Varieties of compound feed for turkeys

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For the health and full life of poultry, the organization of balanced and healthy feeding is in the first place. Turkeys are no exception, therefore, it is best to give compound feed for turkeys. So that the bird does not get sick, gain weight and bring income to the owner, it must be fed well and variedly. The composition of the compound feed for turkeys depends on their age and the rate of feeding the turkey poults with compound feed is calculated individually for each individual.

Varieties of compound feed for turkeys

Varieties of compound feed for turkeys

The compound feed can be used as soon as the chicks are five days old. But in order to properly organize the distribution of such food, one must take into account the peculiarities of the bird's nutrition. Rules for feeding turkeys are not very difficult, but they must be observed, since the bird can get sick from the wrong food, or even die. The price of purchased or hand-made compound feed may differ and depends on the manufacturer or the use of certain products. Good food from the first day can be made at home with your own hands.

What is the correct way to give compound feed to birds?

Compound feed for turkey poults at home is given by pouring onto a smooth board. To prevent the food from waking up, you can nail the sides to its edges. Some farmers use paper or cardboard, but they can get wet, and pieces of turkey bedding can peel off. In addition, such a substrate will have to be changed frequently. Also give turkeys and water. Only high quality feed should be taken and their expiration date should be monitored.

It does not matter factory or homemade, it is better not to use a premix, as it is not very well absorbed.

Vitamins and other supplements for better growth can be introduced when the chicks are already a week old. It is better to give food in small portions, otherwise it will go bad. The freshness of dairy products should be monitored especially closely. They quickly turn sour and the bird may develop diarrhea.

The approximate composition of feed for turkeys

It is important to use various types of products for young animals so that the growing body does not lack any substances. It is best to use compound feed, where everything necessary for growth has already been mixed. In such a feed, all mineral salts, amino acids, vitamins and carbohydrates are precisely calculated.

Composition of compound feed for turkeys

  • Fish flour - 5%
  • Wheat - 7%
  • Corn - 30%
  • Premix - 1%
  • Chalk - 3.5%
  • Soybean meal - 32%
  • Potassium phosphate - 1.6%
  • Sunflower cake - 9%
  • Lysine - 0.003%
  • Extruded soybean - 10%
  • Threonine - 0.003%
  • Sodium chlorine - 0.4%

You can, of course, prepare such a mixture yourself, but this process will be laborious. In addition, you need to correctly calculate the proportion and get all the necessary components. To grind the same corn and wheat, you will also have to come up with some kind of mechanism. It is worth considering that in addition to the correct composition, the feed must have a certain density indicator. So it is more rational to use the purchased one.

Feeding regimen and norms

Can't overfeed

Can't overfeed

The norms for feeding turkey poults with compound feed depend on the age, condition of the bird and other features. How much compound feed should be given per day so that the bird can eat enough and there is no overconsumption of food? Until the poults are one week old, feed should be given at the rate of 150 grams per individual. If the owner feeds the males, then for an individual up to a week of age it is worth taking 50 grams more mixed feed.

After that, the rate for females should be increased, it will be equal to 250 g, and for males - 300-350 g. Do not give more than the norm. The composition of compound feed from different companies may contain different amounts of calories, and if they are not enough, then the bird will be hungry. It is also harmful when there are too many calories. This can affect the behavior of the bird. She can begin to show aggression, in an acute form, this can result in cannibalism.

What to look for when choosing compound feed?

To choose exactly what is required, focus on age. After choosing a food, you also need to find out how many calories it contains in order to calculate the daily intake. If in the future it is planned to slaughter poultry for meat, then you should choose a feed that will contribute to a quick weight gain. This kind of turkey feed has more vitamins and proteins. The calorie content of the feed should be appropriate for the age of the bird.

The older the bird, the more calories the turkey feed should contain. The amount of daily calorie intake does not depend on the composition of the turkey feed. This number is stable and depends only on the age of the bird. Feeding pigs or other types of feed is not recommended. Although the price of different types of feed may differ, you should not choose the cheapest one. Naturally, compound feed for turkeys should not be overdue. It should be noted that in addition to vitamins, proteins, mineral salts, fiber must be added to feeding adult birds.

On the contrary, a young bird does not need fiber at all and is even harmful. Compound feed for turkeys should not contain animal products. Such compound feed for turkeys negatively affects the liver, and with constant use can cause diseases, therefore they are not given at home. You need to feed with easily digestible foods that will contribute to growth and weight gain. If the compound feed requires that it be eaten in a wet form, then it must be prepared just before distribution, otherwise it may ferment or sour.

Characteristics of the most popular compound feeds

Compound feed contains vitamins

Compound feed contains vitamins

Feeding can be carried out with Start and Purina feeds most demanded for turkey fattening. The composition of all compound feeds is approximately the same when compared with the start feed, but each of the types contains various additional substances. It is better to choose a starting composition based on the age of the turkeys and on the purpose of growing.

Types of compound feed from the company "Start"

1) Pk-11-2. These products are produced in the form of fine granules. Contains in its composition all the necessary trace elements and substances. Recommended for poults from five days to two weeks. It consists of feed-type yeast, corn, fish meal, sunflower oil, wheat, soybean meal, premix, sunflower meal, salt and mineral additives.

2) Pk-12-1. Given to a bird that is already 14 weeks old. Consumed before 18 weeks. Contains everything that is needed at this time for full growth and development.

3) Pk-13-1. Designed for feeding turkeys 15-30 weeks of age, approximately from 3.5 to 7.5 months. The composition is similar to the types described above, but contains more enzymes.

4) Pk-14. This food is indicated for females that lay eggs. In this case, the body must receive all the necessary substances so that the bird rushes well and the shell is strong. Therefore, this species does not contain soybean meal, wheat, sunflower meal, sunflower oil.

For young animals among farmers who breed turkeys, mixed fodders "Purina" and PC 1 are popular. However, if for some reason feeding with these types of food is impossible, then you should pay attention to other manufacturers.

PC 1 and "Purina"

Compound feeds with this marking are ideal for newly hatched chicks. It is rich in protein and minerals, as well as vitamin supplements and amino acids. Turkeys develop rapidly and gain weight.

These feeds are environmentally friendly, as they are produced from natural products and do not contain chemical additives. This, not least, explains their popularity. In addition, they are very beneficial economically, since they are very high in calories, and the bird gains weight well with a relatively low feed consumption.

The composition of the combined feed from the company "Purina"

  • Barley
  • Salt
  • Fish flour
  • Corn
  • a piece of chalk
  • Feed wheat
  • Premix
  • Sunflower meal
  • Phosphate

Food "Power of Nature"

In addition to the above, this turkey feed contains various types of vitamins and trace elements that help the rapid growth and well-being of the farm livestock.

  • Vitamin D3
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Provitamin A
  • Copper
  • B vitamins
  • Iodine

Combined feed for turkeys "Rost"

You can give compound feed for turkey poults at any age, since this product is a universal development. At a more mature age, in order to prepare the bird for slaughter with the required weight, the turkey feed must be labeled “for weight gain”. Since the products are released by the same company, the transition is made without problems. "Growth" for weight gain is made in the form of balls.

Poultry labeled feed can be fed to turkeys up to 8 weeks of age. Nicotinic acid, folic acid, Mn and Co are added to these feed types.

Compound feed for young animals

Finely chopped for babies

Finely chopped for babies

Compound feed for young animals has its own characteristics, depending on how many weeks the young are. From that very age how turkeys were born and until the end of feeding, all instructions for the selection of feed must be strictly followed. This applies to both the products that go into food, and the entire meal regimen. Newly hatched turkey poults are very weak and unviable and their health and life depend on proper nutrition during this period.

Their beaks are not yet strong, and their eyesight is poorly developed. With this in mind, you need to feed under strict control. They should definitely eat. Do not forget that newborns must not only be fed, but also watered. It is best to give them water with sugar or glucose. It is also advisable to add vitamin C to this solution. Dosage for 1 liter of sugar water is 2 tbsp. spoons. Vitamin C is put into this mixture in the form of a powder at the rate of 1 bag per liter.

Feeding should be started 12-16 hours after hatching. For this, boiled eggs are used. They must be finely chopped and passed through a sieve. After that, wheat or corn flour should be put in the eggs. The bird is fed with this mixture for a week. After that, the egg is no longer needed. In order for the poults to actively absorb food, it is necessary to imitate the actions of their mother. After distributing the food, you need to knock on the board with your finger, because the turkey calls its children to food, knocking with its beak.

Introduction of new food for diurnal birds

As soon as the chicks are 24 hours old, the owner must enrich their diet. It is not necessary to introduce many new foods at one time, as the stomach of the turkeys must adapt to the unfamiliar food and they must eat new food. A new product should be introduced at the rate of 1 part new to 4 familiar. Further, it will be written in the instructions what to add first, and what then to one-day-old chicks on the second day of their life. All products are given in a very small form. To achieve the desired consistency, it is best to grind them through a sieve.

The following foods can be given

  • Low fat cottage cheese.
  • Green onions with feathers.
  • Carrot.

Do not be negligent and to the general care of chicks... Like food, all living things need water. It should be clean and fresh. To do this, it is necessary to pour out the settled water every 3-4 hours and add fresh water. It should be remembered that the chicks are still very tender, so the water should not be too cold or hot. The optimum temperature is room temperature. For chicks it is also worth purchasing convenient feeders and drinkers.

If the turkeys are two days old, then they should be given homemade feed for food.

  • Dandelion leaves
  • Millet
  • Nettle
  • Alfalfa in the form of green mass
  • Wheat poultry, highly crushed
  • Ready-made feed mix

The mixture that is given to the chicks for food after the first day should not be dry. To make it moist, it is mixed with meat broth, yogurt or whey. The mash should not be like porridge or solution, it should crumble easily. Therefore, the liquid must be poured in small portions, stirring thoroughly. After the second day, the turkeys are given barley or oatmeal. They can be given either separately or as additives to the main feed.

The second method is preferable if the chicks refuse to eat. You need to feed the bird with an interval of three hours. A longer time interval between meals is unacceptable. Each time, only fresh feed is given, and the remains of the old are removed. Also, with each feeding, new foods should be added to the diet according to the scheme indicated above.

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