How to trim the leaves of squash

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Zucchini is a delicious vegetable and a completely unpretentious plant. The culture is thermophilic, prefers well-lit places, needs regular feeding and watering, as well as a well-balanced loamy or sandy loam soil. In order to achieve large fruits and a rich harvest, it is recommended to carry out a number of additional care measures. So, many gardeners prefer to pick off the leaves from zucchini. But it is important to do it right so as not to harm the plant. Let's consider the main recommendations.

How to trim the leaves of squash

How to trim the leaves of squash

The purpose of pruning leaves

Zucchini often has a moment when there are too many leaves. The plant puts a lot of energy into the development of runners, thereby paying less attention to the fruit.

This can happen for many reasons. The plant probably lacks nutrients or just sun, so it strives to take up more space and take root well for further development.

The abundance of green mass often covers the inflorescences from the sun and insects. This moment negatively affects the amount of the crop. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out additional activities and pick off excess leaves.

Pruning zucchini will give the following positive results:

  • improved aeration of the ground surface under the bush - the plant will be well ventilated, moisture will not stagnate in the bush for too long, which will allow them to feel better;
  • insects will be able to better pollinate the inflorescences due to the fact that the flowers themselves will be clearly visible on the surface of the bush;
  • faster ripening of fruits, due to good heating of the soil - the fruits will not rot on too wet ground and will receive the required amount of solar heat (this has a positive effect on the taste of the vegetable);
  • harmonious distribution of the forces of plants to fruits and the development of a "green" system;
  • prevention of the development of many diseases - bad leaves are removed, which will save the bush.

What leaves to pick

Examining the zucchini bushes, it is necessary to prune all dry, damaged and oversized leaves.

Completely dry parts can be torn off: they are easy to remove from the base, and they will not harm the main plant system. But the live ones are carefully removed using a garden pruner or a sharp knife.

It is also worth highlighting those processes that interfere with the peduncles and the fruits themselves. Avoid fiddling or moving the plant too much. It's better to just delete the unwanted sheet.

Pruning is carried out as close to the trunk as possible, otherwise the residues can cause rotting and even death of the plant.

When to carry out the procedure

Extra leaves obstruct the flowers

Extra leaves obstruct the flowers

Experts recommend trimming the zucchini leaves in three main steps.

  • Active flowering period. The first procedure is carried out in order to maximize the attention of insects to the peduncles. Excess leaves are removed directly near the flowers.
  • The second stage refers to sanitary and can be carried out at almost any period of plant development. At this time, it is necessary to cleanse the plants from dried and diseased leaves. This will allow the zucchini to develop better and prevent the development of diseases;
  • Fruit formation period. Pruning at this stage is one of the most important because it has a direct impact on the yield. It is necessary to carefully examine the bush and remove those parts that will shade the crop.

It is recommended to remove no more than 2-3 leaves at a time. More can injure the plant.

Secrets for growing zucchini

Zucchini is a healthy vegetable and is widely used in cooking. This is one of the first spring vegetables to be expected after a long winter.

In addition to basic and additional plant care, experienced gardeners are ready to share the secrets of growing zucchini to get the best harvest.

The plant is very thermophilic. Therefore, experts recommend planting seeds in already well-heated soil. In addition, it is necessary to choose a corner without shade on the site. This allows for well-formed and tasty fruits.

It is important to regularly water and feed the plant. Watered from below and only with warm water. Often the procedure is combined with top dressing.

When planting seeds, it is necessary to clearly consider the distance between the bushes. Zucchini can grow up to 2 m in diameter, so when planting plants in open ground, it is worth keeping at least 70-80 cm. It is also worth observing the neighborhood for plants.

Even a well-lit place will be able to shade tall crops. Therefore, this vegetable crop is planted near cabbage, beets, carrots and other undersized crops.

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