treatments. It is used only for the extermination of parasites on vegetative plants.

Release form

Russian enterprises produce Intavir in tablet or powder form. Both forms have a mass of 8 g. The drug dissolves well in warm water, leaving no sediment.

The mechanism of action of the drug

The purpose of treatment with Intavir is the destruction of pests that parasitize on cultivated plants.

The drug, hitting the integumentary membranes of insects, penetrates the parasites and causes them to spasm, convulsions and paralysis of the nervous system. As a result, insects die within 3 days.

What pests does it help against?

Common types of harmful insects on which the drug has a detrimental effect are:

  • weevils;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • ants;
  • cabbage white;
  • tea moth;
  • thrips;
  • cruciferous fleas;
  • cherry and carrot fly;
  • leaf-eating caterpillars;
  • aphid;
  • cabbage scoop;
  • moth;
  • leaf rollers and flower beetles.

Intavir treatment has been shown to be effective against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and ants living in the house.

Against certain species, 1 treatment is sufficient, against others it is necessary to process 2-3 times per season. There are pest groups that are resistant to this chemical. Other methods of struggle are used against them.

Application of the product on cabbage

The drug will help to cope with pests

The drug will help to cope with pests

The drug has found practical application in the fight against thrips, cabbage whiteworm, cruciferous flea beetles, meadow moth caterpillars, aphids, cabbage scoop. Three times treatment with this preparation is allowed per season.

Preparation of working solution

Cabbage should be processed in cool, windless weather. It is advisable that after processing for 6-10 hours there was no rain, otherwise it will wash off the drug from the leaves.

When creating a working solution for spraying cabbage, strictly adhere to the recommended dosage.Excessive doses, together with pests, will kill the beneficial microflora.

To process cabbage with high quality, 1 tablet is dissolved in a small amount of pure water. Next, water is added to the resulting solution, bringing the volume to 10 liters. The drug should be completely dissolved in water, there should be no sediment at the bottom of the bucket.

Application of the drug

The prepared solution is poured into a sprayer or spray bottle, with the help of which it is possible to spray the cabbage with high quality. During work, all parts of the plant are wetted, regardless of whether they are affected by the pest or not.

The consumption rate of the working solution should be 10 liters for each hundred square meters of cabbage beds. The duration of the protective action when treated with Intavir is 2-4 weeks, depending on weather conditions. In hot weather, the effectiveness of the product decreases.

After 3 weeks, if there are pests, the treatment can be duplicated. Up to 3 treatments are allowed per season. Some pests are able to adapt to the drug, then it does not bring the expected effect. In this case, Intavir should be replaced with another agent.

Security measures

The drug is poisonous, it belongs to the 3rd hazard class. This means that the processing must be carried out in protective equipment. Areas of the body should be protected by work clothes, the face - by a medical mask or a respirator with goggles.

Treatment with Intavir does not allow smoking, drinking, eating during work. After the end of the procedure, wash your hands and face with soap, rinse your mouth, wash your clothes.

Emergency assistance in case of poisoning with Intavir

If it enters the stomach, the agent causes severe poisoning. In this case, you need to act immediately. The victim should rinse his mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate, then take 6-7 tablets of activated carbon, take a laxative, drink water and call an ambulance.

If the working solution gets on the skin or eyes, these areas are washed with plenty of water.

Storage rules and shelf life

Intavir is stored separately from medicines and products. Children's access to the storage area is limited. In a dry room at temperatures from -5 ° to 35 ° C, the product can be stored for 2 years. If the package is opened, the drug is used on the same day.


Treatment with Intavir demonstrates high efficiency against pests on cabbage and other crops. The result will not be long in coming if you process the plantings strictly according to the instructions.

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